Diệp Hạ Bạch

Cựu TMod Anh
HV CLB Địa lí
Thành viên
28 Tháng sáu 2020
Thái Bình
Muốn biết hãy hỏi :D
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Với mục đích xây dựng một chương trình phù hợp với tất cả mọi học sinh, đặc biệt là các bạn chuẩn bị bước vào kỳ thi vô cùng quan trọng của cuộc đời, team nội dung chúng mình cùng sự hợp tác của các bạn team beta đã soạn thảo một hệ thống tài liệu bám sát khung thi của Bộ Giáo dục & Đào tạo, đảm bảo thuận tiện cho học tập, tra cứu và ôn luyện.
Trước hết mình xin giới thiệu với mọi người topic tài liệu (bao gồm lý thuyết và bài tập có đáp án) đầu tiên nằm trong PJ Chương trình cơ bản của chúng mình: Các thì cơ bản. Mong rằng tài liệu này sẽ có ích cho tất cả các bạn. Chúc các bạn học tốt! :Tuzki32:Tuzki33


I. Tóm tắt nội dung chính
1. Đảo ngữ với câu điều kiện
2. Đảo ngữ với trạng từ tần suất
3. Đảo ngữ với until, cấu trúc It was not until
4. Đảo ngữ với trạng từ chỉ thời gian & nơi chốn
5. Đảo ngữ của hai hành động diễn ra liên tiếp
6. Đảo ngữ với now, thus, then, here, there
7. Đảo ngữ với so that và such that
8. Đảo ngữ với NO và NOT, cấu trúc not only but also, cấu trúc no matter
9. Đảo ngữ với only
10. Đảo ngữ với tính từ
11. Đảo ngữ của các cụm từ chứa “no”
II. Nội dung chi tiết
1. Đảo ngữ với câu điều kiện
a. Câu điều kiện loại 1
Should S (not) + V, S + will/should/may/shall + V
Ex. Should you invite me, I will play with you.
b. Câu điều kiện loại 2
Were S (not) + to V/Were + S + adj/O, S + would/could/might + V
Ex. Were you to invite me, I would play with you.
(Thực tế là bạn chẳng mời mình nên mình cũng không rảnh chơi với bạn)
c. Câu điều kiện loại 3
Had S (not)+ V(pII), S + would/should/might have + V(pII)
Ex. Had it not been for your help, I might have been late.
2. Đảo ngữ với trạng từ tần suất
Never/ Rarely/ Seldom /Little/ Hardly + trợ từ + S + V
Ex. Seldom does Rikimaru send me gifts.
- Riêng Never còn có cấu trúc như sau Never + cụm từ + trợ từ + S + V
Ex. I have never seen this in my life
=> Never in my life have I seen this.
3. Đảo ngữ với until, cấu trúc It was not until
It tobe not until that + mệnh đề mãi cho đến khi
(to be ở thì nào chia mệnh đề thì đó)
- Not until + mệnh đề/N + trợ từ + S + V +
Ex. It was not until yesterday that I realised how handsome Kazuma’s
smile was.
=> Not until yesterday did I realise how handsome Kazuma’s smile was.
4. Đảo ngữ với trạng từ chỉ thời gian & nơi chốn
Trạng từ + V + S
Ex. On the stage is Rikimaru.
- Trạng từ + đại từ nhân xưng + V
Ex. Under the tree I sat.

Xem đầy đủ tại :

Ngoài ra các bạn có thể xem topic tổng hợp nội dung tại: Tổng hợp đề, ngữ pháp trọng tâm & từ vựng ôn thi

Các topic mà mình muốn giới thiệu đến mọi người <3
1. [Lý thuyết] Mệnh đề quan hệ - HMF
2. [Lý thuyết] Câu giả định - HMF
3. [Lý thuyết] Câu tường thuật - HMF
4. [Lý thuyết] Câu bị động - HMF
5.[Lý thuyết] Các thì cơ bản trong Tiếng Anh - HMF

Hẹn gặp lại mọi người trong các bài viết sắp tới nha :p Lý thuyết và bài tập sẽ liên tục được cập nhật nhaaaaaa :D


  • [Lý thuyết] Đảo ngữ - HMF.pdf
    629.2 KB · Đọc: 12


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập đầu tiên nhé !!!

