Ngoại ngữ luyện tập nâng cao kĩ năng nghe


Học sinh
Thành viên
18 Tháng tám 2017
Khánh Hòa
sao các bài nghe trong mục HSG sao nghe không được ạ!???? thấy đuôi định dạng mp4.mp3 là rối rồi :3
mình sửa rồi nha ;)
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Phương Trang

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
27 Tháng hai 2017
Ninh Bình
sao em lại không tuyển thêm nhân sự ở trang này để hỗ trợ em nhỉ, anh nghĩ một mình em làm thì cũng được thôi, nhưng nhiều người làm vừa tăng năng suất vừa tiết kiệm thời gian, vừa hiệu quả hơn nữa í. Anh sẽ giúp em đánh máy vài phần, chứ nếu làm hết anh nghĩ anh làm không nổi vì tốc độ đánh của anh sợ ko kịp thời hạn.
anh tưởng em không nghĩ đến sao :D em đã định nhờ người giúp nhưng suy nghĩ kĩ lại thì bây giờ cũng vào học rồi không nên làm phiền người khác vì họ cũng bận chứ nếu e là thành viên giống các bạn thì em cũng vừa học ở trường , học thêm, học trên diễn đàn ....đấy chỉ là việc học còn nhiều việc khác nữa :D. em nhờ giúp chẳng phải là đưa mọi người vào hoàn cảnh giống mình sao r109

Lê Văn Đông

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
17 Tháng mười 2015
TP Hồ Chí Minh
anh tưởng em không nghĩ đến sao :D em đã định nhờ người giúp nhưng suy nghĩ kĩ lại thì bây giờ cũng vào học rồi không nên làm phiền người khác vì họ cũng bận chứ nếu e là thành viên giống các bạn thì em cũng vừa học ở trường , học thêm, học trên diễn đàn ....đấy chỉ là việc học còn nhiều việc khác nữa :D. em nhờ giúp chẳng phải là đưa mọi người vào hoàn cảnh giống mình sao r109
anh sẽ giúp em, dù gì làm việc này cũng tốt, cũng giúp đỡ người khác mặc dù trình độ của mình không đến đâu. Anh sẽ giúp đỡ em, hãy coi như có 1 đồng minh kế bên đi. Phần nào cần anh soạn giúp hay đánh máy giúp gửi qua cho anh. Anh làm giùm cho, chứ thấy em đánh máy dài ngoằng thấy nó sao sao á, thấy rằng mình phải giúp em, thế thôi. Cần gì thì ibx cho anh, cái phần em cần giúp.
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Lê Văn Đông

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
17 Tháng mười 2015
TP Hồ Chí Minh
Task 1. Christina is being interviewed about the most unforuettable experience in her life. Listen to the interview, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Christina is a businesswoman. T

2. The fire happened three years ago. F ( 13 years ago )

3. The fire started in the bedroom. F ( Kitchen)

4. When the fire started, Christina was reading a book. F ( sleeping)

5. Her mother came and rescued her. T
Task 2. Listen to the second part of the dialogue and fill in the gaps in the summary of Christina's stop, below

Although I lost many things in the fire, the experience helped me to grow up. Before the fire, I was selfish. I always complained to my mother about how (1)…small…… room was or how few clothes I had. Then the fire came and destroyed (2) …everything……..we owned. But slowly I began to realise that I didn’t really need those tilings. I just needed my (3)…family…... After all, you can set new clothes any time, but a family can never be (4) relaced The fire (5)…took….many things from me, but it gave me something, too. It tauaht me to (6) appreciate my family more than things.
Đứa con gái nói chuyện như sắp chết ấy.công nhận !:D
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Học sinh tiêu biểu
Thành viên
TV ấn tượng nhất 2017
22 Tháng sáu 2017
TP Hồ Chí Minh
THPT Gia Định
Hôm nay là ngày cuối cùng nghỉ lễ... Mai trường tổ chức lễ khai trường rồi....
LV1: This news is from (1)India. It is about a man. He is a leader of a (2)sect. This sect has (3) sixty million followers.
Police (4)convict the leader of (5) People come to the city where they convict him. There are around (6)two hundred thousand people. They (7) protest and fight. More than 23 people are killed.
r28 tốt rồi lần sau em làm cả 3 luôn nha:D
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Snowball fan ken

