English THPT [THPT] Từ Vựng Nâng Cao

Hà Kiều Chinh

Cựu CTV CLB Lịch sử
Thành viên
30 Tháng mười một 2020
Đức Ninh- Tuyên Quang
Tuyên Quang
THCS Đức Ninh
PRACTICE : Choose the correct answer
1. You may find that jogging is detrimental _________ your health rather than beneficial.
A. on
B. at
C. for
D. to

2. The doctor said he was suffering from __________ and work-related stress.
A. fatigue
B. relaxation
C. pleasure
D. comfort

3. They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull ____________.
A. towards
B. through
C. out
D. on

4. The doctor has prescribed some drugs to _________ the pain.
A. suffer
B. reject
C. alleviate
D. response

5. As the season turns from spring to summer, some people feel a bit under the___________ and can’t concentrate fully on their work.
A. storm
B. weather
C. climate
D. rain

Junery N

Cựu Hỗ trợ viên
HV CLB Địa lí
Thành viên
23 Tháng mười một 2019
Nam Định
In the sky
1. You may find that jogging is detrimental _________ your health rather than beneficial.
A. on
B. at
C. for
D. to

2. The doctor said he was suffering from __________ and work-related stress.
A. fatigue
B. relaxation
C. pleasure
D. comfort

3. They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull ____________.
A. towards
B. through
C. out
D. on

4. The doctor has prescribed some drugs to _________ the pain.
A. suffer
B. reject
C. alleviate
D. response

5. As the season turns from spring to summer, some people feel a bit under the___________ and can’t concentrate fully on their work.
A. storm
B. weather
C. climate
D. rain


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh | Cựu Mod Văn
Thành viên
3 Tháng một 2015
Bắc Giang
Trường Đại học Ngoại Ngữ - Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội

11. health (+ happiness) = well-being (n) sức khỏe

Ex: Seeing her grandchildren gave her a sense of well-being.

12. fast food ~ junk food ~ pre-made food (n) thức ăn nhanh

Ex: Vendors serving only pre-made food produced the lowest amount of food waste.

13. to eat (+ drink) = ingest (v) ăn, uống

Ex: The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested.

14. child obesity = childhood obesity = obesity among children (n) sự béo phì ở trẻ

Ex: Recently, the International Obesity TaskForce (IOTF) agreed on a new approach to measure overweight and obesity among children and adolescents.

15. GM food = genetically modified food = bioengineered food = genetically engineered foods (n) thực phẩm biến đổi gen

Ex: Not all objections to genetically modified foods are so easily dismissed.

----------------- Let's practice!------------------

Complete the sentences based on the given words:
1. Sociologists have observed the decline in various measures of psychosocial ____ in the United States for some time.
2. Vendors serving only _____ produced the lowest amount of food waste
3. These mushrooms are poisonous if ____.
4. _____ is a complex health issue occurring when a child is well above the normal or healthy weight for his or her age and height.
5. Critics often disparage U.S. research on the safety of _____, which is often funded or even conducted by GM companies, such as Monsanto.

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013

16. A sedentary lifestyle = an inactive lifestyle

Ex:people living a sedentary lifestyle spend too much time engaging in behaviors that expend very little energy

17. contract a disease = catch a disease
Ex: He contracted a cold on holiday.

18. make a recovery = recover / get better

Ex: Mira made a full recovery from the operation.

19. be susceptible to = easily catch a disease

Ex: He’s very susceptible to colds

20. take a heavy toll on = have a bad effect on

Ex: The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows under her eyes


1. A lot of children in the school ______ measles last term.
A. contracted
B. contacted
C. got

2. Working down the mines for so many years had taken its ___________on his health.
A. turn
B. toll
C. furnace

3. It was a simple operation and the doctors expected him to ________a full recovery.
A. do
B. take
D. make

4. The vaccination is being given to those groups in society who are susceptible ___________ flu .
A. in
B. for
C. to

5. A person living a ________ lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged activities such as socializing, watching television, playing video games...
A. sedentary
B. satisfactory
C. contractual

Kiều Anh.

Cựu TMod Địa
Thành viên
30 Tháng mười hai 2020
Hà Nội❤️
Hà Nội

16. A sedentary lifestyle = an inactive lifestyle

Ex:people living a sedentary lifestyle spend too much time engaging in behaviors that expend very little energy

17. contract a disease = catch a disease
Ex: He contracted a cold on holiday.