Choose the answer A,B,C or D that best fits in each sentence:
1. Not only _____________ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil.
A. seismology is used B. using seismology C.is seismology used D. to use seismology
2. __________ advised on what and how to prepare for the interview, he might have got the job.
A. Had he been B. If he had C. Unless he had been D. Were he to be
3. Not until 1856 ____________ across the Mississippi River.
A. the first bridge was built B. was the first bridge built
C. the first bridge built D. did the first bride built
4. Only when you grow up, ________ the truth.
A. you will know B. you know C. do you know D. will you know
5. __________ Mozart was an accomplished compose while still a child.
A. Remarkable as it seems B. As it seems remarkable
C. No matter remarkable it seems D. Remarkable however it seems
6. Out __________ for a walk after she finished doing her homework.
A. did Mary go B. Mary went C. Mary did go D. went Mary
7. ________ she could not say anything.
A. So upset was she that B. So upset was she
C. However upset was she that D. Therefore upset was she that
8. ___________ with my previous job, I would have won a higher promotion and I ___________ in this unfortunate position now.
A. Unless I had stayed / am not B. If I stayed / would not be
C. If had I stayed / will not be D. Had I stayed / would not be
9. Not only ___________ to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. she refused B. did she refuse C. she did refuse D. when she refused
10. ___________ an emergency arise, call 911.
A. Should B. If C. Will D. Were
11. Nowhere in the northern section of the United States ____________ for growing citrus crops.
A. is there suitability of the climate B. where the climate is suitable
C. the climate is suitable D. is the climate suitable
12. Only after she had finished the course did she realize she __________________ a wrong choice.
A. had made B. has made C. had been making D. was making
13. Never __________ him stand on the deserted station platform.
A. will I forget to see B. I will forget to see
C. will I forget seeing D. I will forget seeing
14. The instructor blew his whistle and ______________.
A. off the runners were running B. off ran the runners
C. off were running the runners D. the runners runs off
15. Seldom _________ far enough north to disturb South Pacific shipping lanes.
A. Antarctic icebergs will move B. will Antarctic icebergs move
C. will move Antarctic icebergs D. move Antarctic icebergs will

Phần đáp án của bài này sẽ có vào ngày tới nha!


Cựu Mod Văn
HV CLB Địa lí
Thành viên
9 Tháng năm 2020
Lâm Đồng
Lý Tự Trọng
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập đầu tiên nhé !!!

Choose the answer A,B,C or D that best fits in each sentence:
1. Not only _____________ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil.
A. seismology is used B. using seismology C.is seismology used D. to use seismology
2. __________ advised on what and how to prepare for the interview, he might have got the job.
A. Had he been B. If he had C. Unless he had been D. Were he to be
3. Not until 1856 ____________ across the Mississippi River.
A. the first bridge was built B. was the first bridge built
C. the first bridge built D. did the first bride built
4. Only when you grow up, ________ the truth.
A. you will know B. you know C. do you know D. will you know
5. __________ Mozart was an accomplished compose while still a child.
A. Remarkable as it seems B. As it seems remarkable
C. No matter remarkable it seems D. Remarkable however it seems
6. Out __________ for a walk after she finished doing her homework.
A. did Mary go B. Mary went C. Mary did go D. went Mary
7. ________ she could not say anything.
A. So upset was she that B. So upset was she
C. However upset was she that D. Therefore upset was she that
8. ___________ with my previous job, I would have won a higher promotion and I ___________ in this unfortunate position now.
A. Unless I had stayed / am not B. If I stayed / would not be
C. If had I stayed / will not be D. Had I stayed / would not be
9. Not only ___________ to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. she refused B. did she refuse C. she did refuse D. when she refused
10. ___________ an emergency arise, call 911.
A. Should B. If C. Will D. Were
11. Nowhere in the northern section of the United States ____________ for growing citrus crops.
A. is there suitability of the climate B. where the climate is suitable
C. the climate is suitable D. is the climate suitable
12. Only after she had finished the course did she realize she __________________ a wrong choice.
A. had made B. has made C. had been making D. was making
13. Never __________ him stand on the deserted station platform.
A. will I forget to see B. I will forget to see
C. will I forget seeing D. I will forget seeing
14. The instructor blew his whistle and ______________.
A. off the runners were running B. off ran the runners
C. off were running the runners D. the runners runs off
15. Seldom _________ far enough north to disturb South Pacific shipping lanes.
A. Antarctic icebergs will move B. will Antarctic icebergs move
C. will move Antarctic icebergs D. move Antarctic icebergs will

Phần đáp án của bài này sẽ có vào ngày tới nha!

