Ngoại ngữ Hỗ trợ viết văn, dàn ý, các bài văn mẫu


Cựu TMod Anh
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10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Topic của ngày hôm nay, mọi người tham khảo nha!
Do you think reading books is a good habit for students?
What do you do in your free time? Yes, each of us do different activities in our free time. And me, I read books. Yes, reading is my hobby, a very rewarding job. It helps me develop knowledge. More than that, I can read comic books for fun after tiring studying at school. So today I will tell you reading a good habit for students or not?
The first of all, books are a vast wealth of knowledge for us to explore. There are many types of books such as: reference books, literary books, history books, science book... What are the benefits of reading books? It helps us to learn more about the world, the places that we can hardly go to.
Reading books is one of the most crucial and priceless tasks. If you have ever read a book in life, you will be aware the pleasure and perks of reading. In a book there are many interesting and useful things for us to explore, if you finish reading a book, you will surely draw new lessons for yourself. Reading may be the type of workout that keeps the mind active and healthy. You will need to develop the practice of reading not only for knowledge but in addition for individual growth and development. It develops good reasoning and provides you a better perspective of life.
Reading a good book also takes you in a new world and helps you relieve your day to day stress. It has several positive effects on your mind, body, and soul. It stimulates your brain muscles and keeps your brain healthy and strong.
Reading takes you to the world of imagination and enhances your creativity. Reading helps you explore life from different perspectives. While you read books you are building new and creative thoughts, images and opinions in your mind. It makes you think creatively, fantasize and use your imagination.
Reading improves your vocabulary and develops your communication skills. It helps you learn how to use your language creatively. Not only does it improve your communication but it also makes you a better writer. Good communication is important in every aspect of life.
In conclusion, the habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Books are known to be your best friend for a reason. So it is very important to develop a good reading habit. We must all read on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes to enjoy the sweet fruits of reading. It is a great pleasure to sit in a quiet place and enjoy reading. Reading a good book is the most enjoyable experience one can have.


Cựu TMod Anh
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10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Hihi làm cái topic này rùi mình xin ngừng up topic mới trong vài hôm do mình bận thi hsg, mọi người tham khảo!!!
Write a paragraph about 150-200 words to share your viewpoint about studying online at home

Nowadays, with the help of technology, student will benefit greatly from studying online at home. Students will get more information and learn more quickly. In my opinion, I think that studying online at home is a great idea to develop children's intelligence.
Firstly, studying online at home is very useful. Internet contains a lot of information that students want to find. If we don't have time to go to extract classes, we can choose another way of learning by studying on the internet. It will help us improve our knowledge, know about new things and make us achieve in the future.
Secondly, studying online at home is so convenient, students learned with only books and notebooks. That is the reason why students weren't interested in studying. But now, with the help of technology, students can studying online at home without going to the extract classes.
Besides, learning on the internet also has many harms. Learning with electronic screen will be harmed our eyes. If we use it incorrectly, it will cause some problems. Many students take advantages of online learning to visit other websites to play addicted games.
In short, studying online is both advantages and disadvantages. We need to use it correctly.


Cựu TMod Anh
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10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Mình có ý định là sẽ ngừng đăng topic cho tới khi có kết quả thi, nhưng mà cuộc thi đó trải qua với mình một cách khá là ổn, nên mình sẽ tiếp tục với công việc này của mình, mọi người tham khảo:
Do you think leisure activities play an important role in our life? Why/Why not?
Do you agree that leisure activities play a very important role in our lives? I agree that leisure activities are very important. It helps us to relax our mind after tiring working times. But it also has its disadvantages, so what disadvantages does the abuse of leisure activities cause? And what benefits does entertainment bring us?
As you known, the abuse of leisure activities will cause a lot of disadvantages. For example, it will delay the deadline of the job affecting everyone around. Moreover, for some people their entertainment is online games. If they play for some times just for fun, it doesn't matter, but if they play so much-all the time they have, they become addicted, and students do not worry about learning, truant, ... adults do not work. Besides, this activity will greatly affect not only their eyes but also their body.
Moreover, some people like to travel and see it as a recreational activity, waiting to get to the resort is long, it takes a lot of time and makes them angry. In 5-star resorts, everything here is very expensive, it is very expensive, it wastes money. But it doesn't matter because people don't know how to use their entertainment in a positive way.
On the other hands, nowadays there has been a positive trend that sport has gained popularity in society, others think that sport is a leisure activity. In my perspective, there are many good things to believe that sport as a leisure activity is good. First of all, it is an undeniable fact that there are some reasons why sport is essential to the society. Another reason is that young generations are able to cultivate a good habit. They have good health, a positive source of positive energy for a long day of activity.
Furthermore, when you feel too stressed out with work, studying, you can listen to music, watch a comedy to relax your mind, etc... Those are very good and useful recreational activities. Me too, when I'm tired, I often listen to music, or watch comedy, surf tik tok, people often say "One smile is ten tonic scales". So when I get stressed out over some issues, I usually smile to get over it.
Those are the reasons that leisure activities is so important to our lives, do not turn entertainment into a social evil, but use it in a positive way because everything is also present positive and negative sides.


