English [TIPs] Bài tập viết lại câu (Rewrite the sentences)


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Key for number 29
1. The amateur boxer was apprehensive about taking on such an experienced fighter.
2. The secretary took down the list of titles as her boss read them out.
3. You’d better take this paragraph out as it weakens your argument.
4. I’ll never forgive you if you don’t take back what you said about me.
5. Since his retirement, he has taken up painting to fill up some of his spare time.
6. You have to take down these curtains. They look very dirty.
7. If you take this skirt in a little, it should fit you perfectly. It’s too big for you now.
8. She is always being taken for Elizabeth Taylor, even though she doesn’t look that much like her.
9. These magazines must be read in the library. You can’t take them away.
10. When they discovered that the child was an orphan, they offered to take him in.
11. That desk is so big that it takes up most of his office.
12. We were so taken aback by his decision to resign what we didn’t know what to say.
13. I don’t think he’ll take on the new project unless we offer him more money.
14. She seems to have taken against me, as if I had offended her somehow.
15. He has taken to drinking Coca-Cola at night to help him sleep.


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
[24062022] Number 30 | Phrasal verb 18
Take off =
- cởi bỏ cái gì (ví dụ: quần áo)
- (máy bay) cất cánh
- trở lên thành công, phổ biến nhanh chóng
- dành một khoảng thời gian cho công việc vào việc khác (nghỉ)
- rời khỏi đâu vĩnh viễn
- nhại lại ai đó

Take up with =
- có mối liên hệ với ai, quan hệ với ai (mà họ có ảnh hưởng xấu tới bản thân)
- bận rộn với việc gì

Take over =
- đảm nhận, thay thế ai, cái gì
- nắm quyền kiểm soát

Talk round =
- nói lảng tránh, vòng vo về vấn đề gì đó
- thuyết phục ai chấp nhận cái gì (sau khi họ có ý kiến ngược lại)

Talk out of = thuyết phục ai không làm gì

Talk into = thuyết phục ai làm gì

Tell off = chỉ trích ai (một cách tức giận vì họ đã làm gì sai)

Practise test (no limit to the number of words)
1. He promised to take me for dinner on Friday evening.
2. Their plane was due to take at 10 pm but it was delayed because of fog.
3. Ann was told by her father for coming home late.
4. You can’t talk me giving you more money. I’ve given you enough already.
5. He was against the plan at first, but they managed to talk him .
6. Mark was sent to home from school because he was seen taking the headmaster.
7. Mr Johnson’s son is going to take as chairman of the board.
8. After a low start, their new line of cosmetics has begun to .
9. Jane was so determined to become a model that her parents couldn’t talk it.
10. Their daughter has taken a group of friends who have no intention of ever finding work.
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Key for number 30
1. He promised to take me out for dinner on Friday evening.
2. Their plane was due to take off at 10 pm but it was delayed because of fog.
3. Ann was told off by her father for coming home late.
4. You can’t talk me into giving you more money. I’ve given you enough already.
5. He was against the plan at first, but they managed to talk him round.
6. Mark was sent to home from school because he was seen taking off the headmaster.
7. Mr Johnson’s son is going to take over as chairman of the board.
8. After a low start, their new line of cosmetics has begun to take off.
9. Jane was so determined to become a model that her parents couldn’t talk out of it.
10. Their daughter has taken up with a group of friends who have no intention of ever finding work.


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
[16082022] Number 31 | Phrasal verb 19
  1. Tell against = bất lợi với
  2. Talk down =
    • lấn át giọng ai
    • thuyết phục giảm giá
    • hạ thấp người khác
  3. Talk back = trả lời ai một cách thô lỗ
  4. Talk about = nhấn mạnh về (một thứ gì đó dễ nhận biết)
  5. Tell apart = phân biệt
  6. Talk at = nói quá nhiều (mà không để người khác nói)
  7. Think over = cân nhắc vấn đề, quyết định một cách cẩn thận
  8. Think of =
    • nghĩ ra ý tưởng/ kế hoạch mới
    • có ý kiến về … là như thế nào
    • cân nhắc cái gì trước khi đưa ra quyết định
  9. Think (sth) out = cân nhắc (mọi yếu tố) một cách kĩ lưỡng trước khi đưa ra quyết định
  10. Think up = bịa, tưởng tượng ra cái gì
Practise test (no limit to the number of words)
  1. Our boss talks us as if we were children.
  2. We need to think an exciting advertising campaign for our new product.
  3. He keeps talking moving to another city, but I doubt if he will.
  4. If you can’t talk your differences with your finance, you’d better break up.
  5. My parents advised me to think things before accepting the job.
  6. Stop behaving like that of the neighbors will start to talk you.
  7. Racing drivers rarely think the anger involved in their profession.
  8. He insisted that children who talk ought to be punished.
  9. His lack of convincing alibi will tell him at the trial.
  10. I’ve never had a real conversation with Peter; he just talks you.
  11. She thought her ideas carefully before putting them down on paper.
  12. The only way one can tell the twins is by their haircuts.


