3 ,Can you explain to me the difference bettween rules and regulations , please?
These words seem to have the same meaning
7,Why ? I think "ran" is more meaningful than "Dash" ,
Hello sasukecoldly
The definition of a word generally depends on the context and in some particular syntax, "rule" and "regulation" are considered the synonym of each other. However, there are still slight differences between these words, though they are frequently ignored by most students. In general, I can think of the following:
Regulation is a systematic set of rules which is proscribed by
the authority in order to regulate conduct. It's obligatory for people to adhere to it, while "rule" is somewhat less official . It simply refers tp the guidelines or statements
informally telling people what they must do and they must not do. Amendment to rules can be easily introduced upon a complaint or a review.
About your second question, that I hardly ever see the phrase "run to somewhere" was the reason why I did not opt for "run". That expression, for some reasons, sounded extremely awkward to me. "Dash" was seemingly the more potential correct option though I could not figure out why it was supplied in the past participle form.