1. Not only _____________ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil.
A. seismology is used B. using seismology C.is seismology used D. to use seismology

2. __________ advised on what and how to prepare for the interview, he might have got the job.
A. Had he been B. If he had C. Unless he had been D. Were he to be

3. Not until 1856 ____________ across the Mississippi River.
A. the first bridge was built B. was the first bridge built
C. the first bridge built D. did the first bride built

4. Only when you grow up, ________ the truth.
A. you will know B. you know C. do you know D. will you know

5. __________ Mozart was an accomplished compose while still a child.
A. Remarkable as it seems B. As it seems remarkable
C. No matter remarkable it seems D. Remarkable however it seems

6. Out __________ for a walk after she finished doing her homework.
A. did Mary go B. Mary went C. Mary did go D. went Mary

7. ________ she could not say anything.
A. So upset was she that B. So upset was she
C. However upset was she that D. Therefore upset was she that

8. ___________ with my previous job, I would have won a higher promotion and I ___________ in this unfortunate position now.
A. Unless I had stayed / am not B. If I stayed / would not be
C. If had I stayed / will not be D. Had I stayed / would not be

9. Not only ___________ to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. she refused B. did she refuse C. she did refuse D. when she refused

10. ___________ an emergency arise, call 911.
A. Should B. If C. Will D. Were

11. Nowhere in the northern section of the United States ____________ for growing citrus crops.
A. is there suitability of the climate B. where the climate is suitable
C. the climate is suitable D. is the climate suitable

12. Only after she had finished the course did she realize she __________________ a wrong choice.
A. had made B. has made C. had been making D. was making

13. Never __________ him stand on the deserted station platform.
A. will I forget to see B. I will forget to see
C. will I forget seeing D. I will forget seeing

14. The instructor blew his whistle and ______________.
A. off the runners were running B. off ran the runners
C. off were running the runners D. the runners runs off

15. Seldom _________ far enough north to disturb South Pacific shipping lanes.
A. Antarctic icebergs will move B. will Antarctic icebergs move
C. will move Antarctic icebergs D. move Antarctic icebergs will


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Phần bài tập đầu tiên của lí thuyết Đảo ngữ vừa rồi không làm khó được mọi người phải không? Hãy check phần đáp án được công bố ngay sau đây để xem bản thân đã làm đúng được bao nhiêu câu nhé. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ. Nếu có thắc mắc hãy đăng để chúng mình giải đáp nha.

~~ Đến với phần đáp án của bài ngay thôi nào


Phần bài tập tiếp theo sẽ có vào ngày mới nha!


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập tiếp theo nhé !!!

Choose the answer A,B,C or D that best fits in each sentence:
16. ___________ will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
A. at any time B. At no time C. At a time D. At one time
17. He listened so attentively that not a word ___________.
A. he had missed B. he missed C. he didn’t miss D. did he miss
18. We spent nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out ______________.
A. the star came B. did the star come C. came the star D. be the star coming
19. The African killer bees could not be handled safely, nor ____________.
A. their honey could be harvested B. harvested could their honey be
C. could not their honey be harvested D. could their honey be harvested
20. Down ___________ when he was passing under the tree.
A. an apple fall B. an apple fell C. did an apple fall D. fell an apple
21. Only when he started working with her, _________ that she was intelligent.
A. he had realized B. did he realize C. he did realized D. he realized
22. _______ worked outside the home as nowadays.
A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women
C. The women are not never D. The women who have never
23. No longer ________ any pleasure to do this job.
A. I do have B. do I have C. do have I D. I have
24. John stops smoking.
A. John does not smoke no longer B. John smokes any longer
C. No longer does John smoke D. Any longer John smokes
25. Only when you grow up __________ the truth.
A. you will know B. will you know C. you know D. do you know
26. No sooner had he arrived home __________ he was called out again.
A. when B. and C. than D. but
27. ______ had the restaurant opened _______ people were flocking to eat there.
A. Hardly / than B. No sooner / that C. No sooner / than D. Hardly / that
28. Down _______ for three days.
A. the rain poured B. did the rain pour C. poured the rain D. do the rain pour
29. Out _________ the children when the bell rang.
A. did the children run B. ran the children C. run the children D. do the children run
30. Such ___________ that he would stop at nothing.
A. his ambition was B. did his ambition C. does his ambition D. was his ambition

Trinh Linh Mai

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
30 Tháng ba 2021
Thanh Hóa
THCS Định Hưng
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập tiếp theo nhé !!!

