A stunt driver set a Guinness World Record. He jumps with a car. This is his 21st Guinness World Record title.
He must prepare everything and
calculate it. The car goes for 160 metres. Then the car jumps. It flies 15.37 metres. It
rolls, too.
The car is a Jaguar E-PACE.
Difficult words:
calculate (plan carefully): tính toán ,suy tính
VD : this action had been calculated : hành động này có suy tính trước
+ từ đồng nghĩa : count, bet ,reckon,aim,direct
roll (rotate, spin, turn around sideways).:lăn ,xoay vòng
- to roll by
- trôi đi, trôi qua (thời gian...)
- to roll up
- cuộn (thuốc lá); cuộn lại
- to roll onself up in a blanket
cuộn mình trong chăn
+Từ đồng nghĩa: bowl,cast , scroll, paradiddle,peal, bun, bankroll ,coil, whorl,....
+từ trái nghĩa : unwind, unroll,...
stunt driver carried out a 15.37-metre-long jump and a 270-degree roll. He received his 21st Guinness World Record title for this.
He had to
precisely calculate and test the jump many times before. The run-up needed to be 160 metres long for the car to hit the air at the precise speed. The stunt driver experienced a
G-force of 5.5 during the car’s
corkscrew twist. The car he jumped in was a Jaguar E-PACE.
Difficult words:
stunt driver (a driver who does dangerous tricks): Một người lái xe làm thủ thuật nguy hiểm
precisely : (exactly) :đúng ,chính xác
+ từ đồng nghĩa : exactly, on the nose ,on the button , incisively
+ từ trái nghĩa : imprecisely, inexacly
G-force (a speed that is so fast that gravity is very strong against it)
corkscrew twist (a sideways roll).
Stunt driver Terry Grant received his 21st Guinness World Record title after carrying out a massive 15.37-metre-long jump and a 270-degree roll.
attempted the finely-tuned barrel roll in a Jaguar E-PACE after a month of testing and analysis. The run-up needed to be 160 metres long for the car to hit the air at the precise speed to roll. Grant experienced a G-force of 5.5 during the corkscrew twist.
Difficult words:
attempt (try) : sự cố gắng ,thử
cấu trúc :
*to make an attempt at doing something (to do something)-->thử làm một việc gì
VD: to fail in one's attempt-->thử làm nhưng thất bại
+từ đồng nghĩa :attack, effort, endeavor, try , undertake ,set about ,seek,....
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