English [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao

Trinh Linh Mai

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
30 Tháng ba 2021
Thanh Hóa
THCS Định Hưng
Section 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.
1. I really enjoy getting thoroughly absorbed in this good book.
I am losing ________________________________________________________________ .
2. He’s partially deaf so he finds it difficult to communicate on the phone.
Were it ____________________________________________________________________.
3. Sally distrusts modern technology strongly.
Sally has ___________________________________________________________________.
4. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather ___________________________________________________________________.
5. “There’s no point in writing it all out in longhand if you can use a typewriter, isn’t there?”
She dissuaded ________________________________________________________________.
Section 2: Rewrite these sentences using the words in CAPITAL. You must not change the given words. (10 p)
1. Do you think we can stew this kind of meat? (LEND)
Do _______________________________________________________________________?
2. Normally, the money is released within about three months. (COURSE)
In ________________________________________________________________________.
3. We can’t possibly imagine how we are going to afford a new car. (REMOTEST)
We ________________________________________________________________________.
4. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. (MAGIC)
That medicine __________________________________________________________.
5. I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine. (IMPRESSION)
I’m sure _____________________________________________________________.

Section 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.
1. I really enjoy getting thoroughly absorbed in this good book.
I am losing myself in this good book
-> Be lose oneself S.T - dành hết tâm trí vào điều gì
2. He’s partially deaf so he finds it difficult to communicate on the phone.
Were it not for his partial deafness, he could communicate on the phone.
-> Were it not for - Nhờ có...
3. Sally distrusts modern technology strongly.
Sally has a strong distrust of modern technology.
-> A strong distrust of - mất lòng tin
4. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather permitting, we may go camping at that we can5. “There’s no point in writing it all out in longhand if you can use a typewriter, isn’t there?”
She dissuaded me from writing it all out in longhand.

Section 2: Rewrite these sentences using the words in CAPITAL. You must not change the given words. (10 p)
1. Do you think we can stew this kind of meat? (LEND)
-> Do you think this kind of meat lend itself to stewing?
Lend itself to - thích hợp
2. Normally, the money is released within about three months. (COURSE)
-> In the normal course of events the money is released within about three months.
in the normal course of events - diễn ra một cách bình thường
3. We can’t possibly imagine how we are going to afford a new car. (REMOTEST)
-. We haven't the remotest idea how we're going to afford a new car.
the remotest idea - không biết điều gì (không tưởng tượng nổi)
4. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. (MAGIC)
-> That medicine worked like magic and I started to feel better immediately
work like magic - làm việc rất hiệu quả
5. I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine. (IMPRESSION)
-> I'm sure Nancy is still under the impression that the party starts at nine.
Be under the inpression (that) - còn ấn tượng rằng ....

Hazu No No Money

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
27 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
THCS yên thường
Section 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.
1. I really enjoy getting thoroughly absorbed in this good book.
I am losing ________________________________________________________________ .
2. He’s partially deaf so he finds it difficult to communicate on the phone.
Were it ____________________________________________________________________.
3. Sally distrusts modern technology strongly.
Sally has ___________________________________________________________________.
4. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather ___________________________________________________________________.
5. “There’s no point in writing it all out in longhand if you can use a typewriter, isn’t there?”
She dissuaded ________________________________________________________________.
Section 2: Rewrite these sentences using the words in CAPITAL. You must not change the given words. (10 p)
1. Do you think we can stew this kind of meat? (LEND)
Do _______________________________________________________________________?
2. Normally, the money is released within about three months. (COURSE)
In ________________________________________________________________________.
3. We can’t possibly imagine how we are going to afford a new car. (REMOTEST)
We dont have the remotest ideal how we are going to afford a new car.
4. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. (MAGIC)
That medicine __________________________________________________________.
5. I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine. (IMPRESSION)
I’m sure _____________________________________________________________.