Choose the answer A,B,C or D that best fits in each sentence:
16. ___________ will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
A. at any time B. At no time C. At a time D. At one time
17. He listened so attentively that not a word ___________.
A. he had missed B. he missed C. he didn’t miss D. did he miss
18. We spent nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out ______________.
A. the star came B. did the star come C. came the star D. be the star coming
19. The African killer bees could not be handled safely, nor ____________.
A. their honey could be harvested B. harvested could their honey be
C. could not their honey be harvested D. could their honey be harvested
20. Down ___________ when he was passing under the tree.
A. an apple fall B. an apple fell C. did an apple fall D. fell an apple
21. Only when he started working with her, _________ that she was intelligent.
A. he had realized B. did he realize C. he did realized D. he realized
22. _______ worked outside the home as nowadays.
A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women
C. The women are not never D. The women who have never
23. No longer ________ any pleasure to do this job.
A. I do have B. do I have C. do have I D. I have
24. John stops smoking.
A. John does not smoke no longer B. John smokes any longer
C. No longer does John smoke D. Any longer John smokes
25. Only when you grow up __________ the truth.
A. you will know B. will you know C. you know D. do you know
26. No sooner had he arrived home __________ he was called out again.
A. when B. and C. than D. but
27. ______ had the restaurant opened _______ people were flocking to eat there.
A. Hardly / than B. No sooner / that C. No sooner / than D. Hardly / that
28. Down _______ for three days.
A. the rain poured B. did the rain pour C. poured the rain D. do the rain pour
29. Out _________ the children when the bell rang.
A. did the children run B. ran the children C. run the children D. do the children run
30. Such ___________ that he would stop at nothing.
A. his ambition was B. did his ambition C. does his ambition D. was his ambition

16. ___________ will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
A. at any time B. At no time C. At a time D. At one time
17. He listened so attentively that not a word ___________.
A. he had missed B. he missed C. he didn’t miss D. did he miss
18. We spent nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out ______________.
A. the star came B. did the star come C. came the star D. be the star coming
19. The African killer bees could not be handled safely, nor ____________.
A. their honey could be harvested B. harvested could their honey be
C. could not their honey be harvested D. could their honey be harvested
20. Down ___________ when he was passing under the tree.
A. an apple fall B. an apple fell C. did an apple fall D. fell an apple
21. Only when he started working with her, _________ that she was intelligent.
A. he had realized B. did he realize C. he did realized D. he realized
22. _______ worked outside the home as nowadays.
A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women
C. The women are not never D. The women who have never
23. No longer ________ any pleasure to do this job.
A. I do have B. do I have C. do have I D. I have
24. John stops smoking.
A. John does not smoke no longer B. John smokes any longer
C. No longer does John smoke D. Any longer John smokes
25. Only when you grow up __________ the truth.
A. you will know B. will you know C. you know D. do you know
26. No sooner had he arrived home __________ he was called out again.
A. when B. and C. than D. but
27. ______ had the restaurant opened _______ people were flocking to eat there.
A. Hardly / than B. No sooner / that C. No sooner / than D. Hardly / that
28. Down _______ for three days.
A. the rain poured B. did the rain pour C. poured the rain D. do the rain pour
29. Out _________ the children when the bell rang.
A. did the children run B. ran the children C. run the children D. do the children run
30. Such ___________ that he would stop at nothing.
A. his ambition was B. did his ambition C. does his ambition D. was his ambition