18. make a recovery = recover / get better

Ex: Mira made a full recovery from the operation.

19. be susceptible to = easily catch a disease

Ex: He’s very susceptible to colds

20. take a heavy toll on = have a bad effect on

Ex: The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows under her eyes


1. A lot of children in the school ______ measles last term.
A. contracted
B. contacted
C. got

2. Working down the mines for so many years had taken its ___________on his health.
A. turn
B. toll
C. furnace

3. It was a simple operation and the doctors expected him to ________a full recovery.
A. do
B. take
D. make

4. The vaccination is being given to those groups in society who are susceptible ___________ flu .
A. in
B. for
C. to

5. A person living a ________ lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged activities such as socializing, watching television, playing video games...
A. sedentary
B. satisfactory
C. contractual

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
25. curb = limit
The government is trying to curb vehicle emission in cities

26. mitigate = make something less harmful
Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees.

27. devastate = completely destroy
An entire town was devastated by an earthquake.

28. humid = slightly wet
The island is hot and humid in the summer.

29. chilly =too cold
The bathroom gets chilly in the winter.

1. The town was _______________by a hurricane in 1928.
2. A new law designed to _______________ harmful emissions from factories
3. In spite of the sunny weather, the air was rather __________________.
4. New York is very hot and ________________in the summer.
5. It is unclear how to _______________ the effects of tourism on the island.

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
35. catastrophic = disastrous

A catastrophic storm made landfall on US soil.
36. noxious = harmful/poisonous

They died from inhaling noxious fumes.
37. sewage= wastewater

Sewage should be treated in a proper disposal system.
38. die out = become extinct

Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.
40. flora and fauna = plants and animals

A number of species of both flora and fauna have gone extinct over the past centuries.

1. If those species adapt o changing conditions, they may _______________
2. Water is an essential commodity for survival of all the___________________
3. Residents have to put up with____________ fumes from the nearby factory.
4. The world is vulnerable to a ______________disruption of its energy supply by terrorists.
5. Raw ______________is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.

Nguyễn Hoàng Vân Anh

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
20 Tháng tám 2021
Long An
Trường THCS Đông Thành
1. If those species adapt to changing conditions, they may ___become extinct___
2. Water is an essential commodity for survival of all the___wastewater ____
3. Residents have to put up with___noxious____ fumes from the nearby factory.
4. The world is vulnerable to a _______ disastrous _______disruption of its energy supply by terrorists.
5. Raw ___plants and animals______is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
4 Tháng bảy 2021
Long An
Trường THCS Thị Trấn Đông Thành
1. If those species adapt o changing conditions, they may die out
2. Water is an essential commodity for survival of all the flora and fauna
3. Residents have to put up with noxious fumes from the nearby factory.
4. The world is vulnerable to a catastrophic disruption of its energy supply by terrorists.
5. Raw sewage is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh | Cựu Mod Văn
Thành viên
3 Tháng một 2015
Bắc Giang
Trường Đại học Ngoại Ngữ - Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội

46. Large areas of forests are being cut down annually = Large areas of forests are being cut down yearly/ every year.
-> Các khu vực rừng rộng lớn đang bị đốn hạ hàng năm.

47. Millions of tonnes of hazardous gas emission are being released into the atmosphere = Millions of tonnes of hazardous gas emission are being emitted into the atmosphere.
-> Hàng triệu tấn khí thải độc hại đang được thải ra môi trường.

48. Thousands of wild animals are on the verge of extinction due to habitat loss = Thousands of wild animals are in danger of extinction due to habitat destruction.
-> Hàng nghìn động vật hoang dã đang trên bờ tuyệt chủng vì mất đi môi trường sống.

49. Environmental degradation might put an end to life on Earth if this issue is not tackled = Environmental degradation might put an end to life on Earth if this issue is not solved.
-> Sự suy thoái môi trường sẽ có thể chấm dứt sự sống trên Trái Đất nếu vấn đề này không được giải quyết.

Let's practice!

Translate the following sentences into English (given some hints).