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Đăng topic hơi khuya xíu nào!!!!!
What do you think about transport in our country nowadays?
As all you known, the use of transport in the present day is a very popular topic that everyone cares. Transport causes lots of harm for us. Nowadays, the usage of own means of transport is very common in Viet Nam. It creates the problem of traffic congestion and pollution all over the world. However, the use of public transport is one of the possible solutions to deal with this issue. Firstly, overuse of private cars leads to traffic congestion. Every person has their own car, which means creating a lot of traffic. The more society is developing, the more new models are produced. Every house has 2 to 3 motorbikes, some houses have cars to several. Let's think together how much smoke is emitted from our car per day? Secondly, more motor vehicles mean more pollution. The harmful gases exhausted from the vehicle results in the air and leads to various health problems. Toxic gases from vehicle smoke seriously affect the human respiratory system. To conclude, traffic congestion and pollution are the arising problems of extensive use of private means of transportation.
Nevertheless, the use of public transport is the one way to resolve the problems. Both the Government and individual should come forward to tackle this issue and make their place better to live. We need to make cars that do not use gasoline, but instead electric cars, electric scooters, and use it widely. We should use electric scooters instead of cars, to reduce traffic congestion.
In short, in Vietnam, traffic is going backwards, every year there are many accidents happening, smoke and dust emitted from vehicles participating in traffic cause serious air pollution. In our country, there are many patients related to the respiratory system, one of the reasons is due to inhalation of poisonous smoke and dust while in traffic. So we need to join hands to improve the current transport in our country.
New words:
  • congestion: Sự đông nghịt /kən'dʤestʃn/
  • exhausted: Kiệt sức /ig'zɔ:stid/
  • emitted: Phát ra /əˈmit/
  • respiratory: Hô hấp /ris'paiərətəri/
  • extensive: Sâu rộng /ikˈstensiv/
  • tackle: Giải quyết /ˈtak(ə)l/
  • poisonous: Độc ˈpoiz(ə)nəs
  • inhalation: Hít vào /,inhə'leiʃn/


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Chị @Iam_lucky_girl topic nè ^^ em quên mất tiêu giờ mới nhớ, không biết có trễ không nữa >:
Write a passage how to use smartphone smartly?
Nowadays, with rapid development, digital technology with smart devices has become familiar in life. However, besides utilities, the use of digital technology has a number of negative impacts, affecting many standards, values, social and family relationships in Vietnam. the impact of this technology "storm" ...
The development and spread of digital technology today has changed some aspects of life, bringing many new experiences for people. In Vietnam, Internet connection , owning a smart device such as smartphone , tablet, ... has become popular with every family. Children also have early access to these devices and use them on a regular basis. Although there are still certain barriers, the elderly have also gradually approached and used digital technology to serve their lives. And this has been an indispensable part of many people's lives. We are living in a 4.0 generation, all digital technologies are applied to our lives. So a smartphone is indispensable for everyone. But you already know how to use smartphones in a smart way. Surely many people are mistaken about how to use it. Everyone will surely hear of a fact that has been talked about a lot recently, which is "a world of head down", the head down here is good or bad. Do not turn your smartphone into an entertainment, but use its intelligence for the right thing. You can use it to work anytime, anywhere. Handling work while on the bus, or doing housework, ... This phone will bond with love for people far away. Or at this time the epidemic spreads dizzying, the smartphone will help you update news immediately, not miss a news. But it's not a place where you make up or throw bad news online to mess things up. Be the smartest smartphone user possible. I believe people will have different smart uses.
Developed digital technology brings many benefits to human life, along with unpredictable harms from users. After all, digital technology is just a tool serving human life. Whether it affects positively or negatively is up to each person's usage. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the current situation, properly realize the benefits, risks and harms of digital technology, to equip with appropriate knowledge, from which to orient and find out how to use it effectively. Using smart devices in a smart way will not only reduce harms, but also promote good sides, make relationships between members more cohesive, family happiness is guaranteed, create a foundation for sustainable development of society.