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Key for number 31
  1. Our boss talks down to us as if we were children.
  2. We need to think up an exciting advertising campaign for our new product.
  3. He keeps talking about moving to another city, but I doubt if he will.
  4. If you can’t talk out of your differences with your finance, you’d better break up.
  5. My parents advised me to think things over before accepting the job.
  6. Stop behaving like that of the neighbors will start to talk about you.
  7. Racing drivers rarely think of the anger involved in their profession.
  8. He insisted that children who talk back ought to be punished.
  9. His lack of convincing alibi will tell against him at the trial.
  10. I’ve never had a real conversation with Peter; he just talks at you.
  11. She thought her ideas out carefully before putting them down on paper.
  12. The only way one can tell the twins apart is by their haircuts.


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
[20092022] Number 32 | Phrasal verb 20

1. Turn in =
- báo cáo ai với cảnh sát, hoặc đưa họ đến đồn cảnh sát (vì họ phạm tội)
- sản xuất một lượng cụ thể hoặc mức độ gì đó
- đưa cái gì cho ai vì họ phụ trách cái đó
- đi ngủ

2. Turn into = Trở thành ai, cái gì

3. Turn out =
- có một kết quả cụ thể nào đó, trở thành như nào
- được phát hiện ra là cái gì, có cái gì
- sản xuất cái gì với số lượng lớn
- bắt buộc ai rời khỏi đâu, đặc biệt là nhà của họ
- đến đâu để tham dự một sự kiện hoặc tham gia một hoạt động nào đó

4. Turn over =
- lật trang
- đổi vị trí (khi đang ngủ)
- chuyển đổi thành cái gì, hoặc cho ai sử dụng (turn over sth to sth)
- bắt đầu vận hành (máy móc)
- nghĩ kỹ càng về càng gì

5. Turn to =
- nhờ ai giúp đỡ (khi trong tình trạng khó khăn)
- bắt đầu sử dụng, làm gì với mục đích tự an ủi khi gặp khó khăn
- bắt đầu nghĩ về, thảo luận về cái gì
- bắt đầu làm gì mới (chưa từng làm trước đó)
- chuyển tới trang

6. Turn up =
- xuất hiện, đến nơi (arrive)
- được tìm thấy (một cách tình cờ) sau khi bị mất
- tăng âm
- xảy ra một cách tình cờ

7. Turn on =
- bật lên (>< turn off)
- đột nhiên bắt đầu chỉ trích ai đó một cách tức giận
- turn sb on to sth = khiến ai thấy thích cái gì

8. Turn down =
- từ chối (một đề nghị hoặc một yêu cầu) [offer or request]
- giảm âm

9. Turn away = Từ chối yêu cầu của ai và yêu cầu họ rời đi

10. Turn off =

- tắt (máy)
- chuyển từ đường này qua đường khác
- turn sb off = khiến ai thấy chán nản về cái gì
- không chú ý nữa

Practise test (no limit to the number of words)

1. The woman turned the escaped prisoner … to the police.
2. I have a feeling I forgot to turn … the cooker before we left.
3. Hundreds of people turned … to welcome the royal Family back to London.
4. When her business failed, she turned … her parents for financial help.
5. Could you turn … the light? I can’t see well enough to read my book.
6. After being offered the post, Simon turned it … in his mind carefully before accepting.
7. I offered to help him but he turned me down.
8. I had better turn … early. I didn’t sleep well last night.
9. We were turned … at the door of the club for being improperly dressed
10. That factory turns … hundreds of small appliances every day.
11. They want to turn that basement room … a playroom.
12. The lorry turned … in the middle of the motorway, causing an enormous pile-up.
13. He turned … to be a liar and a cheat.
14. You ought to turn … the heat before the sauce burns.
15. Although Mark said he’d be there at 8.00, he didn’t turn … until 0.30.


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Key for number 32
  1. The woman turned the escaped prisoner in to the police.
  2. I have a feeling I forgot to turn off the cooker before we left.
  3. Hundreds of people turned out to welcome the royal Family back to London.
  4. When her business failed, she turned to her parents for financial help.
  5. Could you turn on the light? I can’t see well enough to read my book.
  6. After being offered the post, Simon turned it over in his mind carefully before accepting.
  7. I offered to help him but he turned me down.
  8. I had better turn in early. I didn’t sleep well last night.
  9. We were turned away at the door of the club for being improperly dressed
  10. That factory turns out hundreds of small appliances every day.
  11. They want to turn that basement room into a playroom.
  12. The lorry turned over in the middle of the motorway, causing an enormous pile-up.
  13. He turned out to be a liar and a cheat.
  14. You ought to turn down the heat before the sauce burns.
  15. Although Mark said he’d be there at 8.00, he didn’t turn up until 0.30.
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