English THCS Bài tập trắc nghiệm


Học sinh mới
Thành viên
16 Tháng mười một 2021
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1.Mary is completely ____ with her wedding plans.
A. enjoyed B. appeased C. obsessed D. dispensed
2. There has _____ been no sighting of the ship for a week or more.
A. constantly B. hardly C. indistinctly D. apparently
3. The five-hour ____ which was performed on Mrs. Brown’s hip was expensive but effective.
A. treatment B. operation C. medicine D. therapy
4. After the big storm, it was a long time before the _____ of moral activities.
A. resumption B. revision C. retention D. replacement
5. I can’t think why the police have detained him. There isn’t a _____ of evidence against him.
A. speck B. scrap C. drop D. thread
6. I never get enough to eat there because the size of the servings is too ______.
A. brittle B. grubby C. meager D. vicious
7. I bought a new radio but I didn’t have enough money for _______.
A. echoes B. announcers C. speakers D. megaphones
8. He was _____ of forgery and sentenced to two years in prison.
A. charged B. convicted C. accused D. confirmed
9. Rosa certainly _____ her mother in her devil-may-care approach to life.
A. looks after B. calms down C. cares for D. takes after
10. She was furious after the argument she had had, and ____ out of the house, slamming the door behind.
A. stormed B. staggered C. trudged D. hopped
11. We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town _____.
A. red B. purple C. gold D. brown
12. “This movie is boring and too violent” – “I agree. ______ leave”
A. Will we B. Why don’t we C. Must we D. Would we
13. I was proud to be ____ out for special praise for my performance.
A. selected B. singled C. separated D. distinguished
14. Jack made me _____ him next week.
A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call D. promise calling
15. Joan has been the subject of much _____ gossip in the village.
A. evil B. vicious C. abusive D., malicious
16. The government has spent $1 million on an advertising ____ to encourage energy conservation.
A. campaign B. promotion C. operation D. enterprise
17. Do you know what the main characteristics of your ____ sign are?
A. zodiac B. astrology C. horoscope D. star
18. I’m rather suspicious of your brother’s sudden concern for your welfare and fear that he has __motives.
A. underlying B. concealed C. secondary D. ulterior
19. The horse stopped suddenly and its rider was ______ to the ground.
A. dropped B. flung C. launched D. tripped
20. In an act of defiance he raised a _______ fist at the speaker.
A. clenched B. pressed C. gripped D. clasped



Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
1.Mary is completely ____ with her wedding plans.
A. enjoyed B. appeased C. obsessed D. dispensed
2. There has _____ been no sighting of the ship for a week or more.
A. constantly B. hardly C. indistinctly D. apparently
3. The five-hour ____ which was performed on Mrs. Brown’s hip was expensive but effective.
A. treatment B. operation C. medicine D. therapy
4. After the big storm, it was a long time before the _____ of moral activities.
A. resumption B. revision C. retention D. replacement
5. I can’t think why the police have detained him. There isn’t a _____ of evidence against him.
A. speck B. scrap C. drop D. thread
6. I never get enough to eat there because the size of the servings is too ______.
A. brittle B. grubby C. meager D. vicious
7. I bought a new radio but I didn’t have enough money for _______.
A. echoes B. announcers C. speakers D. megaphones
8. He was _____ of forgery and sentenced to two years in prison.
A. charged B. convicted C. accused D. confirmed
9. Rosa certainly _____ her mother in her devil-may-care approach to life.
A. looks after B. calms down C. cares for D. takes after
10. She was furious after the argument she had had, and ____ out of the house, slamming the door behind.
A. stormed B. staggered C. trudged D. hopped
11. We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town _____.
A. red B. purple C. gold D. brown
12. “This movie is boring and too violent” – “I agree. ______ leave”
A. Will we B. Why don’t we C. Must we D. Would we
13. I was proud to be ____ out for special praise for my performance.
A. selected B. singled C. separated D. distinguished
14. Jack made me _____ him next week.
A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call D. promise calling
15. Joan has been the subject of much _____ gossip in the village.
A. evil B. vicious C. abusive D., malicious
16. The government has spent $1 million on an advertising ____ to encourage energy conservation.
A. campaign B. promotion C. operation D. enterprise
17. Do you know what the main characteristics of your ____ sign are?
A. zodiac B. astrology C. horoscope D. star
18. I’m rather suspicious of your brother’s sudden concern for your welfare and fear that he has __motives.
A. underlying B. concealed C. secondary D. ulterior
19. The horse stopped suddenly and its rider was ______ to the ground.
A. dropped B. flung C. launched D. tripped
20. In an act of defiance he raised a _______ fist at the speaker.
A. clenched B. pressed C. gripped D. clasped