Section 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.
1. I really enjoy getting thoroughly absorbed in this good book.
I am losing myself in this good book.
2. He’s partially deaf so he finds it difficult to communicate on the phone.
Were it not for his partial deafness, he wouldn't find it difficult to communicate on the phone.
3. Sally distrusts modern technology strongly.
Sally has strong doubts about modern technology
4. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
5. “There’s no point in writing it all out in longhand if you can use a typewriter, isn’t there?”
She dissuaded me from writing it all out in longhand.
Section 2: Rewrite these sentences using the words in CAPITAL. You must not change the given words. (10 p)
1. Do you think we can stew this kind of meat? (LEND)
Do you think this kind of meat lends itself stewing?
2. Normally, the money is released within about three months. (COURSE)
In a normal course,the money is released within about three months
3. We can’t possibly imagine how we are going to afford a new car. (REMOTEST)
We dont have the remotest ideal how we are going to afford a new car.
4. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. (MAGIC)
That medicine works like magic and I started to feel better immediately.
5. I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine. (IMPRESSION)
I’m sure Nancy is under the impression that the party starts at nine.
Last edited:


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Tuần vừa qua mình xin ghi nhận sự nhiệt tình ủng hộ của tất cả các bạn, tuy nhiên có 3 bạn sau là 3 bạn nổi bật nhất khi tham gia đầy đủ bài trong tuần qua gồm 3 bạn như sau:
@An.hana07: 400 HMC (Tham gia đầy đủ và nhanh nhất)
@minhtam8a2@gmail.com: 300 HMC (Tham gia đầy đủ cả 3 nội dung)
@Trinh Linh Mai: 300 HMC (Tham gia đầy đủ cả 3 nội dung)

Bên cạnh topic này thì box Anh cũng đang triển khai rất nhiều nội dung khác thú vị ^^ Rất hi vọng mọi người đón nhận và ủng hộ.

Nhờ anh @Đình Hải cộng HMCoin cho các bạn giúp em. Em xin cảm ơn.

- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim
- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh
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Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect
to good/full/little etc effect: used for saying what kind of result something has

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid
unfold (v): to gradually make something known to other people
uncover something: to discover something that was previously hidden or secret
unwrap something to take off the paper, etc. that covers or protects something
undo something: to open something that is fastened, tied or wrapped

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically
To be nowhere near as … as = nothing like as … as = not nearly as … as : không được … như (dùng trong so sánh bằng để nhấn mạnh)

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime
Paramount: more important than anything else
*** Có một cụm từ rất hay mà các bạn có thể dùng trong bài Writing là “… is of paramount importance

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise
Comply with = conform to/ with = abide by: to obey a rule, law, etc.

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive
Prohibitive (a): (of a price or a cost) so high that it prevents people from buying something or doing something

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow
believe it or not: this is surprising but true

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered
undermine something/somebody: to make something, especially somebody’s confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right
to put sth right: sửa chữa

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim
the brink (of something): if you are on the brink of something, you are almost in a very new, dangerous or exciting situation
- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Read the passage below-contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections
Although the music industry developed over several decades, popular music drew ethnomusicologists’ attention by the 90s because a standardizing effective began to develop. The corporate nature surrounding popular music streamlined it into a framework that focused on slight deviations from the accepted norm, create what Adorno calls “pseudo-individualism”; what the public would perceive as unique or organic would musically comply with standard, established music conventions. Thus, a duality emerged from this standardization, an industry-driven manipulation of the public’s tastes to give people what they want while simultaneous guiding them to it. In the case of rock music, while the genre may have grown out of politicized forces and other form of meaningful motivation, the corporate influence over popular music became integral to its identity that directing public taste became increasingly easier. Technological development allowed for easy dispersion of western music, causing the dominance of western music into rural and urbanized areas across the globe. However, because popular music assumes so a corporatized role and therefore remains subject to a large degree of standardized, ambiguity exists whether the music reflects actual cultural values or those only of the corporate sector seeking economic profit. Because popular music developed such a dependent relationship to media and the corporations surrounding it, where record sales and profit indirectly shaped musical decisions, the superstar person became an important element of popular music. From the fame and economical success surrounding such superstars, subcultures continued to arise, such as the rock and punk movements, only perpetuated by the corporate machine that also shaped the musical aspect of popular music.
- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh
Last edited:


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Read the passage below-contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections
Although the music industry developed over several decades, popular music drew ethnomusicologists’ attention by the 90s because a standardizing effective => effect (1) began to develop. The corporate nature surrounding popular music streamlined it into a framework that focused on slight deviations from the accepted norm, create => creating (2) what Adorno calls “pseudo-individualism”; what the public would perceive as unique or organic would musically comply with standard, established music => musical (3) conventions. Thus, a duality emerged from this standardization, an industry-driven manipulation of the public’s tastes to give people what they want while simultaneous => simultaneously (4) guiding them to it. In the case of rock music, while the genre may have grown out of politicized forces and other => another (5) form of meaningful motivation, the corporate influence over popular music became integral to its identity that directing public taste became increasingly easier. Technological development => developments (6) allowed for easy dispersion of western music, causing the dominance of western music into rural and urbanized areas across the globe. However, because popular music assumes so => such (7) a corporatized role and therefore remains subject to a large degree of standardized => standardization (8), ambiguity exists whether the music reflects actual cultural values or those only of the corporate sector seeking economic profit. Because popular music developed such a dependent relationship to => with (9) media and the corporations surrounding it, where record sales and profit indirectly shaped musical decisions, the superstar person became an important element of popular music. From the fame and economical => economic (10) success surrounding such superstars, subcultures continued to arise, such as the rock and punk movements, only perpetuated by the corporate machine that also shaped the musical aspect of popular music.

(1) effective => effect
Vì phía trước có "a + adj", phía sau là một động từ và sau because là một mệnh đề nên cần 1 chủ ngữ là danh từ, do đó không thể dùng "effective"

(2) create => creating
Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn

(3) music => musical
Trước danh từ "convention" là một tính từ nên phải chuyển thành "musical"

(4) simultaneous => simultaneously
Cần một trạng từ để bổ nghĩa cho "guiding"

(5) other => another
Vì "form" là danh từ đếm được ở dạng số ít nên phải dùng another

(6) development => developments
"development" ở đây có nghĩa là "a new or advanced product or idea", là danh từ đếm được nên phải có mạo từ nếu ở dạng số ít, tuy nhiên hàm nghĩa câu này muốn nói về "những sự phát triển về công nghệ" nên ta sử dụng hình thức số nhiều

(7) so => such
Phía sau là danh từ nên dùng "such" thay cho "so"

(8) standardized => standardization
Sau "of" là một danh từ

(9) to => with
relationship with sb/sth

(10) economical => economic
Ở đây cần dùng từ "economic" nghĩa là "related to economy" thay vì "economical" nghĩa là "not spending more money than necessary"
- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh
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Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
12 Tháng hai 2016
Bình Định
THCS Ghềnh Ráng
1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim
1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim


Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
20 Tháng sáu 2021
Hà Tĩnh
THCS Cẩm Trung
1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim

1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim​

Trinh Linh Mai

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
30 Tháng ba 2021
Thanh Hóa
THCS Định Hưng
Read the passage below-contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections
Although the music industry developed over several decades, popular music drew ethnomusicologists’ attention by the 90s because a standardizing effective began to develop. The corporate nature surrounding popular music streamlined it into a framework that focused on slight deviations from the accepted norm, create what Adorno calls “pseudo-individualism”; what the public would perceive as unique or organic would musically comply with standard, established music conventions. Thus, a duality emerged from this standardization, an industry-driven manipulation of the public’s tastes to give people what they want while simultaneous guiding them to it. In the case of rock music, while the genre may have grown out of politicized forces and other form of meaningful motivation, the corporate influence over popular music became integral to its identity that directing public taste became increasingly easier. Technological development allowed for easy dispersion of western music, causing the dominance of western music into rural and urbanized areas across the globe. However, because popular music assumes so a corporatized role and therefore remains subject to a large degree of standardized, ambiguity exists whether the music reflects actual cultural values or those only of the corporate sector seeking economic profit. Because popular music developed such a dependent relationship to media and the corporations surrounding it, where record sales and profit indirectly shaped musical decisions, the superstar person became an important element of popular music. From the fame and economical success surrounding such superstars, subcultures continued to arise, such as the rock and punk movements, only perpetuated by the corporate machine that also shaped the musical aspect of popular music.