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
27 Tháng hai 2017
Địล ηgục đẫм мáu
Lớp 8
*cũ :





@Tú Linh @Jotaro Kujo @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật @Kyanhdo
1. Listen to a boy talk about changes in this village and mark the changes he mentioned.(mọi người xem đề bài ở SGK nha :p)
2. Listen again and say what is true (T) or false (F)
DATE: tuesday thêm time nữa nhé time : 9:45
FOR:the principal
MESSAGE: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see the principal at 9.45 on Tuseday morning
em không có sgk mới đó -_-
This news is from (1).INDIA.... It is about a man. He is a leader of a (2) sect.... . This sect has (3)..60... million followers.
Police (4)..convict.. the leader of (5).(rape?) rape People come to the city where they convict him. There are around (6).200 000....people. They (7)protest.... and fight. More than 23 people are killed.
Police (1)..convicted. a popular religious leader from (2)..north india.of rape..?.đúng rồi .. The (3) alleged raping of two women took place at his (4) sect’s building.... in 2002.
The (5)...sect leader... performs rock concerts and says that his sect has 60 million (6)..followers... Around 200,000 of them came together to the city where police (7)..convicted.. him on Friday. At (8) least..... 23 people died in the (9)..protests.......
At (1).least.. 23 people died in violent protests over the (2) rape conviction (conviction?)... of a popular religious leader in (3)north india . (4) Ram Rahim Singh was found guilty of raping two women at his (5) sect’s headquarters in 2002.
He performs rock concerts and his sect claims to have 60 million (6)global..... followers. Singh has denied the charges but is expected to be sentenced on Monday.
Around 200,000 followers of the (7) guru came to (8) chandigarh (wow ! giỏi ghê ha ) , the capital of the (9) the northern india đúng rồi mà states of Punjab and Haryana, before the (10) verdict on Friday. In Punjab, curfews were imposed and Internet services suspended.
good !:D
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Em học lớp 9 rồi nên không làm bài lớp 8 đâu
Lớp 9 cũ:
Lớp 9 mới:
1. "Some cities have problems with pollution, crime, or bad weather - here we have traffic jams”.

2. Before going to the office , she has to take her children to school.

3. In the evening the traffic is even worse.

4. Now so many people have a car, and there aren't enough road in the city.
đúng hết rùi !dễ quá ha :D

2.Listen again and choose the correct answer (Hình như không đúng file nghe)
1. What is the most serious problem in Bangkok?

A. Pollution B. Bad weather C. Traffic jams

2. How does Suzanne go to work?

A. By car B. By Skytrain C. By metro

3. How long does it take Suzanne to go to work every day?

A.Two hours B. Five hours C. Half an hour

4. In the evening the traffic is ____.

A. better B. worse C. the same

5. Why is traffic so bad in Bangkok?

A. People move around by boat.

B There aren't enough roads.

C. There isn't a Skytrain or metro.
This news is from (1)india It is about a man. He is a leader of a (2)sect . This sect has (3)60 million followers.
Police (4)convict the leader of (5) rape People come to the city where they convict him. There are around (6)200000 people. They (7)protest and fight. More than 23 people are killed.
Police (1)convicted a popular religious leader from (2) north india of rape .The (3) alleged raping of two women took place at his (4)sect's building in 2002.
The (5)sect leader performs rock concerts and says that his sect has 60 million (6)followers Around 200,000 of them came together to the city where police (7)convict him on Friday. At (8)least 23 people died in the (9)protest
At (1)least. 23 people died in violent protests over the (2)rape conviction of a popular religious leader in (3)north india .(4) Ram Rahim Singh was found guilty of raping two women at his (5)sect's headquarters in 2002.
He performs rock concerts and his sect claims to have 60 million (6)global followers. Singh has denied the charges but is expected to be sentenced on Monday.
Around 200,000 followers of the (7)guru came to (8) Chandigarh , the capital of the (9)northern india. states of Punjab and Haryana, before the (10)verdict on Friday. In Punjab, curfews were imposed and Internet services suspended.
cũng được :D
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Phương Trang

