[Anh-bài tập]-ngữ pháp-mệnh đề+đại từ quan hệ



uk, là which, nếu xét về nghĩa thì không sao, nhưng nếu xét về ngữ pháp, khi phía trước có giới từ(with), chỉ được dùng whom/which thui
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Có vài điều muốn hỏi các bạn:

+ trong mệnh đề non-defining relative clause , nếu đại từ quan hệ ở hình thức bổ tú từ, vậy có thể bỏ nó ko?( cô minh nói "được, ko sao")
+ cách dùng "that", có thể dùng sau tính từ so sánh hơn ko? ( cô minh nói "ko")
+ có được phép lược bỏ dtqh nếu 2 vế câu thuộc 2 khoảng thời jan khác nhau ko?, mình từng thấy trên 4rum, có bạn noi không, câu vd của bạn ấy là " do u know the man who had stolen ur car?" trong câu này, "who had stolen", ko thể viết thành "stoling", nhưng cô minh nói được...
+ các bạn đọc câu sau " pub_going is one of britan's most popular pastimes. more than 75% of adults patronize pubs."
which statement is true ?
a. pub-going is the most popular pastimes in britan
b. more than three fourths of adults patronize pubs.
c.about 75% of british adults are pub-goers.
d.about a thidr of british adults patrnize pubs.
Giúp mình nhé
cám ơn

Xin chào, xin chào~ :Rabbit34
Ghé xem một số nội dung tâm đắc của team Anh chúng mình nhé
Chúc bạn một ngày vui vẻ!


11. What was the name of the people ... car had broken down
a.which , b. who , c.whom , d.whose

12. I recently went back to the town ... I was born
a.what , b. where , c.who , d.which

13.The reson...I phoned him was to invite him to a party
a.what , b. whose , c.why , d.which

14. I don't agree with ... you have just said
a.what , b. who ,c.when , d.which

15. She told me her address ... I wrote on a piece of paper
a. what , b. which , c.when , d. where

Đã xong!
Check giùm Yu nha!;)


11. What was the name of the people ...car had broken down
a.which , b. who , c.whom , d.whose
12. I recently went back to the town...I was born
a.what , b. where , c.who , d.which
13.The reason...I phoned him was to invite him to a party
a.what , b. whose , c.why , d.which
14. I don't agree with ...you have just said
a.what , b. who ,c.when , d.which
15. She told me her address...I wrote on a piece of paper
a. what , b. which , c.when , d. where


tui trinh do kem, coi lam vay dung chua:
gop y dum nha,post nhiu bai nua vao

bạn chú ý viết bài có dấu nhé !
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hì, theo ý kién của mình, câu này có giới từ "with" chỉ có thể dùng which ỏ whom mà thôi

Bạn chú ý post bài có dấu nha ! Đã sửa!
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đúng chưa vậy
em chắc chắn đúng 100% bởi vì làm nhiều rùi mà


Mệnh đề tính từ hay mệnh đề quan hệ (MĐQH) được đặt sau danh từ để bổ nghĩa, nó được nối bởi các đại từ quan hệ ( Relative pronouns) : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHERE, THAT, WHOSE, WHY, WHEN.

I. WHO : thay thế cho người, làm chủ từ trong MĐQH.
EX: - I need to meet the boy. The boy is my friend's son.
—» I need to meet the boy who is my friend's son.

II. WHOM : thay thế cho người, làm túc từ trong MĐQH.
EX: - I know the girl. You spoke to this girl.
—» I know the girl whom you spoke to.
*NOTE: (mẹo làm bài) Đứng sau đại từ quan hệ
who thường là một động từ, còn sau đại từ quan hệ whom thường là một danh từ.

III. WHICH :thay thế cho vật, đồ vật. Vừa làm chủ từ, vừa là túc từ trong MĐQH.
EX: - She works for a company. It makes cars.
—» She works for a company which makes cars.

IV. WHERE : thay thế cho nơi chốn: there, at that place,... . Làm chủ từ, túc từ trong MĐQH.
EX: - The movie theater is the place. We can see films at that place.
—» The movie theater is the place where we can see the films.
*NOTE: (mẹo làm bài) Đứng sau đại từ quan hệ which thường là một động từ, còn sau đại từ quan hệ where thường là một danh từ. Sau đại từ quan hệ which còn là một danh từ khi nơi chốn là bổ nghĩa cho một động từ như visit...

V. WHOSE : thay thế cho sở hữu của người, vật ( his- , her- , its- , their- , our- , my- , -'s )
EX: - John found the cat. Its leg was broken.
—» John found the catwhose leg was broken.