Although the music industry developed over several decades, popular music drew ethnomusicologists’ attention by the 90s because a standardizing effective -> effect began to develop. The corporate nature surrounding popular music streamlined it into a framework that focused on slight deviations from the accepted norm, create -> creating what Adorno calls “pseudo-individualism”; what the public would perceive as unique or organic would musically comply with standard, established music -> musical conventions. Thus, a duality emerged from this standardization, an industry-driven manipulation of the public’s tastes to give people what they want while simultaneous -> simultaneously guiding them to it. In the case of rock music, while the genre may have grown out of politicized forces and other -> another form of meaningful motivation, the corporate influence over popular music became integral to its identity that directing public taste became increasingly easier. Technological development -> developments allowed for easy dispersion of western music, causing the dominance of western music into rural and urbanized areas across the globe. However, because popular music assumes so -> such a corporatized role and therefore remains subject to a large degree of standardized -> standardization, ambiguity exists whether the music reflects actual cultural values or those only of the corporate sector seeking economic profit. Because popular music developed such a dependent relationship to -> with media and the corporations surrounding it, where record sales and profit indirectly shaped musical decisions, the superstar person became an important element of popular music. From the fame and economical -> economic success surrounding such superstars, subcultures continued to arise, such as the rock and punk movements, only perpetuated by the corporate machine that also shaped the musical aspect of popular music.


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
1. Even though she has rich parents, she has little money herself. HAVING
=> _________________________________________________________________________.
2. There are hardly any people in the centre of the city in August. VIRTUALLY
=> _________________________________________________________________________.
3. She’s still young, but she has written four noticeable novels. CREDIT
=> Young ___________________________________________________________________.
4. There’s no need for me to tell you that you’ll be paid handsomely for this. SAYING
=> It _____________________________________________________ that you’ll be paid handsomely for this.
5. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticized by the press. SCORN
=> The press ________________________________________________________________________.
6. I didn’t stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp. ONLY
=> It was _____ safety of the camp that I stopped worrying about the wild animals.
7. I don’t get on very well with many people but I hit it off with Jason straightaway. HAD
=> I don’t get on very well with many people but Jason _____ other straightaway.
8. Because I believed his lies, I gave him $1000. TRICKED
=> ______________________________.
9. His wife keeps telling him that he should give up smoking. PUSHING
=> ______________________________.
10. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of the bird flu. LIGHT
=> ______________________________.

- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh
Last edited:

Trinh Linh Mai

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
30 Tháng ba 2021
Thanh Hóa
THCS Định Hưng
1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim

1. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence
B. outcome
C. upshot
D. effect

2. As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered
B. unfolded
C. unwrapped
D. undid

3. This song is not _____ as original as their previous ones.
A. almost
B. virtually
C. nearly
D. practically

4. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______.
A. paramount
B. eminent
C. chief
D. prime

5. It is expected that all members will _____ to the rules of the club.
A. comply
B. concede
C. conform
D. compromise

6. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive

7. _______ it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise!
A. Believe
B. Accept
C. Presume
D. Allow

8. Recent defeats have _____ his confidence in himself as a player.
A. undermined
B. disable
C. impeded
D. hampered

9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the next day.
A. correct
B. proper
C. sound
D. right

10. Poor management brought the company to the ____ of collapse.
A. brink
B. rim
C. fringe
D. brim


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
12 Tháng hai 2016
Bình Định
THCS Ghềnh Ráng
1. Even though she has rich parents, she has little money herself. HAVING
=> _________________________________________________________________________.
2. There are hardly any people in the centre of the city in August. VIRTUALLY
=> _________________________________________________________________________.
3. She’s still young, but she has written four noticeable novels. CREDIT
=> Young ___________________________________________________________________.
4. There’s no need for me to tell you that you’ll be paid handsomely for this. SAYING
=> It _____________________________________________________ that you’ll be paid handsomely for this.
5. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticized by the press. SCORN
=> The press ________________________________________________________________________.
6. I didn’t stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp. ONLY
=> It was _____ safety of the camp that I stopped worrying about the wild animals.
7. I don’t get on very well with many people but I hit it off with Jason straightaway. HAD
=> I don’t get on very well with many people but Jason _____ other straightaway.
8. Because I believed his lies, I gave him $1000. TRICKED
=> ______________________________.
9. His wife keeps telling him that he should give up smoking. PUSHING
=> ______________________________.
10. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of the bird flu. LIGHT
=> ______________________________.
1. Even though she has rich parents, she has little money herself. HAVING
=> Despite having rich parents, she has little money herself.