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
27 Tháng hai 2017
Ninh Bình
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Ngọc Ánh 1

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
6 Tháng ba 2017
Task 1: Listen to the conversations and match them with the pictures.
1->b. 2->c.3->d.4->a


Task 2: Listen again and answer the questions.
1. what subject is lan talking this semester ?
-she likes english.
2. whose class is Lan in ?
-she is in miss lan phuong's class. (sở hữu cách mà :D)
3. Where is Nam now?
-he is at a party.
4. How long does Son plan to stay in Nha Trang?
-he plans to stay there for a week.
5. Does Hoa travel with her friends?
-no,she doesn't . She travels alone

Task 3 :Listen to the last conversation again and write in the missing words
A : Hoa. How do you like here......(1)?
B It’s (2).very nice.... The hotel is (3).big.. and my room is (4)comfotable.
A : Are you (5)..traveling.... with your friends?
B : (6) I’m travelling (7).alone...
A : Would you like to go somewhere (8)for a drink...?
B : That’s great

cũng được đấy nhể :D
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
2. Lớp 9 mới BỔ SUNG ||||||| Đáng lẽ chị đừng kèm link vô chứ
1. What is the most serious problem in Bangkok?

A. Pollution B. Bad weather C. Traffic jams

2. How does Suzanne go to work?

A. By car B. By Skytrain C. By metro

3. How long does it take Suzanne to go to work every day?

A.Two hours B. Five hours C. Half an hour

4. In the evening the traffic is ____.

A. better B. worse C. the same

5. Why is traffic so bad in Bangkok?

A. People move around by boat.

B There aren't enough roads.

C. There isn't a Skytrain or metro.
đúng hết! :D
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Tony Time

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
23 Tháng sáu 2017
Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu
Taylors College
Uầy, sao em k nhận được thông báo gì hết nhỉ, em làm phần nào vậy chị?

Phương Trang

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
27 Tháng hai 2017
Ninh Bình
Lớp 8 :

DATE: Tuesday Time : 9.45

FOR: The principal

MESSAGE: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see the princial at 9.45 on Tuseday morning


*Nội dung bài nghe:

Secretary: Kingston Junior High School

Woman: Good afternoon. Could I talk to the principal, please?

Secretary: I’m afraid Mr. Kelvin is out at the moment. Would you like to

leave a message?

Woman: Uhm, no. But I’d like to make an appointment to see him. Secretary: I think he will be available on Tuesday

Woman: Tuesday's OK. Can I see him in the morning?

Secretary: Sure, you can. What time would you like to come?

Woman: Is 10.30 OK?

Secretary: !'m sorry. The principal will have a school visit at 10.30. What about 9.45?

Woman: 9.45. Let me see. Yes. it’s alright.

Secretary: What's your name, please?

Woman: My name's Mary Nguyen.

Secretary: Is that N-G-U-Y-E-N?

Woman: Yes. that's right. Mrs. Nguyen.

Secretary: And your address, please?

Woman: Number 23, 51st Street. My telephone number is 64683720942. Secretary: Thank you, Mrs. Nguyen.

Woman: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Secretary: Goodbye.

lớp 9 :
*cũ :

1 - B: blue short

2 - A: a long – sleeved blouse

3 - C: brown shoes

*mới :
1. cities 2. office 3. traffic 4. roads
1.C 2.A 3. A 4.B 5.B
Audio script

*Suzanne lives in Bangkok with her husband and two children. Her office is seven km away but it takes her two hours to get there by car every day.

“Some cities have problems with pollution, crime, or bad weather - here we have traffic jams,” she says. Before going to the office, she has to take her children to school - so she sets off at 5 a.m. The children sleep until they arrive at school. Then Suzanne begins her journey to the office, r :ne evening the traffic is even worse. Traffic moves in the city centre at half a kilometre an hour. In rainy weather it doesn't move at all.