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
@Hắc Trần Tuyết Nhi trả hàng trả hàng nè ^^ tham khảo thử rùi góp ý cho toi nhé, toi chưa bao giờ viết qua topic này á!!
Discuss your opinion about advantages and disadvantages of online shopping
"Online shopping" is a form of shopping directly through computers, the internet, indirectly choosing products and goods without having to go to the store. Forms of online shopping are very diverse: ATM, cash transfer, delivery and receipt of money.
Online shopping brings many benefits to the life of modern society, people do not need much time to shop, or products just need to be purchased online, but online shopping also finds many hidden works. Harm to buyers and sellers.
First, what are the benefits of shopping online?
- Avoid unpleasant troubles such as traffic jams, dust, heat, ... online shopping will make you get rid of these troubles. Not only that, you also easily see many products, with all sizes and prices to suit your needs before making a purchase without spending much time.
- Save and be proactive in time instead of wandering into many shops that take hours to choose things, you can sit at home, open the web to buy online and it only takes about 30 minutes to choose the items. favourite.
- Save money and compare money prices easily. Online sellers will not have to pay rent, so the selling price will be much cheaper than the shops, and comparing the price is very easy, it takes a little time with laptops and phones to access the internet. compare prices, warranty policies, customer incentives, ...
The disadvantages of online shopping are:
-The goods are not the same as the picture on the picture, the wrong size, the wrong color because normally the images on the online shopping websites are just illustrations, not the real pictures of the product, so we often suffer mistakenly that the product is good, the product is beautiful, ... Quality control: This is probably the biggest problem when buying online, customers do not know the quality of the product they want to buy. how. The image may be sparkling online, but it's just a photo that has been edited and the stock you get is poor quality. This often happens when you shop online that is floating, unbranded, and has little positive feedback from buyers.
- Losing money and losing goods: This is not uncommon, especially for those who are new to online for the first time. Make a prepayment by credit card before receiving the item. But many fraudulent establishments "stole" money and do not deliver goods to customers.
- Exemption from return and exchange: Many online businesses do not have service to return products after delivery. Therefore, for customers who buy poor quality goods, they must pity on bitter fruit.
- Poor care: this happens often when customers ask questions about product quality.
From the above reasons, online shopping has both advantages and disadvantages, so we need to be careful in the process of buying and receiving goods.


Cựu TMod Anh
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10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Để đặt một dấu chấm hết cho cả một ngày dài học tập và họat động mệt mỏi, thì việc đăng topic chia sẻ các bài văn sẽ là họat động cuối cùng để kết thúc một ngày họat động của mình. Chúc mọi người ngủ ngon. Iuuu<3
Do you think good friends are very important to everyone? Why/why not?
Do you have many friends? You may have many, some or few but you cannot live without friends. Friends play an important role in our life.
Firstly, I will tell you how we feel when we have a good friend?
Surely having a good friend will make us happier and always have someone to talk to. They can listen and share with you when happy and sad. Moreover, in times of trouble, your close friend will come to help you, help you overcome the difficulties. The longer two people play together, the more they will understand each other, will know what each other likes and hate. Having a close friend will be extremely fun, it has a lot of activities to do together. In addition, it is also one of the factors that help us get along with everyone.
When going out with best friends, we will feel more confident in communication, comfortable with relative around.
Having a good friend is so wonderful, but what should we do to maintain that friendship?
Of course, the first thing is we must respect and always preserve and protect it with our daily actions. Such as: sharing feelings with each other, often helping each other ,...There are many close friends who help each other in school, this also makes the friendship become lasting.
Secondly, I think only a close friend is enough, because having a lot of best friends also means that many things will happen both good things and bad things that I cannot control for a while. So in my opinion, only one best friend is enough.
In short, friends play a crucial role in everyone’s life. We need friends to play with, share joy and sadness with and to improve ourselves. Life wouldn’t be fun without friends.


