11. I intended to revenge him but my father prevent me … so.
. from doing
B. not to do
C. not do
D. not doing
12. You can go to England without … to Buckingham Palace.
A. go
B. being gone
C. to go
D. going
13. A recent … showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan.
A. roll
B. show
C. survey
D. number
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14. The … aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.
A. primary
B. main
C. major
D. All are correct.
15. A … teacher is the one who is full of interesting or exciting ideas or the one who makes his students feel enthusiastic.
A. stimulate
B. stimulated
C. stimulating
D. stimulation
16. The changes were made with … little difficulty.
A. surprised
B. surprising
C. surprisedly
. surprisingly
17. She went to London with the … of finding a job.
A. aim
B. purpose
C. goal
D. All are correct
18. We object to … her like this.
A. treat
B. being treated
C. treating
D. be treated.
19. The criminal admitted … the innocent child.
A. killed
B. to kill
C. killing
D. had killed
20. Mrs. Ramsay was accustomed … in this rickety house.
A. by living
B. to living
C. with living
D. living
21. She has avoided … to me so far.
A. being talked
B. talk
C. talking
D. to talk
22. It is no use … over spilt milk.
A. for crying
B. in crying
C. to cry
D. crying
23. I’m opposed to … the money.
A. borrow
B. be borrowed
C. borrowing
D. be borrowing
24.She was worried about … by thieves.
A. being robbed
B. robbing
C. being rob
D. be robbing
25. “How did you travel so cheaply in Europe?” “We reduced our expenses by taking the train and … in inexpensive restaurants.”
A. eat
B. to eat
C. eating
D. ate