But why is it so bad? In the past, more people moved around Bangkok by boat. Now so many people have a car, and there aren't enough roads in the city. The Skytrain and metro can help a bit, but they are limited in range and don't cover all parts of the city.
lớp 10:
Conversation 1:

A: So, what are you talking this semester, Lan?

B: Well, I'm taking English.

A: Me too. Whose class are you in?

B: Miss Lan Phuong's.

A: How do you like the class?

B: I really enjoy it.

Conversation 2:

A: Are you enjoying yourself, Nam?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Would you like me to get you something to drink?

B: Not right now, thanks.

Conversation 3:

A: Son. How do you like the weather in Nha Trang?

B: Oh, it's great.

A: So, when did you get here?

B: I arrived yesterday.

A: How long are you going to stay?

B: For a week.

A: Do you want to go for a swim?

B: Sure.

Conversation 4:

A: Hoa. How do you like it here?

B: It's very nice. The hotel is big and my room is comfortable.

A: Are you traveling with your friends?

B: No, I'm travelling alone.

A: Would you like to go somewhere for a drink?

B: That's great.

Lớp 11:
*cũ :

1. T
2. F (13 years ago)
3. F (in kitchen)
4. F (not reading a book, sleeping)
5. T
Interviewer: This is Radio 3. In your “Unforgeitable Experiences" programme toniaht we talk to Christina, welcome to our programme.

Christina: Hello and thank you! It's nice being with you tonight.

Interviewer: Christina, could you tell our audience about. The most memorable experience in your life?

Christina: Well, my most unforeeitable experience happened thirteen years ago, when my house burned down.

Interviewer: Really? How did it happen?
Christina: The fire started in the kitchen where I forgot to turn off the gas stove.

Interviewer: What were you doing at that time?

Christina: I was sleeping when I was suddenly woken up by terrible heat. I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by walls of fire.

Interviewer: That's terrible! Hem did you escape?

Christina: I was terrible. Then I heard my mother's voice calling my name. I rushed to her. She carried me out. Luckily, I got away without even a minor burn.

Interviewer: Not many people are so lucky. Did the fire affect you in any way?

Christina: Oh, yes. Yes, very much, in fact. Although I lost many things in the fire, the experience helped me to grow up.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Christina: Well, before the fire. 1 was selfish. 1 always complained to my mother about how small my room was, or hem few clothes I had. Then the fire came and destroyed everything we owned. But I slowly began to realize that I didn't really need my old things. I just needed my family. After all, you can set new clothes anytime, but a family can never be replaced.
Interviewer: I see, so the fire took many things from you, but it give you something, too.

Christina: Exactly, It taught me to appreciate my family more than things


Phương Trang

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
27 Tháng hai 2017
Ninh Bình
I,Phần đại trà :UNIT 3

Lớp 8

*cũ :
Nam: Hello

Mrs. Vui: Nam, it’s Mom

Nam: Hi, Mom

Mrs. Vui: I'm going to be home late tonight. I have to go and visit Grandma after work.

Nam: What time will you be home?

Mrs Vui: I’ll be home after __(1)__. I'm sorry, but you’ll have to __ (2)__ dinner yourself.

Nam: All right.

Mrs. Vui: There’s rice in the __(3)__, but you you ought to go to the market yourself and buy some fish and __(4)__. The steamer is under the sink, between the __(5)__ and the frying pan. The rice cooker is beside the stove.

Nam: OK. Give my love to Grandma.

Mrs. Vui: 1 will. Oh, I almost forgot. Can you call Aunt Chi, please? Ask her to meet me at Grandma’s house.

Nam: No problem. Bye, Mom.

Mrs. Vui: Bye.

@Tú Linh @Jotaro Kujo @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật @Kyanhdo

1. Listen and say what is true (T) or false (F)
1. Striped 5 colors is a media dish.

2. Xoi 5 colors are made with chemicals.

3. The colors symbolize the elements of life.

4. These factors create harmony between people

5. This sticky only made when visitors.
2.Listen and enter the correct word
1. The five-color stickers are made by ethnic minorities in the northern (1).... area.

