
  1. lengoctutb


    And finally, it was a big day for the footballer Brian Tanner, who got married to his fiancée Marie Johnson in a castle in Scotland today. More than five hundred guests attended the event, including his team members and a crowd of top celebrities from theatre and cinema. Security was tight with...
  2. lengoctutb


    When did you last have a check up? If it's more than a year ago, then you should consider making an appointment now. Your health is important, and we at the Keep Well Centre pride ourselves in looking after our patients. We're offering a one-day check up specially designed for those aged over...
  3. lengoctutb


    MAN: Have you been using the computer this evening? WOMAN: No, but I sent some emails this morning. Is it playing up again? MAN: Well, I can’t seem to get online at all now. I've been trying for the last twenty minutes. WOMAN: It's been like that for a week now. MAN: What about the kids – have...
  4. lengoctutb


    MAN: So you're going shopping for new clothes tomorrow. Where're you thinking? WOMAN: I usually go to the shopping center by the highway. MAN: Do you mean the huge mall? I always shop downtown as much as I can. I try to support the small local businesses. WOMAN: Yes, but admit it, those stores...
  5. lengoctutb


    MAN: Hey, there. Looks like you're studying hard. Do you have a test coming up? WOMAN: Oh, hey. No, I just got this letter from the career center. It lists the part-time marketing jobs that are available next semester. MAN: You're thinking of applying for a part-time job? Isn't your schedule...
  6. lengoctutb


    Woman: I realize the Internet’s really useful, but whenever I’m online, I just know I’m being watched. Man: What do you mean? Woman: Well, marketing companies keep track of everything we do, and the government’s guilty of it, too. Man: Yeah, you’re right. That sort of bothers me, too. Woman: And...
  7. lengoctutb


    HUSBAND: I can't believe summer vacation is over for the kids. That went by too fast. WIFE: I know, but think about all the amazing things they did. It was such a special summer. HUSBAND: Yeah, they'll definitely remember the trip to the nature center the best. Remember how excited they were to...
  8. lengoctutb


    F: Young people often ask how to go about setting up a business and it's tricky to advise them. M: Right, because everyone makes slips of one kind or another on the way and that's inevitable. F: And worthwhile too, providing you don't dwell on the errors but absorb the key points from them. M...
  9. lengoctutb


    You could say I’m a fan of reality TV shows. Although I’m not crazy about the ones that are basically talent shows, and I’m not interested in the ones about the lives of celebrities either. And I can see how people might be bored by the ones about furniture making or gardening. Still, when...
  10. lengoctutb


    When I was younger, I was a keen rugby player. As a result, I suffered a back injury and I spent quite a few years after that visiting a chiropractor. That's why I decided to set up my own clinic. There's nothing like being a patient yourself to know just what they're going through. My own...
  11. lengoctutb


    M: Well, that's the annual conference over for another year. F: Yes, how do you think it went? M: I thought some things went better, like the Chairman's opening address. He seemed really in tune with the audience's requirements. F: They certainly gave him a good reception. I wondered though...
  12. lengoctutb


    MAN: Was that you I heard on the piano just now? I thought it was a CD! WOMAN: Oh don’t make me blush! I didn’t know you were listening. MAN: Umm er I wish could play like that. Did you have lessons as a kid? WOMAN: Oh, I have no formal training; all that would drive me crazy. I just mess around...
  13. lengoctutb


    M: I've just watched an interview with Jenny Burns, you know that up-and-coming politician - it was infuriating! F: Why? Was she quoting endless, complex figures as usual. That's what gets me. M: Well, she was, but it was more her tendency to sidestep everything that was put to her. F: I'm sure...
  14. lengoctutb


    I’m looking out over a very peaceful scene. The setting sun is reflected in the clear water. There’s hardly any wind so you can hear the sheep from the hills behind me - I can even smell the roses from the gardens on the other side. There are tourists sitting in the cafes that line the shore...
  15. lengoctutb


    WOMAN: It’s become trendy in the United States to send young kids to immersion-type language camps to learn a second language. Spanish, Chinese, and French camps are some of the more popular ones. In fact, it’s catching on in public schools as well. There are now well over four hundred schools...
  16. lengoctutb


    WOMAN: So, how many languages do you speak? MAN: I’m really lucky – three. I grew up speaking two in my house and I've lived in different countries, so I've had lots of opportunities. WOMAN: My family moved around a lot, too, but only to English-speaking countries, so there was really no reason...
  17. lengoctutb


    MAN: You look busy. How's it going? WOMAN: Good, thanks. Just getting everything ready. I'll be gone for two weeks. MAN: You're going to China, right? WOMAN: Actually, plans have changed. I'll be doing more traveling than I had thought, stopping for a few nights each in some cities in Southeast...
  18. lengoctutb


    WOMAN: So sales abroad are down, are they? MAN: Yes, seven per cent over the last quarter. Even though the new model is quite an improvement. WOMAN: I suppose fluctuations in the exchange rate have had something to do with it. MAN: Yes, when interest rates here shot up in March and April, so did...
  19. lengoctutb


    WOMAN: Hi, Joe. Are you still looking for a roommate to share the apartment with you? MAN: Yes, actually. I really should, to cut back on my costs. WOMAN: My friend George is looking for an apartment share. He's a terrific person --- a painter. MAN: Oh, I don't think I'd like having someone...
  20. lengoctutb


    WOMAN: I see you’ve taken that plum tree down then? Such a shame to see it go. MAN: What, that old eyesore? Better off without it, wouldn’t you say? WOMAN: But such blossom though; it was like an enormous oil painting in spring, that tree! MAN: Granted, but oil paintings rarely threaten to keel...
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