Học sinh tiêu biểu
Thành viên
9 Tháng ba 2020
Nghệ An
Trường THCS Quỳnh Hồng
16. ___________ will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
A. at any time B. At no time C. At a time D. At one time
17. He listened so attentively that not a word ___________.
A. he had missed B. he missed C. he didn’t miss D. did he miss
18. We spent nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out ______________.
A. the star came B. did the star come C. came the star D. be the star coming
19. The African killer bees could not be handled safely, nor ____________.
A. their honey could be harvested B. harvested could their honey be
C. could not their honey be harvested D. could their honey be harvested
20. Down ___________ when he was passing under the tree.
A. an apple fall B. an apple fell C. did an apple fall D. fell an apple
21. Only when he started working with her, _________ that she was intelligent.
A. he had realized B. did he realize C. he did realized D. he realized
22. _______ worked outside the home as nowadays.
A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women
C. The women are not never D. The women who have never
23. No longer ________ any pleasure to do this job.
A. I do have B. do I have C. do have I D. I have
24. John stops smoking.
A. John does not smoke no longer B. John smokes any longer
C. No longer does John smoke D. Any longer John smokes
25. Only when you grow up __________ the truth.
A. you will know B. will you know C. you know D. do you know
26. No sooner had he arrived home __________ he was called out again.
A. when B. and C. than D. but
27. ______ had the restaurant opened _______ people were flocking to eat there.
A. Hardly / than B. No sooner / that C. No sooner / than D. Hardly / that
28. Down _______ for three days.
A. the rain poured B. did the rain pour C. poured the rain D. do the rain pour
29. Out _________ the children when the bell rang.
A. did the children run B. ran the children C. run the children D. do the children run
30. Such ___________ that he would stop at nothing.
A. his ambition was B. did his ambition C. does his ambition D. was his ambition


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Phần bài tập tiếp theo của lí thuyết Đảo ngữ vừa rồi không làm khó được mọi người phải không? Hãy check phần đáp án được công bố ngay sau đây để xem bản thân đã làm đúng được bao nhiêu câu nhé. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ. Nếu có thắc mắc hãy đăng để chúng mình giải đáp nha.

~~ Đến với phần đáp án của bài ngay thôi nào


Phần bài tập tiếp theo sẽ có vào ngày mới nha!
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Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập tiếp theo nhé !!!

31. Only once __________ late to school.
A. he came B. did he came C. came he D. did he come
32. He no longer collects stamps as he used to.
-> No longer ________________.
A. he collects stamps as he used to B. does he collects stamps as he used to
C. does he collect stamps as he used to D. doesn’t he collect stamps as he used to it
33. __________, all the matter is formed of molecules.
A. It doesn’t matter if the complex B. It’s not a complex matter
C. No matter how complex it is D. How complex is not a matter
34. No more ___________ to worry about the future sources of energy.
A. don’t we have B. we don’t have C. do we have D. we do have
35. Hardly __________ asleep when the phone woke him up again.
A. had the doctor fallen B. did the doctor fall C. the doctor fell D. the doctor has fallen
36. Not until the darkness fell __________ he hadn’t done half of his work.
A. that he realized B. did he realize C. that he didn’t realize D. didn’t he realize
37. Seldom ___________ of Nancy Johnson as coloured.
A. her classmates thought B. thought her classmates
C. her classmates did think D. did her school classmates think
38. On the hill _______ a big pine tree.
A. stands B. stand C. does D. standing
39. Not once _________ into her eyes.
A. he looked B. does he looks C. did he look D. he was looking
40. Not until next year ____________ take place.
A. the new tax change will B. will the new tax change
C. the new tax changes D. they change the new tax

Phần đáp án sẽ có vào ngày mai nha!


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
12 Tháng hai 2016
Bình Định
THCS Ghềnh Ráng
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập tiếp theo nhé !!!

31. Only once __________ late to school.
A. he came B. did he came C. came he D. did he come
32. He no longer collects stamps as he used to.
-> No longer ________________.
A. he collects stamps as he used to B. does he collects stamps as he used to
C. does he collect stamps as he used to D. doesn’t he collect stamps as he used to it
33. __________, all the matter is formed of molecules.
A. It doesn’t matter if the complex B. It’s not a complex matter
C. No matter how complex it is D. How complex is not a matter
34. No more ___________ to worry about the future sources of energy.
A. don’t we have B. we don’t have C. do we have D. we do have
35. Hardly __________ asleep when the phone woke him up again.
A. had the doctor fallen B. did the doctor fall C. the doctor fell D. the doctor has fallen
36. Not until the darkness fell __________ he hadn’t done half of his work.
A. that he realized B. did he realize C. that he didn’t realize D. didn’t he realize
37. Seldom ___________ of Nancy Johnson as coloured.
A. her classmates thought B. thought her classmates
C. her classmates did think D. did her school classmates think
38. On the hill _______ a big pine tree.
A. stands B. stand C. does D. standing
39. Not once _________ into her eyes.
A. he looked B. does he looks C. did he look D. he was looking
40. Not until next year ____________ take place.
A. the new tax change will B. will the new tax change
C. the new tax changes D. they change the new tax