2. There are hardly any people in the centre of the city in August. VIRTUALLY
=> The city center virtually doesn't have any people in August.

3. She’s still young, but she has written four noticeable novels. CREDIT
=> Young as she is, she has four noticeable novels to her credit.

4. There’s no need for me to tell you that you’ll be paid handsomely for this. SAYING
=> It goes without saying that you’ll be paid handsomely for this.

5. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticized by the press. SCORN
=> The press has poured scorn on the handling of the matter.

6. I didn’t stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp. ONLY
=> It was only when we were in safety of the camp that I stopped worrying about the wild animals.

7. I don’t get on very well with many people but I hit it off with Jason straightaway. HAD
=> I don’t get on very well with many people but Jason and I had to took to teach other straightaway.

8. Because I believed his lies, I gave him $1000. TRICKED
=>He tricked me into giving him 1000 dollars.

9. His wife keeps telling him that he should give up smoking. PUSHING
=> His wife is pushing him to get a better job.

10. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of the bird flu. LIGHT
=> Theories about the causes of the bird flu have changed in light of recent research.


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
1. Even though she has rich parents, she has little money herself. HAVING
=> Despite having rich parents, she has little money herself.
Even though + clause ~ Despite + N/ V_ing

2. There are hardly any people in the centre of the city in August. VIRTUALLY
=> The centre of the city is virtually empty in August.
Virtually empty: An empty place, vehicle, or container is one that has no people or things in it

3. She’s still young, but she has written four noticeable novels. CREDIT
=> Young as she is, she has 4 noticeable novels to her credit.
Adj/ adv as S + tobe/ verb, clause: Mặc dù, ...

4. There’s no need for me to tell you that you’ll be paid handsomely for this. SAYING
=> It goes without saying that you’ll be paid handsomely for this.
It goes without saying: used to mean that something is obvious

5. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticized by the press. SCORN
=> The press has poured scorn on the handling of the matter.
pour scorn on sb/sth: to sat person or thing is stupid and not worth anything

6. I didn’t stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp. ONLY
=> It was only when we were in/reached the safety of the camp that I stopped worrying about the wild animals.

It was only when: chỉ đến khi

7. I don’t get on very well with many people but I hit
it off with Jason straightaway. TOOK
=> I don’t get on very well with many people but Jason and I took to each other straightaway.
take to sb/sth: to start to like someone or something
hit it off (with someone) friendly with each other immediately

8. Because I believed his lies, I gave him $1000.
=> He tricked me into giving him $1000.
trick somebody into something/into doing something: lừa ai làm gì

9. His wife keeps telling him that he should give up
smoking. PUSHING
=> His wife is pushing him to give up smoking.
put sb to sth: cause someone to experience or do something

10. Recent research has changed theories about the
causes of the bird flu. LIGHT
=> Theories about the causes of the bird flu have changed in the light of recent research.
in the light of sth = because of sth

Chúc mọi người một năm học mới thật thành công ^^ Chúc riêng tới những bạn đặt mục tiêu thi tỉnh, thi chuyên thì sẽ đạt được mục tiêu ấy nhé.

- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh


Học sinh mới
Thành viên
26 Tháng bảy 2021
1. Despite having rich parents, she has little money herself.
2. The centre of the city is virtually empty in August.
3. Young as she is, she has four noticeable novels to her credit.
4. It goes without saying that you'll be paid handsomely for this.
5. The press has poured scorn on the handling of the matter.
6. It was only when we were in safety of the camp that I stopped worrying about the wild animals.
7. I don't get on very well with many people but Jason and I took to each other straightaway.
8. He tricked me into giving him $1000.
9. His wife is pushing him to get a better job.
10. Recent research has cast new light on theories about the causes of bird flu.
  • Like
Reactions: Thiên Thuận