2. The dish has 5 colors: red, yellow, green, (2)... and white.

3. It is made using (3).... roots and leaves.

4. Green color represents the (4)......

5. 5 colors are made on special occasions, for festivals and (5)........

lớp 9
*cũ :

Look at the map. Then listen to the trip to Ba’s village. Match the placcs on the bus route. With the letters on the map. Start at

*mới :
1.Miss Sweetie (likes/doesn't like) her work as an advice columnist.
2.she is (in/no longer in) her adolescence.
3.She thinks giving advice to people is (easy/ not easy).
4.It (takes time/doesn't take time) for her to come up with a piece of advice.
5.She thinks to give good advice we (need/don't need) to empathise with people.
2. Answer the questions
1.What are the two things that Miss Sweetie likes about her work?
2.What did she say was most important when giving others advice?
3.Why does she think the language used for giving advice is also important?

@joon_young#1 @Hàn Tuệ Lâm @Hiền Còi @Trang Nhung @Eddie225 @Kate Scarlt
lớp 10
*cũ :

Task 1: Listen to the conversation between Bob and Sally. Decide whether the staiemenls are true (T) or false (F).
1. In 1995 Sally joined the Star Sports Club.
2. There are five people in her family.

3. She has a lot of free time.
4. She likes not only sports but also reading.
5. She wants to be a writer.

Task 2: Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Sally got_________ at local schools.

2. She________ in Manchester with her______

3. She likes ________ sports - basketball and _______for example.

4. She likes to read________- romantic books.

5. She wants to get her_____________.

task 1: Now, listen to the conversation between Anna and Nam. What are the speakers talking about? Circle the best answer.

a. Vietnamese composers

b. Michael Jackson

c. Favourite songs

d. American teenagers

2.Listen to the recording again. Give short answers to the following questions.
1. What song is Nam listening to?

2. What is his favourite kind of music?

3. How do Nam's favourite songs affect him?

4. What is Anna's favourite kind of song?

@thanhbinh2002 @Anna Sally @Pi Pi @Ngọc Ánh 1
Lớp 11:
Task 1.Listen and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)
1. Mai's birthday party was held at home in the evening.

2. Over twenty guests were at the birthday parts.

3. The birthday cake was cut at the beginning of the party.

4. The birthday party lasted about three hours.

5. All the friends stayed after the party to tidy up the mess.

Task 2. Listen again and answer the following questions
1. How old was Mai?
2. Why didn't she like having her party at a restaurant?
3. What did Mai's mother serve the guests at the beginning of the party?
4. What time was the birthday cake brought out?
5. What was the birthday cake like?
6. What did all the guests do while Mai was cutting the cake?
7. What time did the birthday party finish?
@boyfriend905 @toilatot


This news is about a bridge. It is new. It is in China. It connects two Chinese provinces. (1)..... the bridge, a journey takes 4 hours. With the bridge, the (2)....... takes only 1 hour.

The bridge is 565 metres above the ground. It is a (3)......... bridge. A suspension bridge is a type of bridge. The bridge in China is the tallest bridge in the world of this type.

The bridge opens before the end of the year. There are many tall bridges in the Chinese province.

lv2 :

This news is about a new bridge in China. It (1)........ two Chinese provinces and it is the tallest (2)......... bridge in the world. It is 565 metres above the ground.

People are (3)....... to open the bridge to traffic before the end of the year. The bridge will cut driving times between the two provinces from 4 hours to just one.

The bridge will add to the collection of high bridges in the area. There are more (4)......... like this in the Chinese province than in the (5).......

Difficult words:
- suspension :
  • sự treo
  • sự đình chỉ, sự ngưng lại; sự đình chỉ công tác; sự đình bản (một tờ báo...)
VD: suspension of hostilities : sự đình chiến
- structure:

  • kết cấu, cấu trúc
VD: the structure of a poem: kết cấu một bài thơ
  • công trình kiến trúc, công trình xây dựng
VD :a fine marble structure : một công trình kiến trúc bằng cẩm thạch tuyệt đẹp


A suspension bridge in China is (1)...... to be the tallest in the world. It (2)........ 565 metres above the (3)....... floor.

The (4)........ Bridge connects China’s Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. It will cut driving times between the two from 4 hours down to just one.