1. Hạn hán kéo dài là một trong những nguyên nhân gây ra nhiều vấn đề xã hội hàng năm. (prolonged droughts)
2. Tắc đường gây ra ô nhiễm môi trường vì lượng lớn khí độc hại thải ra từ các phương tiện giao thông. (traffic congestion)
3. Ngày càng nhiều loài động vật quý hiếm trên bờ tuyệt chủng. (rare animals)
4. Việc làm thế nào để giải quyết được sự suy thoái môi trường vẫn luôn là một vấn đề cấp bách về môi trường (HT hoàn thành, a pressing environmental issue)

Ác Quỷ

Bá tước Halloween
Thành viên
20 Tháng bảy 2019
Bình Phước
1.Prolonged drought is one of the causes of many social problems every year
2.Traffic congestion cause environmental pollution because of the large amount of harmful gases emitted from vehicles
3. More and more rare animal species are on the verge of extinction.
4. How to solve environmental degradation is still an urgent environmental isue?


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
4 Tháng bảy 2021
Long An
Trường THCS Thị Trấn Đông Thành

46. Large areas of forests are being cut down annually = Large areas of forests are being cut down yearly/ every year.
-> Các khu vực rừng rộng lớn đang bị đốn hạ hàng năm.

47. Millions of tonnes of hazardous gas emission are being released into the atmosphere = Millions of tonnes of hazardous gas emission are being emitted into the atmosphere.
-> Hàng triệu tấn khí thải độc hại đang được thải ra môi trường.

48. Thousands of wild animals are on the verge of extinction due to habitat loss = Thousands of wild animals are in danger of extinction due to habitat destruction.
-> Hàng nghìn động vật hoang dã đang trên bờ tuyệt chủng vì mất đi môi trường sống.

49. Environmental degradation might put an end to life on Earth if this issue is not tackled = Environmental degradation might put an end to life on Earth if this issue is not solved.
-> Sự suy thoái môi trường sẽ có thể chấm dứt sự sống trên Trái Đất nếu vấn đề này không được giải quyết.

Let's practice!

Translate the following sentences into English (given some hints).

1. Hạn hán kéo dài là một trong những nguyên nhân gây ra nhiều vấn đề xã hội hàng năm. (prolonged droughts)
2. Tắc đường gây ra ô nhiễm môi trường vì lượng lớn khí độc hại thải ra từ các phương tiện giao thông. (traffic congestion)
3. Ngày càng nhiều loài động vật quý hiếm trên bờ tuyệt chủng. (rare animals)
4. Việc làm thế nào để giải quyết được sự suy thoái môi trường vẫn luôn là một vấn đề cấp bách về môi trường (HT hoàn thành, a pressing environmental issue)
1. Prolonged drought is one of the causes of many social problems every year.
2. Traffic congestion causes environmental pollution because of the large amounts of harmful gases emitted from moving vehicles.
3. More and more rare animal species are on the verge of extinction.
4. How to solve environmental degradation has still been a pressing environmental issue.

Xuân Hải Trần

Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
9 Tháng bảy 2021
Hà Nội
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!!
1. Prolonged drought is one of the causes of many social problems every year.
2. Traffic congestion causes environmental pollution because of the large amounts of harmful gases emitted from moving vehicles.
3. More and more rare animal species are on the verge of extinction.
4. How to solve environmental degradation has still been a pressing environmental issue.
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Reactions: Thiên Thuận


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
11 Tháng năm 2020
Hà Nội
THCS Cổ Nhuế
1. Prolonged drought is one of the causes of many social problems every year.
2. Traffic congestion causes environmental pollution because of the large amounts of harmful gases emitted from moving vehicles.
3. More and more rare animal species are on the verge of extinction.
4. How to solve environmental degradation has still been a pressing environmental issue.
  • Like
Reactions: Thiên Thuận

Nguyễn Hoàng Vân Anh

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
20 Tháng tám 2021
Long An
Trường THCS Đông Thành
1. Hạn hán kéo dài là một trong những nguyên nhân gây ra nhiều vấn đề xã hội hàng năm. (prolonged droughts)
2. Tắc đường gây ra ô nhiễm môi trường vì lượng lớn khí độc hại thải ra từ các phương tiện giao thông. (traffic congestion)
3. Ngày càng nhiều loài động vật quý hiếm trên bờ tuyệt chủng. (rare animals)
4. Việc làm thế nào để giải quyết được sự suy thoái môi trường vẫn luôn là một vấn đề cấp bách về môi trường (HT hoàn thành, a pressing environmental issue)
1. Prolonged drought is one of the causes of many annual social problems.
2. Traffic congestion causes environmental pollution because of the large amounts of harmful gases emitted from moving vehicles.
3. More and more rare animal species are on the verge of extinction.
4. How to solve environmental degradation has still been a pressing environmental issue.