VI. THAT : thay thế cho người, vật. Làm chủ từ, túc từ trong MĐQH.
EX: - I need to meet the boy that is my friend's son.
- She has a car that is made in Japan.

*NOTE: ( quan trọng, cần chú ý )

* Không được dùng that trong những trường hợp :
+ Mệnh đề quan hệ không có giới hạn( mệnh đề bổ nghĩa cho 1 danh từ đứng trước đã xác định rồi ).
EX: - Mary, ( who / that ) sits next to me, is good at maths.
—» Mary, who sits next to me, is good at maths. ( Không được dùng that )
+ Sau giới từ :
EX: - The girl to ( whom / that ) I was talking yesterday is my sister.
—» The girl to whom I was talking yesterday is my sister. ( Không được dùng that )

* Bắt buộc dùng that trong những trường hợp :
+ Sau danh từ chỉ cả người lẫn vật :
EX: - I saw a lot of people and vehicles that were moving to the market.
+ Sau những danh từ ở dạng so sánh cực cấp ( superlative ) :
EX: - Yesterday was one of the hottest days that I have ever known.
+ Sau những cách nói mở đầu bằng ' It is/was...'
EX: - It is the teacher that is important, not the kind of school he teaches in.
+ Sau 'all, everybody, everything, nothing, nobody,...'
EX: - Answer all the questions that I asked.

VII. WHY : thay thế cho cụm trạng từ chỉ lí do : for that reason.
EX: - Tell me the reason. You are so sad for that reason.
—» Tell me the reason why you are so sad.

VIII. WHEN : thay thế cho cụm từ chỉ thời gian : then, at that time, on that day....
EX:- Do youremember the day. We fisrt met on that day.
—» Do you remember the day when we fisrt met ?

*NOTE: ( bổ sung thêm )
- Ta có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ whom, which khi nó là túc từ ( tân ngữ ) trong MĐQH có giới hạn ( mệnh đề bổ nghĩa cho 1 danh từ đứng trước chưa xác định ), không được dùng với mệnh đề không có giới hạn ( mệnh đề bổ nghĩa cho 1 danh từ đứng trước đã xác định rồi ).
EX: - I know the boy whom you spoke to.
—» I know the boy you spoke to.
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bt mệnh đề qh

I/ Reduce relative clauses to phrases:
1. The man who is standing there a clown
2. My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of were house
3. The diagrams which were made by young Faraday were sent to Sir Humphry Davy at the end the year 1812
II/ Replace the relative clause by an infinitive or infinitive phrase:
1. We had a river in which we cloud swim
2. The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with
3.If she had a family that she had to cook for, she would be more interesting
4.We have some picture books that children can read
5.Have you got a key that can unlock this door?
III/Replace the To-infinitive phrases by relative clauses:
1. Lady A was the first woman to take her seat in Parliament
2. The last student to be interviewed was JOHN
3. I was only person to see the difficulty
4.The air- hostess was the only person to survive the crash
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I/ Reduce relative clauses to phrases:
1. The man who is standing there a clown
\RightarrowThe man standing there a clown
2. My grandmother, old and sick, never goes out of were house
3. The diagrams made by young Faraday were sent to Sir Humphry Davy at the end the year 1812

1. Lady A was the first woman to take her seat in Parliament
\Rightarrow Lady A was the first woman who took her seat in Parliament
2. The last student to be interviewed was JOHN
\Rightarrowthe last student who was interviewed was John
3. I was only person to see the difficulty
\Rightarrow I was only person who saw the........
4.The air- hostess was the only person to survive the crash
\RightarrowThe air- hostess was the only person who survived ...


II/ Replace the relative clause by an infinitive or infinitive phrase:
1. We had a river in which we cloud swim
2. The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with
3.If she had a family that she had to cook for, she would be more interesting
4.We have some picture books that children can read
5.Have you got a key that can unlock this door?


có thể hướg dẫn tớ 3 dạng bt trên làm ntn kô, tớ đưa ra mấy câu mẫu để mấy bạn làm nhưg nhìn lại thì kô hiểu lắm


II/ Replace the relative clause by an infinitive or infinitive phrase:
1. We had a river in which we cloud swim
\Rightarrow We had a river to swim
2. The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with
\RightarrowThe child would be happier if he had someone to play with
3.If she had a family that she had to cook for, she would be more interesting
\RightarrowIf she had a family to cook for, she would be more interesting
4.We have some picture books that children can read
\Rightarrow4.We have some picture books for children to read
5.Have you got a key that can unlock this door?
\RightarrowHave you got a key to unlock this door?