Trinh Linh Mai

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
30 Tháng ba 2021
Thanh Hóa
THCS Định Hưng
1. Even though she has rich parents, she has little money herself. HAVING
=> _________________________________________________________________________.
2. There are hardly any people in the centre of the city in August. VIRTUALLY
=> _________________________________________________________________________.
3. She’s still young, but she has written four noticeable novels. CREDIT
=> Young ___________________________________________________________________.
4. There’s no need for me to tell you that you’ll be paid handsomely for this. SAYING
=> It _____________________________________________________ that you’ll be paid handsomely for this.
5. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticized by the press. SCORN
=> The press ________________________________________________________________________.
6. I didn’t stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp. ONLY
=> It was _____ safety of the camp that I stopped worrying about the wild animals.
7. I don’t get on very well with many people but I hit it off with Jason straightaway. HAD
=> I don’t get on very well with many people but Jason _____ other straightaway.
8. Because I believed his lies, I gave him $1000. TRICKED
=> ______________________________.
9. His wife keeps telling him that he should give up smoking. PUSHING
=> ______________________________.
10. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of the bird flu. LIGHT
=> ______________________________.

1. Even though she has rich parents, she has little money herself. HAVING
=> Despite having rich parents, she has little money herself.
2. There are hardly any people in the centre of the city in August. VIRTUALLY
=> The centre of the city is virtually empty in August.
3. She’s still young, but she has written four noticeable novels. CREDIT
=> Young as she may be, she has four noticeable novels to her credit.
4. There’s no need for me to tell you that you’ll be paid handsomely for this. SAYING
=> It goes without saying that you’ll be paid handsomely for this.
5. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticized by the press. SCORN
=> The press has poured scorn on the handling of the matter
6. I didn’t stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp. ONLY
=> It was only when we were in safety of the camp that I stopped worrying about the wild animals.
7. I don’t get on very well with many people but I hit it off with Jason straightaway. HAD
=> I don’t get on very well with many people but Jason and I took to each other straightaway.
8. Because I believed his lies, I gave him $1000. TRICKED
=> He tricked me into giving him $1000.
9. His wife keeps telling him that he should give up smoking. PUSHING
=> His wife is pushing him to get a better job.
10. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of the bird flu. LIGHT
=> Recent research has thrown new light on theories about the causes of bird flu.
  • Like
Reactions: Thiên Thuận


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Do hôm qua mình có việc gia đình nên bây giờ mới tổng hợp được nè ^^ Mới đó mà đã 1 tháng rồi ~~

Tuần vừa qua mình xin ghi nhận sự nhiệt tình ủng hộ của tất cả các bạn, tuy nhiên có 2 bạn sau là 2 bạn nổi bật nhất khi tham gia đầy đủ bài trong tuần qua gồm 2 bạn như sau:

@Trinh Linh Mai: Tham gia 3/3 nội dung ~ 600 HMCoin
@minhtam8a2@gmail.com: Tham gia 2/3 nội dung ~ 400 HMCoin

Chúc tất cả mọi người năm học mới thật thành công ^^
- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh
  • Like
Reactions: Thiên Thuận


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
1. After thanking everyone for their moral support, the now aged actress went on _______ the most significant moments of her bright career.
A. having recounted
B. to recount
C. to have recounted
D. recounting

2. Taking out a short-term loan is a _______ feasible solution to the company’s cash flow problems.
A. greatly
B. fully
C. perfectly
D. extremely

3. No one can function properly if he or she is________________adequate sleep.
A. took away
B. deprived of
C. derived from
D. run out

4. Could I have a sip of your water just to _______ my thirst?
A. mitigate
B. quench
C. gratify
D. exacerbate

5. The situation is out of control, and ______ action needs to be taken immediately.
A. dramatic
B. drastic
C. caustic
D. gigantic

6. When Jones stood up and started singing in the restaurant, it made my ________ curl.
A. toes
B. hair
C. fingers
D. lips

7. Could you lend me some money to_____________me over to the end of the month?
A. hand
B. tide
C. get
D. make

8. I always take my lucky______________with me into an exam.
A. sign
B. item
C. charm
D. spell

9. The countries in that region made an absolute ________ out of oil.
A. bang
B. pile
C. go
D. cash

10. I always take my lucky______________with me into an exam.
A. sign
B. item
C. charm
D. spell

- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Hôm nay mình xin phép đổi gió sang dạng bài này để đa dạng hóa bài tập theo mong muốn của nhiều bạn ha ^^

Famous the world over as the creation of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan_ Doyle was born in Edinburgh in 1859 into an Irish family who were (36) (INFLUENCE) in the art world. Unfortunately, Arthur's father was an alcoholic, and his behaviour caused his family much (37) (HAPPY). Arthur probably inherited the ability to tell stories from his mother, who was a source of (38) (INSPIRE) to him.
Thanks to the (39) (GENEROUS) of some relatives, Arthur was able to study medicine at Edinburgh University. He was a bright student, but (40) (REST), and his zest for adventure led him to accept a contract as ship's surgeon aboard a whaler. Returning home, he completed his (41) (MEDICINE) studies in 1881.He eventually settled in the south of England.

