Ngoại ngữ writting essays


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9 Tháng ba 2017


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Văn | CN CLB Khu vườn ngôn từ
Thành viên
6 Tháng bảy 2015
Quảng Nam
Vi vu tứ phương
1, which do you think is more important:
- Following the dreams your parents want for you or
- Following your own dreams
2, Can men wear women's clothing or can women wear men's clothing?
Chị giúp e đề 2 nhé ^^
E tham khảo ^^
Anyone can wear any type of clothing they want. There is no law saying a man cannot purchase or wear clothing intended for a woman. If he is physically capable of donning the garment, he has every right to do so. There are laws against baring breasts and genitalia, but that's about it.

The better question is why is it socially acceptable for women to wear men's clothing while it is socially unacceptable for men to wear women's clothing?

The answer is that women have transitioned from their traditional gender roles as wives and mothers to working members of society. In their traditional gender roles they were supposed to cultivate their beauty for their husband and raise the children. This resulted in decorative clothing. Now that more women work outside the home they have adopted the uniform of the working person at all levels, both to fit in and because of practical reasons. Rosie the riveter can't rivet metal in a poofy dress. It's a hazard. Similarly, a poofy dress doesn't scream member of the board in a professional setting. The goal for these women is to be taken serious in a different context where the decorative dress hampers their credibility. Society has come to accept this new gender role.

Men on the other hand are still pressured to remain in their traditional gender role. Doing house work or work traditionally meant for women hurts their social standing with other men. There is some progress being made here (there are more male nurses and primary school teachers), but it's still not widely viewed as "good". Women's clothing is also not practical, it's purpose it solely decorative, for the purpose of getting a mate and keeping a mate happy. Most often a male mate. You can see how if a man dresses as a woman, it would be going much farther than just operating outside of a traditional gender role, and society just can't handle that right now.

My personal opinion though: Do what makes you happy. Society has rules, but they only change if we break them.
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Văn | CN CLB Khu vườn ngôn từ
Thành viên
6 Tháng bảy 2015
Quảng Nam
Vi vu tứ phương
1, which do you think is more important:
- Following the dreams your parents want for you or
- Following your own dreams
2, Can men wear women's clothing or can women wear men's clothing?
Chị cứ nghĩa là có thành viên hỗ trợ ý 2 rồi chứ @@
Bây giờ e tham khảo bài luận 1 nhé ^^

What if you have followed what your parents told you to do and not what you wished to do? This will lead to nothing and you will end up frustrated not because it was told by parents, but because you did not find it interesting enough. When you will have nothing to correlate the thing with, how will you dream of becoming like any of your idol? For dreaming of someone to be, you need to first know and relate the type of field with that person so that you can show the world nothing is not achievable. Dreams brings more chances and the chances give you opportunities: When you follow your dream, you get many chances and those chances give you a number of opportunities. The opportunities that knock at your door decide your future. So, this is also one of the reason of choosing one’s own dream to live a happy life. On the contrary when you do something out of interest, neither you will not find any chances nor will you be able to grab opportunities. This will lead to unsuccessful life and zero future. People are able to inspire others only when they have achieved something to show the world but if there is nothing you have attained then how will you inspire anyone. So, if you will follow your dream, you will set an example and will be able to inspire others to do the same.
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