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
@Iam_lucky_girl chị ơi xong rùi nè, trả hàng trả hàng!! Hihi iu chị nhiều lắm vì đã tạo cho em nhiều cơ hội tiếp xúc với các topic mới lạ ><
Some people think that it is a positive trend to store private and personal information online including banking contact and address.
Do you agree or disagree?

As we all know, social networks are increasingly being developed by us every day, every hour. Therefore, today there are many applications used to remember our personal information online, so people often abuse these applications to store important personal information such as: Only bank contact information is also a positive trend. In my personal opinion, I do not agree with this opinion. Because it carries many hidden dangers to our selves.

First, there are many articles on social networks today that many people are hacked into their devices to take the personal information of the device owner, pretend to borrow money with great value, scam, has a great impact on the life, reputation and spirit of the victim. When you save your information such as your home address, it means that you are enabling thieves to come steal your home, because there are now a lot of very professional hackers with a lot of experience, so So yourself and your family could be in great danger from this stupid work of you.

Second, if you lose your phone or lose the device that you use to store your information, it also means that you forgot all the password information of the account. password of nick in social networks, important data directly affect your work. It will take you a long time to get that information back, as it takes a lot of work to reset a new password. For example, if your bank account is lost, if you do not quickly report to the bank, you will lose all the assets in your assets, and those hackers have obtained the information and passwords of the bank. your bank account. Doing so will cause many disadvantages for yourself.So you need to be careful about your own actions, you must think carefully before doing it. Do not sin for immediate benefits.

For the above reasons, I recommend that you absolutely do not save important personal information on applications, social networking sites. If you do that, it will create many favorable conditions for criminals to commit illegal acts. Yes, there is no denying that the memory application on the Internet is useless and harmful, but we need to know how to use it properly, so that it is suitable for the life of us.


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Vì không có nhiều thời gian nên em chỉ có thể làm cái dàn ý gồm những ý chính của bài văn thui >:
Some students prefer to study alone. Other prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write a paragraph in about 150 words to express your ideas.
1. Self-study
Self-study gives you the habit of being independent, self-studying information, not dependent on others. In fact, in a university environment, students have to study a lot by themselves. Therefore, when facing any problems, self-study students must apply their abilities and knowledge together with self-discovered information to solve. That will help me remember longer about knowledge as well as problems I self-study. In addition, self-study also helps you to be flexible in studying time, dividing study time suitable for you.
Cons: Self-study will take you quite a bit of time, with no one checking the knowledge and information you have found for yourself right or wrong. In addition, self-study is often effective in basic knowledge, to advanced knowledge sections, if you do not have someone to support you will have difficulty.
2. Group study
group study is a widely applied modern form of learning, it trains you a lot of useful soft skills such as teamwork skills, leadership skills, ... When studying in groups, you will receive many ideas as well as information from other friends in the group, speed up the learning process, solve problems. When studying in groups, you can cross-check each other to find and correct mistakes, while group study also enhances the competitiveness in learning.
Cons: group study will lead to problems like ideological confusion, because there are too many informative ideas to be given and there will be people who rely on this without thinking, seeking more information. Therefore, the role of Leader is very important. If Leader does not manage his friends in the group, the group sessions will not focus on the main issue and be ineffective.
Every form of study has its advantages and disadvantages, please make the most suitable choice to achieve high learning efficiency.
Mọi người tham khảo và ủng hộ mình nha!!
@Iam_lucky_girl trả hàng ><