Telling stories had always been a part of his life, but the creation of a (42) (FICTION) detective called Sherlock Holmes turned Conan Doyle into a popular writer. It is believed that he based Holmes' character on one of his university tutors, Dr Joseph Bell, whom he regarded with respect and (43) (ADMIRE) for his logic and powers of (44) (DEDUCE). The first Sherlock Holmes story was so well received that Doyle was encouraged to write more. In 1893 he killed off his hero in order to concentrate on writing what he saw as more serious work, but this caused a public (45) (CRY), and he was forced to bring Holmes back to life.

- Hiện tại box Anh đang triển khai nội dung liên quan đến kì thi HSG cấp tỉnh kì thi vào 10 Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh tại đây: [ÔN CHUYÊN + HSG TỈNH] Luyện từ vựng và ngữ pháp nâng cao
- Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG và vào chuyên Anh có thể tham khảo và gửi lại thắc mắc để được giải đáp tại đây: Kinh nghiệm ôn thi HSG tỉnh và thi vào THPT chuyên môn Tiếng Anh
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Reactions: irishmeii291


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
12 Tháng hai 2016
Bình Định
THCS Ghềnh Ráng
1. After thanking everyone for their moral support, the now aged actress went on _______ the most significant moments of her bright career.
A. having recounted
B. to recount
C. to have recounted
D. recounting

2. Taking out a short-term loan is a _______ feasible solution to the company’s cash flow problems.
A. greatly
B. fully
C. perfectly
D. extremely

3. No one can function properly if he or she is________________adequate sleep.
A. took away
B. deprived of
C. derived from
D. run out

4. Could I have a sip of your water just to _______ my thirst?
A. mitigate
B. quench
C. gratify
D. exacerbate

5. The situation is out of control, and ______ action needs to be taken immediately.
A. dramatic
B. drastic
C. caustic
D. gigantic

6. When Jones stood up and started singing in the restaurant, it made my ________ curl.
A. toes
B. hair
C. fingers
D. lips

7. Could you lend me some money to_____________me over to the end of the month?
A. hand
B. tide
C. get
D. make

8. I always take my lucky______________with me into an exam.
A. sign
B. item
C. charm
D. spell

9. The countries in that region made an absolute ________ out of oil.
A. bang
B. pile
C. go
D. cash

10. I always take my lucky______________with me into an exam.
A. sign
B. item
C. charm
D. spell
1. After thanking everyone for their moral support, the now aged actress went on _______ the most significant moments of her bright career.
A. having recounted
B. to recount
C. to have recounted
D. recounting

2. Taking out a short-term loan is a _______ feasible solution to the company’s cash flow problems.
A. greatly
B. fully
C. perfectly
D. extremely

3. No one can function properly if he or she is________________adequate sleep.
A. took away
B. deprived of
C. derived from
D. run out

4. Could I have a sip of your water just to _______ my thirst?
A. mitigate
B. quench
C. gratify
D. exacerbate

5. The situation is out of control, and ______ action needs to be taken immediately.
A. dramatic
B. drastic
C. caustic
D. gigantic

6. When Jones stood up and started singing in the restaurant, it made my ________ curl.
A. toes
B. hair
C. fingers
D. lips

7. Could you lend me some money to_____________me over to the end of the month?
A. hand
B. tide
C. get
D. make

8. I always take my lucky______________with me into an exam.
A. sign
B. item
C. charm
D. spell

9. The countries in that region made an absolute ________ out of oil.
A. bang
B. pile
C. go
D. cash

10. I always take my lucky______________with me into an exam.
A. sign
B. item
C. charm
D. spell
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