The bridge is set to open to traffic before the end of the year. It will (5)........ to the collection of high bridges in the area as Guizhou province is home to more of these structures than every other country on earth (6).........

Difficult words:
-tower :
  • tháp
  • đồn luỹ, pháo đài
cấu trúc kèm theo : to be a tower of strength to somebody => là người có đủ sức để bảo vệ cho ai

Bài lần này max dễ nên mọi người làm đầy đủ hơn nhé :D

Quang Trungg

Học sinh xuất sắc
Thành viên
14 Tháng mười một 2015
Hà Nội
THCS Mai Dịch
Lớp 8 nha bạn(Dài quá)
Nam: Hello

Mrs. Vui: Nam, it’s Mom

Nam: Hi, Mom

Mrs. Vui: I'm going to be home late tonight. I have to go and visit Grandma after work.

Nam: What time will you be home?

Mrs Vui: I’ll be home after dinner(chuẩn). I'm sorry, but you’ll have to cook(chuẩn) dinner yourself.

Nam: All right.

Mrs. Vui: There’s rice in the cupboard(chuẩn), but you you ought to go to the market yourself and buy some fish and vegetables(chuẩn). The steamer is under the sink, between the saucepan(chuẩn) and the frying pan. The rice cooker is beside the stove.

Nam: OK. Give my love to Grandma.

Mrs. Vui: 1 will. Oh, I almost forgot. Can you call Aunt Chi, please? Ask her to meet me at Grandma’s house.

Nam: No problem. Bye, Mom.

Mrs. Vui: Bye.
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Lớp 9
*cũ :
Look at the map. Then listen to the trip to Ba’s village. Match the places on the bus route. With the letters on the map. Start at

*mới :
1.Miss Sweetie (likes/doesn't like) her work as an advice columnist.
2.She is (in/no longer in) her adolescence.
3.She thinks giving advice to people is (easy/ not easy).
4.It (takes time/doesn't take time) for her to come up with a piece of advice.
5.She thinks to give good advice we (need/don't need) to empathise with people.
2. Answer the questions
1.What are the two things that Miss Sweetie likes about her work?
- Living her teenager again
- Helping people in this way
She feels like she is living her teenage years again, and she loves helping readers by giving them advice.
2.What did she say was most important when giving others advice?
Put ourself in other people suit
She said it's most important that we put ourselves in other people's shoes.
3.Why does she think the language used for giving advice is also important?
Because it's not only about giving best solution,it's also about helping the person het over their negative feelings.For example, she think that she need to use "you should" in stead of "you must"
Because language should be used sensitively so :hat the person can get over the negative feelings.
This news is about a bridge. It is new. It is in China. It connects two Chinese provinces. (1) without the bridge, a journey takes 4 hours. With the bridge, the (2)journey takes only 1 hour.

The bridge is 565 metres above the ground. It is a (3)suspension bridge. A suspension bridge is a type of bridge. The bridge in China is the tallest bridge in the world of this type.

The bridge opens before the end of the year. There are many tall bridges in the Chinese province.

lv2 :

This news is about a new bridge in China. It (1)connects two Chinese provinces and it is the tallest (2)suspension bridge in the world. It is 565 metres above the ground.

People are (3)set to open the bridge to traffic before the end of the year. The bridge will cut driving times between the two provinces from 4 hours to just one.

The bridge will add to the collection of high bridges in the area. There are more (4)structures like this in the Chinese province than in the (5)whole world

A suspension bridge in China is (1)said set to be the tallest in the world. It (2)tells towers 565 metres above the (3)valley floor.

The (4)...Beipanjiang..... Bridge connects China’s Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. It will cut driving times between the two from 4 hours down to just one.