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Hôm nay đổi gió một chút nhỉ >: Hôm nay mình sẽ không đăng topic văn mẫu nữa mà thay vào đó là một bài đối thoại...Chúc mọi người một ngày tốt lành !
Situation: A and B are two friends. A meets B on the way. B is going to take an eco tour to somewhere, so A asks B some things about this eco tour and B gives A some information about it. A likes the eco tour very much and wishes B a good trip.
A: Hello B, where are you going?
B: Hi, I'm on my way to the supermarket to buy some stuff for my upcoming ecotourism trip.
A: What is ecotourism?
B: You don't know what ecotourism is?
A: Yes, I haven't had the chance to experience it yet, so do you know any information about it that you cannot share with me!
B: Of course, if you want to know.
A: What is ecotourism?
B: Ecotourism is a type of tourism that takes place in areas with well-preserved natural ecosystems for the purpose of studying, admiring, enjoying landscapes, flora and fauna as well as cultural values. exist
A: Wow, that's so interesting!
B: Did you know? Vietnam, with the advantage of a long coastline, unspoiled mountain forests with many nature reserves, national parks and many forbidden forests, are the national natural heritages, full of potential for tourism development. ecological calendars such as Ha Long Bay, Phong Nha cave, ... especially, there are 8 Vietnam biosphere reserves recognized by UNESCO as world biosphere reserves located in all three regions.
A: About this information, I have read it in the newspaper before, but I do not understand very well.
B: Not only that, but ecotourism brings many benefits to visitors such as:
- Bring the experience to visitors
- Friendly, help people get close to nature
-Many interesting folk games
A: Wow, I want to go ecotourism once? So what types of ecotourism are there in Vietnam?
B: With the advantage of owning an ideal terrain with a long coastline, many different large and small islands and national parks from the North to the South, ecotourism in Vietnam is strongly developed such as :
- The Red River Delta and Cuc Phuong Forest: lands rich in historical significance and unique culture, so that visitors who come here can experience and explore ancient villages, explore wet rice agriculture culture
A: Are there any other areas?
B: Still!
- The northeastern region of the Northeast is mainly limestone mountains, corals or low-lying areas, so this place is very suitable for developing adventure climbing tourism or exploring bays. small. Some ecotourism sites in the Northeast are famous such as Ha Long Bay, ...
And some other regions such as: Northwest, North Central, South Central and Central Highlands, Southeast, Mekong River Delta, ...
A: It's great when you go home remember to share more interesting information with me!
B: Sure, I would gladly.
A: Where are you going to travel this time?
B: Ah, I plan to go to the tourist resort in TRANG AN - BAI DINH. Trang An eco-tourism area is located in Ninh Binh province. It includes two main areas: Trang An ecotourism area and spiritual cultural complex of Bai Dinh pagoda. Trang An tourist area attracts tourists to visit with a rich natural population such as majestic limestone mountains, valleys and underground river systems, all of which create a beautiful space. In addition, it also owns a rich fauna with countless rare species.
A: Well, I wish you and your family a very happy and enjoyable trip together. Goodbye, don't delay your shopping time.
B: Thank you, goodbye, see you again!
Tag nè: @Diệp Hạ Bạch, @Trinh Linh Mai,...


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Hiii topic nó đóng mạng nhện luôn gòi, hôm nay sẽ quét dọn thui, chúc mọi người buổi tối vui vẻ và tham khảo bài của ngày hôm nay nha!
The role of women in family
In this society, from time immemorial, women have always played a very important and indispensable role in the family. Women have many roles in the family. In this essay I will talk about the importance of women in the family.
First, the factor that creates a happy family is first of all a selfless woman who becomes a faithful, colorful wife, a wife who always understands her husband and sympathizes with her husband in thoughts and life living. God and career path. A woman is someone who always shares her thoughts, joys and sorrows in life with her husband, understands her husband's work, actively arranges housework so that her husband can work safely. In all circumstances, the wife will stand by her husband, support his husband's positive ideas and actions, promote his dreams, ambitions and energy, and protect his reputation. husband, helping him strive for success. Behind the success of the husband is the shadow of the wife. Mom-and-son love
Second, a woman has the great privilege of being born to maintain the race and raise children from the time the child is born until the child grows up. With boundless love, a mother takes care of her child's growth, is an emotional support for her child, and educates moral and personality qualities for her child to grow up. Being a mother who wholeheartedly sacrifices her whole life for her children is also an example for her children to follow, and at the same time a great friend who is always by her side, protecting and encouraging her to overcome difficulties and hardships in life. grow up. .
At the same time, women are the second pillar of the family, with their husbands sharing economic responsibilities and organizing material life for the family. Women directly work in production to create material wealth, contribute to poverty alleviation, increase income for the family, enrich the family and society. Women are the ones who take care of health and organize family life. In addition to being responsible for economic development, women are also responsible for housework, cooking, maintaining family life, and taking care of the health of all members. in the family in training nutrition. to reproduce labor power. Taking care of everything: cleaning the house and family and other unnamed chores, the time spent on housework is often twice that of men. The woman always takes care of family members not only in eating and drinking, but also taking care of family members (grandparents, parents, husband, children...) when sick to help. old person. Long life, healthy husband, well-developed children.
As we known, with a kind heart, a woman knows how to create a family to become a home, a place to gather, share love, and express the feelings of each member. Women become the emotional wire in the family, the one who encourages and connects generations and family members, capable of harmonizing the relationships of generations. and members: Grandparents - Parents - Spouses - Children ... to keep family peace.
Moreover, In the family, women are both the keeper and promoter of the family's traditional values, as well as the recipients and creators of new cultural values, contributing to building an advanced and rich culture. national identity. ethnic groups, making an important contribution to building a cultural family.
Women are the house rules, keep the order of respect above and below, respect the elderly, educate and guide their children and people according to ethical standards and rules of conduct in the family.
Women creatively preserve, folk tunes, poems, songs ... through lullabies, folk tunes passed on to their children and owes about love and lessons. human morality. Women are also the ones who keep the customs and practices during the holidays, Tet, anniversaries... demonstrating the morality of filial piety, remembering the source when drinking water.