Phần đáp án sẽ có vào ngày mai nha!
31. Only once __________ late to school.
A. he came B. did he came C. came he D. did he come

32. He no longer collects stamps as he used to.
-> No longer ________________.
A. he collects stamps as he used to
B. does he collects stamps as he used to
C. does he collect stamps as he used to
D. doesn’t he collect stamps as he used to it

33. __________, all the matter is formed of molecules.
A. It doesn’t matter if the complex
B. It’s not a complex matter
C. No matter how complex it is
D. How complex is not a matter

34. No more ___________ to worry about the future sources of energy.
A. don’t we have
B. we don’t have
C. do we have
D. we do have

35. Hardly __________ asleep when the phone woke him up again.
A. had the doctor fallen
B. did the doctor fall
C. the doctor fell
D. the doctor has fallen

36. Not until the darkness fell __________ he hadn’t done half of his work.
A. that he realized
B. did he realize
C. that he didn’t realize
D. didn’t he realize

37. Seldom ___________ of Nancy Johnson as coloured.
A. her classmates thought
B. thought her classmates
C. her classmates did think
D. did her school classmates think

38. On the hill _______ a big pine tree.
A. stands
B. stand
C. does
D. standing

39. Not once _________ into her eyes.
A. he looked
B. does he looks
C. did he look
D. he was looking

40. Not until next year ____________ take place.
A. the new tax change will
B. will the new tax change
C. the new tax changes
D. they change the new tax


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Phần bài tập tiếp theo của lí thuyết Đảo ngữ vừa rồi không làm khó được mọi người phải không? Hãy check phần đáp án được công bố ngay sau đây để xem bản thân đã làm đúng được bao nhiêu câu nhé. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ. Nếu có thắc mắc hãy đăng để chúng mình giải đáp nha.

~~ Đến với phần đáp án của bài ngay thôi nào

Bài tập tiếp theo sẽ có vào ngày mai nha!


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Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập tiếp theo nhé !!!

41. Not until a money is several years old __________ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
A. it begins B. does it begin C. and begin D. is it begin
42. _____________ did Jerome accept the job.
A.Only because it was interesting work B. Because it was an interesting work
C. Only because it was interested work D. The work was interesting
43. _____________ great was the destruction that the south took decades to recovered.
A. Very B. Too C. Such D. So
44. ___________ when the Charges found themselves 7-0 down.
A. Hardly had the games begun B. Hardly the games had begun
C. The games had hardly begun D. Hardly had begun the games
45. Not until the first land plants developed __________________.
A. land animals appeared B. did land animals appear
C. would land animals appear D. the land animals appeared
46. Not until it was too late _____________ I call Susan.
A. I remembered B. did I remember C. did I remembered D. I did remember
47. Never before _______________ such a wonderful child.
A. I have seen B. I had seen C. I saw D. have I seen
48. Hardly had we settle down in our seats _____________ the light went out.
A. than B. when C. then D. after
49. Only after checking three times ________ certain of the answer. Jim promised that never would he tell anyone else.
A. I was B. was I C. were I D. I were
50. Only when he is here, _________________.
A. he speaks English B. does he speak English
C. he can speak English D. he does speak English


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
12 Tháng hai 2016
Bình Định
THCS Ghềnh Ráng
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Dưới đây là phần bài tập ôn luyện mà bọn mình đã chuẩn bị. Mong rằng với lý thuyết về phần Đảo ngữ các bạn sẽ không bị bối rối khi làm bài và sau khi hoàn thành xong phần bài tập, các bạn sẽ nắm chắc những kiến thức cần nhớ. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ.
~~ Cùng đến ngay với bài tập tiếp theo nhé !!!