có thể hướg dẫn tớ 3 dạng bt trên làm ntn kô, tớ đưa ra mấy câu mẫu để mấy bạn làm nhưg nhìn lại thì kô hiểu lắm
\Rightarrowmấy cái này, nếu nắm chắc lí thuyết chú ý nghe trên lớp bài cô giảng là làm dc thôi ;)

I/ Reduce relative clauses to phrases:
1. The man who is standing there a clown
2. My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of were house
3. The diagrams which were made by young Faraday were sent to Sir Humphry Davy at the end the year 1812

bn nhớ:nếu muốn rút gọn 1 mệnh đề quan hệ
nếu mệnh đề đó ở dạng chủ động , bỏ to be(nếu có), or dại từ quan hệ , chuyển V=>VIng
còn nếu ở dạng bị động =>bỏ to be, đại từ quan hệ, V=>PII

II/ Replace the relative clause by an infinitive or infinitive phrase:
1. We had a river in which we cloud swim
2. The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with
3.If she had a family that she had to cook for, she would be more interesting
4.We have some picture books that children can read
5.Have you got a key that can unlock this door?
III/Replace the To-infinitive phrases by relative clauses:
1. Lady A was the first woman to take her seat in Parliament
2. The last student to be interviewed was JOHN
3. I was only person to see the difficulty
4.The air- hostess was the only person to survive the crash
cả 3 dạng này . bn vào đây\Rightarrow http://diendan.hocmai.vn/showpost.php?p=970550&postcount=194
hãy đọc kĩ , là bn làm dc bài tập thui . cố lên ^^;);)


VI/Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it mean exactly the same as the one printed before it:
1.The man that we are talking about is a famous scientist
->The man about...
2. The tree that we picked these fruits from is in front of the house
->The tree from...
3.The city that we were born in is very large
->The city in...
4.Do you remember the day? We first met on that day
->Do you remember the day on...
5.The manager has just announced his retirement.We have all depended on him so much
-> The manager on...

V/Complete the following sentences. using Ralative Clauses:
1. I don't know the reason...
2.The woman...is my mother
3.The man ... is my father
4.Is there anyone here...
5.Please tell me the reason...
6.What was the name of the house...
7.It's one of the few houses...

@tranthuha93:Còn 2 dạg trên là ntn nào, có thể hướg dẫn cho tớ đc ko.hehe, làm phiền rồi :D
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VI/Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it mean exactly the same as the one printed before it:

1.The man that we are talking about is a famous scientist
->The man about whom we are talking is a famous scientist

2. The tree that we picked these fruits from is in front of the house
->The tree from which we picked these fruits in front of the house

3.The city that we were born in is very large
->The city in which we were born is very large

4.Do you remember the day? We first met on that day
->Do you remember the day on when we first met ( hình như ko cần có on)

5.The manager has just announced his retirement.We have all depended on him so much
-> The manager on whom we have all depended so much has just announced his retirement.

V/Complete the following sentences. using Ralative Clauses:
1. I don't know the reason why

2.The woman who is my mother
3.The man who. is my father

4.Is there anyone here who ( ko có vế câu đằng sau nên :-j)

5.Please tell me the reason why

6.What was the name of the house which ( nếu có giới từ)/ where ( nếu ko có giới từ), chắc ăn nhất điền that^^

7.It's one of the few houses tương tự câu trên--> đề bài lởm quá :-j
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VI/ Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it mean exactly the same as the one printed before it:
1.The man that we are talking about is a famous scientist
->The man about whom we are talking is a famous scientist
2. The tree that we picked these fruits from is in front of the house
->The tree from which we picked these fruits is in front of the house
3.The city that we were born in is very large
->The city in where we were born is very large
4.Do you remember the day? We first met on that day
->Do you remember the day on when we first met?
5.The manager has just announced his retirement.We have all depended on him so much
-> The manager on whom we have all depended so much has just announced his retirement


bt mệnh đề quan hệ

VI/ Use a Relative Pronoun preceded by a preposition to combine each pair of the sentence below:
1. The problem has been discussed in class.We are very interested in it

2.Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them year ago

3.Do you see my pen? I have just written the lesson with it.

4.I like standing at the window. I can see the park from this window

5.they are repairing the tubes. Water is bought into our house through the tubes

6.In the middle of the village there is a well. The villagers take water from this well to drink

7.The middle-aged man is the director. My father is talking to him

8.This is a rate opportunity. You should take advantage of it to get a better job

9.There is a"No parking" sign. I do not take notice of it
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