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Topic của ngày hôm nay nè =))))
How important is it to preserve traditional festivals?
Vietnam possesses an extremely rich and diverse treasure of folk culture and art, of which the most typical and unique is the type of festival. According to statistics, the country currently has more than 8,000 festivals, of which folk festivals account for about 90%, the rest are historical festivals, religious festivals, and festivals imported from abroad.
Studies show that folk festivals have a long history of formation. In addition, there are festivals formed due to the needs of modern life, contributing to enrich and liven up this unique heritage type.
According to researchers, the festival was formed due to the needs of the community's cultural and spiritual activities and beliefs. From small festivals in villages and communes to festivals of regional and inter-regional scale, they all show the people's deep belief in gods, characters in legends and history - spiritual fulcrum bringing the spirit of life. sacredness.
Festivals in Vietnam mostly take place in the early spring, the time marking the transformation of heaven and earth and all things. It is an opportunity for people to come together in sympathy, to share the joy after a year of hard work to look forward to a new year with good things. And the space to worship the gods is a place for them to express their wishes through rituals and folk performances. In other words, the festival is like a bridge connecting the past with the present and leading to the future.
However, it should also be seen that there are many festivals that have been lost, deformed, traditional elements have been erased and their identities have faded.
The problem is how do we deal with this reality. Make adjustments to continue to preserve, or directly eliminate the rituals and customs that have been passed down through generations and are the "soul" of the festival that many people are interested in?
The above analysis shows that the problem of ensuring the harmony between conservation and exploitation of cultural heritage values in general poses many challenges to state management agencies and local authorities. How to avoid hurting the community while preserving the diversity and characteristics of the heritage?
Taking the example of Giong festival in Phu Dong (Gia Lam) as a typical lesson of creating on the basis of tradition to preserve heritage in the best way, Dr. Le Thi Minh Ly said: In 2011, After the Giong festival in Phu Dong had a fight between young people attending the festival, researchers worked with the community to find a way for the Giong festival to keep its traditions while still ensuring the safety of the participants. That is, in addition to propaganda by posters in each family so that people "absorb" the meaning of heritage as well as the responsibility to participate in preserving precious assets, the community and local authorities agree to change. how to organize the festival to suit the current context. Instead of re-enacting the scene of Mr. Giong fighting on the embankment, the ceremony took place in an open field surrounded by a moat. That is the safe boundary, dividing the space for attendees and those directly involved in performing the traditional ritual. Since then, the Giong festival has no longer been crowded and scuffled while still ensuring the necessary ritual process.
Comments from researchers and local authorities who own the festival show that: To preserve and promote the value of traditional festivals, there needs to be a joint effort between state management agencies - researchers - subject community. At the same time, it is necessary to do well research, inventory, heritage identification, and strengthen propaganda to help the community self-aware of their responsibilities. In fact, the festival will always be preserved and transmitted if the host community understands and loves the heritage. That is the basic element needed to keep the traditional power circuit flowing over time.


