
  1. lengoctutb


    F: I've been going to that new gym by the station quite a lot recently. M: Really? I thought you hated gyms. How are you getting on? F: The aerobics classes are quite fun - we have a laugh together when we can’t do some movements, which helps! M: What about the instructors? Are they good? F...
  2. lengoctutb


    Everybody, can I have your attention please. I’d like to tell you about a conference at our local museum next month on Friday 15th October 8.45am - 3pm. I originally thought it was in November, but that was a mistake in the museum’s brochure. Anyway, it’s a Teachers’ History Conference with a...
  3. lengoctutb


    WOMAN: So how would I describe myself? First, I would say that I've always been a studious person. Being a high achiever in school has always been very important to me. I enjoyed challenging myself and generating new and creative ways of thought. I possess these traits mainly because I grew up...
  4. lengoctutb


    I know it's difficult to come to a decision about which subjects you're going to study for the next two years and which ones you're going to drop, and you don't have to decide today, but it is important to really think long and hard about it, because obviously it will affect your choices here at...
  5. lengoctutb


    Man: Have you heard the news? It’s Okay to drink coffee again! Woman: According to who? The corporations that produce coffee? Man: No. A new university study claims that coffee has many health benefits. Woman: Oh, not another study. How many people did they use? Man: I think around 100 or so...
  6. lengoctutb


    The meeting next week will focus on things I feel will help us in this hard economic climate. This store has survived for years on our reputation for quality in all areas, and long may that continue. We have an established customer base, very loyal, and unique in that we attract many thousands...
  7. lengoctutb


    There's a lot of comment in the media today about the amount of money earned by celebrities, with particular reference to top sportspeople such as football players. They certainly do get very high salaries, in some cases far more in a week than the average person could ever hope to make in a...
  8. lengoctutb


    MAN: Good to have you back, Kate! Did you have a nice vacation? WOMAN: It was amazing, but I am exhausted. Why is it that I always get back from vacation feeling more tired than when I went? MAN: I completely agree. It’s the hardest part – both exhausting and stressful! Getting there and back is...
  9. lengoctutb


    MAN: I’ll tell you what – I’m sick of hearing of these people who have so much money it makes them miserable! WOMAN: Don’t you think it’s possible, then? I do. MAN: Some people are generally cheerful, others are miserable - it’s got nothing to do with money. WOMAN: Well, I agree with the study...
  10. lengoctutb


    MAN: In my family, every Friday night is family dinner night. We all meet at my grandmother's house to eat, talk to each other, and spend time together. When my grandparents first moved to New York, they invited their friends to eat dinner with them every week. Even today, our friends are...
  11. lengoctutb


    The race for city council is a close one! The candidates are separated by only a few votes. Even though eighty percent of voting districts have already reported in, we still can’t say who the winner is. This is very different from four years ago when longtime council member Jason Hunter won with...
  12. lengoctutb


    Teacher: You're late, John. Boy: Sorry, Mr Jones. Teacher: Did you miss the bus? Boy: No, I don't get the bus in the mornings. It doesn't go past my house. Teacher: Right, so what happened? Boy: Well, my mum normally drives me to school in the morning. We leave at eight and it takes about twenty...
  13. lengoctutb


    MAN: How's your self-defense class going? WOMAN: It's great. The instructor is very helpful and gives great advice. MAN: That's good. What kind of things do they teach in that class? WOMAN: Just how to be safe and protect ourselves. The teacher used to be a police officer. Now, he teaches...
  14. lengoctutb


    MAN: You know Ed? WOMAN: Yeah. MAN: Well, he’s offered me a job with his company. WOMAN: That’s fantastic – what sort of thing would you be doing? MAN: Looking after the computers, the website, you know, the same sort of thing that I’m doing now really, and it’s only a small company. WOMAN: But...
  15. lengoctutb


    Man: This city needs better public transportation. Woman: That's so true. There are too many cars on the road. Man: I agree. I can't believe how bad the traffic is, and it's really noisy. But I have no choice. I have to drive. Woman: I wish there was a better subway system. Life would be so much...
  16. lengoctutb


    MAN: Did you watch that film on Channel 4 last night? WOMAN: What, the Italian one? MAN: Yeah. WOMAN: Yeah, it's amazing, isn't it? MAN: Was that the first time ... WOMAN: No, I'd seen it before, years ago, but I'd forgotten how intelligent and complex it is. MAN: It's fabulous isn't it? WOMAN...
  17. lengoctutb


    MAN: So what did you do at the weekend? WOMAN: I went to an exhibition at the Natural History Museum with Brad, an American friend of mine. You know him. MAN: Oh that’s right. We met at your party. So, what kind of exhibition was it? WOMAN: Well, it was about dinosaurs. The museum had some huge...
  18. lengoctutb

    Cloze Test

    From: Jeremy Smith Subject: A complaint Date: 14 July 2011 To: The Director of Happy Meals Dear Sir/Madam, I recently went with some friends to your restaurant to celebrate my birthday. I have to say that the experience was very disappointing. First of all, the service was very slow and one of...
  19. lengoctutb


    Man: Thanks for coming by today, Paul and Linda. I’m sure that we’ll be able to help you with your long-term investment plan. I looked over the documents you sent, and I noticed that you’ve already, at this early stage in your working lives, put away a significant sum. That’s excellent, because...
  20. lengoctutb


    Man: When I first began playing chess, chess-playing computer programs were really pretty bad. I have fond memories of my first game with a computer back in the 1980s. I was really nervous before the game, but I beat it easily, which really built up my confidence. Since then, computer programs...
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