1.Mary is completely ____ with her wedding plans.
A. enjoyed B. appeased hòa giải bằng cách chấp nhận điều kiện của phía đối nghịch C. obsessed with = ám ảnh/ quá lo lắng về gì D. dispensed phân phát
2. There has _____ been no sighting of the ship for a week or more.
A. constantly B. hardly C. indistinctly D. apparently rất có thể/ hình như
3. The five-hour ____ which was performed on Mrs. Brown’s hip was expensive but effective. (???)
A. treatment B. operation phẫu thuật C. medicine D. therapy trị liệu
4. After the big storm, it was a long time before the _____ of moral activities.
A. resumption bắt đầu lại sau một khoảng dừng B. revision C. retention tiếp tục sử dụng/ tồn tại D. replacement
5. I can’t think why the police have detained him. There isn’t a __scrap___ of evidence against him. một chút bằng chứng nào
A. speck B. scrap C. drop D. thread
6. I never get enough to eat there because the size of the servings is too ______.
A. brittle giòn B. grubby bẩn C. meager ít ỏi D. vicious có khuynh hướng bạo lực
7. I bought a new radio but I didn’t have enough money for _______.
A. echoes vang B. announcers ng đọc bản tin C. speakers = loa D. megaphones loa thông báo cầm tay
8. He was ___convicted__ of forgery and sentenced to two years in prison. = kết án
A. charged B. convicted C. accused D. confirmed
9. Rosa certainly _____ her mother in her devil-may-care (không lo nghĩ) approach to life.
A. looks after B. calms down C. cares for D. takes after giống
10. She was furious after the argument she had had, and ____ out of the house, slamming the door behind.
A. stormed rời đi một cách giận giữ B. staggered rất bất ngờ C. trudged đi một cách nặng nề (vì phả vác theo một thứ gì đó khá nặng) D. hopped nhảy lò cò

Ngoài ra bạn cũng có thể tham khảo và ủng hộ những topic sau để có sự tiến bộ về nhiều kỹ năng ~
[TIPs] Rewrite the sentences
Ten words a day and some tips for learning
[Dịch thuật] Word order

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Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
Chào bạn, bạn tham khảo

11. We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town _____.
A. red B. purple C. gold D. brown
12. “This movie is boring and too violent” – “I agree. ______ leave”
A. Will we B. Why don’t we C. Must we D. Would we
13. I was proud to be ____ out for special praise for my performance.
A. selected B. singled C. separated D. distinguished
14. Jack made me _____ him next week.
A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call D. promise calling
15. Joan has been the subject of much _____ gossip in the village.
A. evil B. vicious C. abusive D., malicious
16. The government has spent $1 million on an advertising ____ to encourage energy conservation.
A. campaign B. promotion C. operation D. enterprise
17. Do you know what the main characteristics of your ____ sign are?
A. zodiac B. astrology C. horoscope D. star
18. I’m rather suspicious of your brother’s sudden concern for your welfare and fear that he has __motives.
A. underlying B. concealed C. secondary D. ulterior
19. The horse stopped suddenly and its rider was ______ to the ground.
A. dropped B. flung C. launched D. tripped
20. In an act of defiance he raised a _______ fist at the speaker.
A. clenched B. pressed C. gripped D. clasped

Nếu có thắc mắc gì bạn có thể đặt câu hỏi
Mời bạn tham khảo thêm

+ Chinh phục kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia
+ Level up your Vocabulary
+ IDIOMS theo chủ đề
+ Dịch thuật -Word order
+ Luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Magic Ears
Chúc bạn học tốt!
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