The bridge is set to open to traffic before the end of the year. It will (5)add to the collection of high bridges in the area as Guizhou province is home to more of these structures than every other country on earth (6) combined
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Học sinh tiêu biểu
Thành viên
TV ấn tượng nhất 2017
22 Tháng sáu 2017
TP Hồ Chí Minh
THPT Gia Định
Lớp 8
Nam: Hello
Mrs. Vui: Nam, it’s Mom
Nam: Hi, Mom
Mrs. Vui: I'm going to be home late tonight. I have to go and visit Grandma after work.
Nam: What time will you be home?
Mrs Vui: I’ll be home after dinner. I'm sorry, but you’ll have to cook dinner yourself.
Nam: All right.
Mrs. Vui: There’s rice in the cupboard, but you you ought to go to the market yourself and buy some fish and vegetable. The steamer is under the sink, between the saucepan and the frying pan. The rice cooker is beside the stove.
Nam: OK. Give my love to Grandma.
Mrs. Vui: 1 will. Oh, I almost forgot. Can you call Aunt Chi, please? Ask her to meet me at Grandma’s house.
Nam: No problem. Bye, Mom.
Mrs. Vui: Bye.

LV1: This news is about a bridge. It is new. It is in China. It connects two Chinese provinces. (1)Without the bridge, a journey takes 4 hours. With the bridge, the (2) journey takes only 1 hour.
The bridge is 565 metres above the ground. It is a (3)suspension bridge. A suspension bridge is a type of bridge. The bridge in China is the tallest bridge in the world of this type.
The bridge opens before the end of the year. There are many tall bridges in the Chinese province.
LV2: This news is about a new bridge in China. It (1)connects two Chinese provinces and it is the tallest (2)suspension bridge in the world. It is 565 metres above the ground.
People are (3)set to open the bridge to traffic before the end of the year. The bridge will cut driving times between the two provinces from 4 hours to just one.
The bridge will add to the collection of high bridges in the area. There are more (4)structures like this in the Chinese province than in the (5)whole world
lv3: A suspension bridge in China is (1)set to be the tallest in the world. It (2)tells towers 565 metres above the (3)valley floor.
The (4)....Beipanjiang.... Bridge connects China’s Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. It will cut driving times between the two from 4 hours down to just one.
The bridge is set to open to traffic before the end of the year. It will (5)add to the collection of high bridges in the area as Guizhou province is home to more of these structures than every other country on earth come by(6) combined
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Người Bên Em

5 Tháng chín 2017
Vĩnh Phúc
Lớp 8
Nam: Hello
Mrs. Vui: Nam, it’s Mom
Nam: Hi, Mom
Mrs. Vui: I'm going to be home late tonight. I have to go and visit Grandma after work.
Nam: What time will you be home?
Mrs Vui: I’ll be home after dinner. I'm sorry, but you’ll have to cook dinner yourself.
Nam: All right.
Mrs. Vui: There’s rice in the cupboard, but you you ought to go to the market yourself and buy some fish and vegetable. The steamer is under the sink, between the saucepan and the frying pan. The rice cooker is beside the stove.
Nam: OK. Give my love to Grandma.
Mrs. Vui: 1 will. Oh, I almost forgot. Can you call Aunt Chi, please? Ask her to meet me at Grandma’s house.
Nam: No problem. Bye, Mom.
Mrs. Vui: Bye.

This news is about a bridge. It is new. It is in China. It connects two Chinese provinces. (1)Without the bridge, a journey takes 4 hours. With the bridge, the (2) journey takes only 1 hour.
The bridge is 565 metres above the ground. It is a (3)suspension bridge. A suspension bridge is a type of bridge. The bridge in China is the tallest bridge in the world of this type.
The bridge opens before the end of the year. There are many tall bridges in the Chinese province.
LV2: This news is about a new bridge in China. It (1)connects two Chinese provinces and it is the tallest (2)suspension bridge in the world. It is 565 metres above the ground.
People are (3)set to open the bridge to traffic before the end of the year. The bridge will cut driving times between the two provinces from 4 hours to just one.
The bridge will add to the collection of high bridges in the area. There are more (4)structures like this in the Chinese province than in the (5)wholeworld
lv3: A suspension bridge in China is (1)set to be the tallest in the world. It (2)tells towers 565 metres above the (3)valley floor.
The (4)...Beipanjiang..... Bridge connects China’s Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. It will cut driving times between the two from 4 hours down to just one.
The bridge is set to open to traffic before the end of the year. It will (5)add to the collection of high bridges in the area as Guizhou province is home to more of these structures than every other country on earth come by(6) combined
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