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Hello mọi người:rongcon12
Cũng như mọi hôm thoi, hôm nay mình tiếp tục đăng topic để mọi người tham khảo nè >: Và bây giờ thì
As all you know, the develop world puts a lot of pressure to humans. And how can they relax the busy work? If i can answer the question, I will choose to go to travel. That is one of the good ways to relax when anyone stress, tension,...
I have two questions to show you. The first one is what problems do people have when they are on the journey or travel? . The second one is what do people learn from travelling or to other countries?
Travel, a short word but has a lot of fun, memories in it and of course, it also has problems which give me, as well as everyone the precious lessons.
The first problem is “ get lost”. This case often occurs when you are alone. If you can’t find out the exit, i think it’s very dangerous.
Someone also have a problem that they forgot to bring virtual things like phone, money, flashlight,’s so inconvenient.
You forgot to book the room, so when you go there, you must book it again.
And many different problem make you half crying, half laughing.
On the other hands, problems in travel also a precious lesson, people can learn a lot from travelling:
- The first we can learn when go to travel that confidence in communication which really important to everyone because it’s an opportunity to make more friends in your or other country and it’s closet as you are more confident.
- Secondly, after the trip, you will realize that you could expense management very suitable.
- When you travel alone, that is the time to learn ways of loving family, life and others, who are important to you.
- And the good effect is your activities can more agile than before.
- You also learn to take care of yourself because in each trip, looking after yourself is the most important, if you don’t, the journey will be bored and bad productivity.
Besides that, you also learn a lots different culture when travelling and indeed, it really good for you in work as well as study.
So, let me recap what I’ve said that everyone who often travels will be learned a lot and these things are really virtual in your life. Instance, you should spend time going to travel with your family, lover to have a memory of life and precious lessons from each travelling.
  • Vocabulary:
  • pressure: sức ép /ˈpreSHər/
  • precious: quí /ˈpreSHəs/
  • opportunity: dịp tốt /ˌäpərˈt(y)o͞onədē/


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Hmm, hôm nay là ngày đầu tiên của tháng 6, đăng cái topic khởi đầu cho tháng mới thuận lợi nè ^^
còn bây giờ thì bắt đầu tham khảo topic của ngày hôm nay thoiii

“Joining an English Club does not help high school students improve their exam grades”. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Write a paragraph of about 180 words to express your view“Joining an English Club does not help high school students improve their exam grades”. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Write a paragraph of about 180 words to express your view
In the present time, joining the English Club does not help high school students to improve their test scores. I agree with the above point of view, in this article I will present my views on this issue.

To begin with, high school students usually spend most of their time on tutoring, because their knowledge has to be learned a lot and is heavy, so what students put on top is taking extra lessons to accumulate knowledge and improve their skills. your score. Joining the English club is also good, but it will be a waste of students' time because joining the club only helps us develop soft skills while learning English, help us to be more confident in communication, make new friends.

Secondly, how can students improve their own test scores through the construction club's entertaining games? Because the club is set up to relieve stress, reduce students' stress, and does not help students gain more knowledge of new lessons. The advice given by scientists and websites to improve English scores is: Watch entertainment channels, movies, music, reality TV shows, videos on youtube… of British-American, reading English books/newspapers, writing vocabulary words on labels and sticking them on the items that you use most often in the house,... these are common tips that we see, rarely seen. See any advice that encourages students to join English clubs.

In fact, watching English-related TV and videos will most naturally attract you to know a lot of new vocabulary, easy to remember, Through watching TV channels, the ability to listen , say, your communication will also improve a lot. You learn common sayings, phrases that are used practically in everyday life. Then reading English books and newspapers is a great way of practicing English. This way helps you learn many new words, good phrases, and sentences in books and newspapers are very complete and refined. The more you read, the more your writing ability will naturally increase. Reading is also a natural way to learn grammar. Besides, you will also improve your understanding of the culture and customs of the regions, and update the hot news in the world.

From the reasons that I gave above, in my opinion, joining the English club of high school students cannot improve students' scores. Therefore, I think, students should spend that time on other activities that are more meaningful to their learning.
Cảm ơn anh @God of dragon đã giúp em có thêm được 1 idea làm bài ^^

Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
12 Tháng hai 2016
Bình Định
THCS Ghềnh Ráng
Topic của ngày hôm nay, mọi người tham khảo nha!
Do you think reading books is a good habit for students?
What do you do in your free time? Yes, each of us do different activities in our free time. And me, I read books. Yes, reading is my hobby, a very rewarding job. It helps me develop knowledge. More than that, I can read comic books for fun after tiring studying at school. So today I will tell you reading a good habit for students or not?
The first of all, books are a vast wealth of knowledge for us to explore. There are many types of books such as: reference books, literary books, history books, science book... What are the benefits of reading books? It helps us to learn more about the world, the places that we can hardly go to.
Reading books is one of the most crucial and priceless tasks. If you have ever read a book in life, you will be aware the pleasure and perks of reading. In a book there are many interesting and useful things for us to explore, if you finish reading a book, you will surely draw new lessons for yourself. Reading may be the type of workout that keeps the mind active and healthy. You will need to develop the practice of reading not only for knowledge but in addition for individual growth and development. It develops good reasoning and provides you a better perspective of life.
Reading a good book also takes you in a new world and helps you relieve your day to day stress. It has several positive effects on your mind, body, and soul. It stimulates your brain muscles and keeps your brain healthy and strong.
Reading takes you to the world of imagination and enhances your creativity. Reading helps you explore life from different perspectives. While you read books you are building new and creative thoughts, images and opinions in your mind. It makes you think creatively, fantasize and use your imagination.
Reading improves your vocabulary and develops your communication skills. It helps you learn how to use your language creatively. Not only does it improve your communication but it also makes you a better writer. Good communication is important in every aspect of life.
In conclusion, the habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Books are known to be your best friend for a reason. So it is very important to develop a good reading habit. We must all read on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes to enjoy the sweet fruits of reading. It is a great pleasure to sit in a quiet place and enjoy reading. Reading a good book is the most enjoyable experience one can have.
Bạn ơi cho mình hỏi vì có each nên mình phải chia số ít chứ nhỉ, bạn xem lại giúp mình rồi cho mình biết vs ạ
mình cảm ơn!:Tuzki9:Tuzki9:Tuzki9
Đây là lời giải thích của mình, vì nick mình nó bị lag nên khó để đăng bài nữa, rất mất thời gian, bạn tham khảo nha:
Dịch : mỗi người làm những hoạt động khác nhau.
Each vừa là một tính từ, vừa là một đại từ vì thế có nhiều cách dùng chúng, không nhất thiết câu nào cũng dùng số ít để chỉ ý nghĩa.
Học tốt!
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Trinh Linh Mai

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
30 Tháng ba 2021
Thanh Hóa
THCS Định Hưng
Bạn ơi cho mình hỏi vì có each nên mình phải chia số ít chứ nhỉ, bạn xem lại giúp mình rồi cho mình biết vs ạ
mình cảm ơn!:Tuzki9:Tuzki9:Tuzki9
Bạn kham thảo:
Câu này mình nghĩ là vẫn đúng mà.
Ta có như sau:
Each + N: Vì each là đây là đại từ số ít, bởi vậy nên các động từ theo sau nó không thể để ở dạng số nhiều. Đại từ số ít đi cùng động từ số ít.
Each of + mạo từ / đại từ sở hữu (có thể ở dạng số nhiều) : Được dùng để nhấn mạnh sự độc lập của từng đối tượng được nói đến giúp câu nói thêm phần rõ ràng về mặt ý nghĩa hơn
Câu trên ở trường hợp dưới nhé!
Good luck


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Hmm, chỉ chia sẻ topic văn mẫu thì có lẽ là hơi nhàm chán nhỉ ^^
Hôm nay mình sẽ chia sẻ thêm một số từ vựng đồng nghĩ thường hay gặp trong các bài đọc nha ^^
Thuận theo nhiều ý kiến của mọi người góp ý tới mình thì hôm nay mình sẽ bắt đầu với ý kiến đầu tiên là từ vựng, hôm sau sẽ là
BÀI TẬP nha!

Let's go!!! :Tonton7:Tonton7
Lưu ý: Đây mới chỉ là Part 1 thui nhé ^^
Hẹn gặp lại mọi người vào ngày mai ^^
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Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Hihi, bổ sung thêm câu hỏi này nữa nè, câu này vui thoiiiiii, mình thấy hình ảnh trên mạng khá dễ thương nên mình chia sẻ lại, mọi người cùng chọn đáp án nha :p
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Cindy Phạm_2007

Giải Nhì event Thế giới Sinh học 2
Thành viên
22 Tháng ba 2021
Lâm Đồng

Ánh 01

Thành viên
13 Tháng tám 2020
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