41. Not until a money is several years old __________ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
A. it begins B. does it begin C. and begin D. is it begin
42. _____________ did Jerome accept the job.
A.Only because it was interesting work B. Because it was an interesting work
C. Only because it was interested work D. The work was interesting
43. _____________ great was the destruction that the south took decades to recovered.
A. Very B. Too C. Such D. So
44. ___________ when the Charges found themselves 7-0 down.
A. Hardly had the games begun B. Hardly the games had begun
C. The games had hardly begun D. Hardly had begun the games
45. Not until the first land plants developed __________________.
A. land animals appeared B. did land animals appear
C. would land animals appear D. the land animals appeared
46. Not until it was too late _____________ I call Susan.
A. I remembered B. did I remember C. did I remembered D. I did remember
47. Never before _______________ such a wonderful child.
A. I have seen B. I had seen C. I saw D. have I seen
48. Hardly had we settle down in our seats _____________ the light went out.
A. than B. when C. then D. after
49. Only after checking three times ________ certain of the answer. Jim promised that never would he tell anyone else.
A. I was B. was I C. were I D. I were
50. Only when he is here, _________________.
A. he speaks English B. does he speak English
C. he can speak English D. he does speak English
41. Not until a money is several years old __________ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
A. it begins B. does it begin C. and begin D. is it begin

42. _____________ did Jerome accept the job.
A.Only because it was interesting work B. Because it was an interesting work
C. Only because it was interested work D. The work was interesting

43. _____________ great was the destruction that the south took decades to recovered.
A. Very B. Too C. Such D. So

44. ___________ when the Charges found themselves 7-0 down.
A. Hardly had the games begun B. Hardly the games had begun
C. The games had hardly begun D. Hardly had begun the games

45. Not until the first land plants developed __________________.
A. land animals appeared B. did land animals appear
C. would land animals appear D. the land animals appeared

46. Not until it was too late _____________ I call Susan.
A. I remembered B. did I remember C. did I remembered D. I did remember

47. Never before _______________ such a wonderful child.
A. I have seen B. I had seen C. I saw D. have I seen

48. Hardly had we settle down in our seats _____________ the light went out.
A. than B. when C. then D. after

49. Only after checking three times ________ certain of the answer. Jim promised that never would he tell anyone else.
A. I was B. was I C. were I D. I were

50. Only when he is here, _________________.
A. he speaks English B. does he speak English
C. he can speak English D. he does speak English


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Để các bạn đợi lâu rồi ~ Phần bài tập tiếp theo của lí thuyết Đảo ngữ vừa rồi không làm khó được mọi người phải không? Hãy check phần đáp án được công bố ngay sau đây để xem bản thân đã làm đúng được bao nhiêu câu nhé. Chúc các bạn học tốt! Và chúc mọi người có một buổi tối vui vẻ. Nếu có thắc mắc hãy đăng để chúng mình giải đáp nha.

~~ Đến với phần đáp án của bài tập cuối cùng ngay thôi nào


Vậy là chúng ta đã kết thúc phần bài tập của lí thuyết Đảo Ngữ. Các bạn có thể đón xem phần bài tập khác tại các topic khác của English team!
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Cựu Mod Anh |GOLDEN Challenge’s first runner-up
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TV ấn tượng nhất 2017
24 Tháng ba 2017
Vĩnh Long
Đại học Đồng Tháp - Ngành Sư phạm Tiếng Anh
20h30' 06/09/2021, SIÊU PHẨM ÔN THI THPT QUỐC GIA MÔN TIẾNG ANH chính thức mở cổng đăng ký cho tất cả mọi người :D

Với 1000% nỗ lực và tâm huyết của đội ngũ BQT box tiếng Anh - Cộng đồng Học sinh Việt Nam - Diễn đàn HOCMAI, chúng mình hứa hẹn đây sẽ là bệ phóng TỐT NHẤT cho tất cả những ai mong muốn được ôn thi THPTQG môn tiếng Anh một cách KHOA HỌC, CHI TIẾT và có LỘ TRÌNH BÀI BẢN, RÕ RÀNG với 4 PHẦN - 3 CHẶNG xuyên suốt toàn bộ quá trình ôn thi cho đến khi mọi người chuẩn bị bước vào kỳ thi quan trọng nhất trong quãng đời học sinh của mình! :D

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