Kiều Anh.

Cựu TMod Địa
Thành viên
30 Tháng mười hai 2020
Hà Nội❤️
Hà Nội
1. Prolonged drought is one of the causes of many social problems every year.
2. Traffic congestion causes environmental pollution because of the large amounts of harmful gases emitted from moving vehicles.
3. More and more rare animal species are on the verge of extinction.
4. How to solve environmental degradation has still been a pressing environmental issue.
  • Like
Reactions: Thiên Thuận


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
2 Tháng mười 2021
Long An
1. Prolonged drought is one of the causes of many social problems every year.
2. Traffic congestion causes environmental pollution because of the large amounts of harmful gases emitted from moving vehicles.
3. More and more rare animal species are on the verge of extinction.
4. How to solve environmental degradation has still been a pressing environmental issue.
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Reactions: Thiên Thuận


Học sinh mới
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười 2021
Hello mọi người, chúng ta đã xong THEME 1 rồi, giờ sang chủ đề khác nhé!!!


1. undergo surgery = have a surgeon operate
Ex: She underwent emergency surgery for suspected appendicitis
2. be on the mend = be getting better
Ex: She's been ill with the flu but she's on the mend now.
3. go down with = become ill
Ex: She has gone down with flu.
4. pass out = faint
Ex: I was hit on the head and passed out.
5. stinking cold = very bad cold
Ex: Don't come near me - I've got a stinking cold.

PRACTICE: Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Hôm nay tôi sẽ không đi làm. Tôi bị cảm lạnh.
2. Cô ấy phẫu thuật tối hôm qua. Tình trạng của cô ấy bây giờ đã ổn định
3. Mặc dù anh ta chưa hồi phục hoàn toàn nhưng anh ấy đã khoẻ hơn rồi.
4. Cái tay chảy máu quá nhiều tới nỗi mà tôi sắp ngất xỉu.
5. Anh ấy mắc bệnh sởi
bài làm:
1. today, i won't go to work. I am very bad cold.
2. she underwent surgery / had a surgeon operate yesterday. Now, her condition is stable.
3. Although he has not fully recovered, he is getting better/ on the mend.
4.The hand was bleeding so much that I was about to faint/ to pass out.
5.He has measles.

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
50. correlation = connection
There is a proven correlation between educational level and income.
51. decisive = important,major
These results could prove decisive in establishing the criminal's identity.
52. designate = point out
This area of the park has been specially designated for children.
53. endore = support
The Council is expected to endorse the committee's recommendations.
54. enhace = improve
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.

1. This newly formed organization was _______________the promoter of ethical education.
2. As expected, they found a strong _____________between unemployment and property crime.
3. The SEA marked a _________________step in the development of campaigning on these issues.
4. The government has also _______________these strategies in a rare show of unity with the institute.
5. The videos have been created to ________________ their value in international markets.

Quang Đức !

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
11 Tháng tư 2020
Nghệ An
Tiểu Học Quỳnh Hồng
50. correlation = connection
There is a proven correlation between educational level and income.
51. decisive = important,major
These results could prove decisive in establishing the criminal's identity.
52. designate = point out
This area of the park has been specially designated for children.
53. endore = support
The Council is expected to endorse the committee's recommendations.
54. enhace = improve
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.

1. This newly formed organization was _______________the promoter of ethical education.
2. As expected, they found a strong _____________between unemployment and property crime.
3. The SEA marked a _________________step in the development of campaigning on these issues.
4. The government has also _______________these strategies in a rare show of unity with the institute.
5. The videos have been created to ________________ their value in international markets.

1. This newly formed organization was ENDORE the promoter of ethical education.
2. As expected, they found a strong CORRELATION between unemployment and property crime.
3. The SEA marked a DECISIVE step in the development of campaigning on these issues.
4. The government has also DESIGNATE these strategies in a rare show of unity with the institute.
5. The videos have been created to ENHACE their value in international markets.
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