Tết đến, xuân về, tranh thủ điểm lại một vài kiến thức quan trọng nhé!
- disaster /dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ (n): thảm họa
+ disastrous /dɪˈzɑːstrəs/ (a): tai hại
+ natural disaster : thiên tai
- snowstorm /ˈsnəʊstɔːm/ (n): bão tuyết
- earthquake /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ (n): động đất
- volcano /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ (n): núi lửa
+ volcanic /vɒlˈkænɪk/(a): thuộc về núi lửa
+ typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ (n): bão nhiệt đới
- weather forecast: dự báo thời tiết
- turn up: vặn lớn >< turn down: vặn nhỏ
- volume /ˈvɒljuːm/ (n): âm lượng
- temperature /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ (n): nhiệt độ
- thunderstorm /ˈθʌndəstɔːm/ (n): bão có sấm sét
- south-central (a): phía nam miền trung/ nam trung bộ
- experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ (v): trải qua
- highland /ˈhaɪlənd/(n): cao nguyên
- prepare for /prɪˈpeə(r)/ : chuẩn bị cho
- laugh at /lɑːf/: cười nhạo, chế nhạo
- just in case: nếu tình cờ xảy ra
- canned food: thức ăn đóng hộp
- candle /ˈkændl/ (n): nến
- match /mætʃ/ (n): diêm quẹt
- imagine /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ (v): tưởng tượng
- share /ʃeə(r)/ (v): chia sẻ
- support /səˈpɔːt/ (v): ủng hộ
- ladder /ˈlædə(r)/(n): cái thang
- blanket /ˈblæŋkɪt/ (n): chăn mền
- bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ (n): cái xô
- power cut : cúp điện
- Pacific Rim: vành đai Thái Bình Dương
- tidal wave = tsunami /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ :sóng thần
- abrupt /əˈbrʌpt/ (a): thình lình
- shift /ʃɪft/ (n): sự chuyển dịch
- underwater /ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə(r)/(a): ở dưới nước
- movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ (n): sự chuyển động
- hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən/ (n): bão
- cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn/ (n): cơn lốc
- erupt /ɪˈrʌpt/ (v): phun
+ eruption (n): sự phun trào
- predict /prɪˈdɪkt/ (v): đoán trước
+ prediction (n): sự đoán trước
- tornado /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ (n): bão xoáy
- funnel-shaped (a): có hình phễu
- suck up: hút
- path/pɑːθ/ (n): đường đi
- baby carriage /ˈkærɪdʒ/: xe nôi
I. Defining relative clauses (without commas)
+ Defining relative clauses give us the necessary information to know which person or thing is referred to.
E.g: The boy who is sitting next to Angela is from China.
+ In defining relative clauses, that is often used instead of which after superlatives, all, every(thing), nothing, any(thing), some(thing), none, little, few, much and only.
E.g: It is the best film that I have ever seen.
The only thing that matters is to tell the truth.
+ If it is the object, the relative pronoun is often left out.
E.g: The girl who I have just talked to is very kind
--> The girl I have just talked to is very kind.
II. Non – defining relative clauses (with commas)
+ Non – defining relative clauses give extra information which is not really necessary.
E.g: My uncle, who is a teacher, lives in Australia.
+ That cannot be used, and the relative pronoun cannot be left out.
A comma must be used before this kind of relative clause, and also after it if it is in the middle of a sentence.
E.g: Hawaii, which consists of eight principal islands, is a favorite vacation spot.
- disaster /dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ (n): thảm họa
+ disastrous /dɪˈzɑːstrəs/ (a): tai hại
+ natural disaster : thiên tai
- snowstorm /ˈsnəʊstɔːm/ (n): bão tuyết
- earthquake /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ (n): động đất
- volcano /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ (n): núi lửa
+ volcanic /vɒlˈkænɪk/(a): thuộc về núi lửa
+ typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ (n): bão nhiệt đới
- weather forecast: dự báo thời tiết
- turn up: vặn lớn >< turn down: vặn nhỏ
- volume /ˈvɒljuːm/ (n): âm lượng
- temperature /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ (n): nhiệt độ
- thunderstorm /ˈθʌndəstɔːm/ (n): bão có sấm sét
- south-central (a): phía nam miền trung/ nam trung bộ
- experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ (v): trải qua
- highland /ˈhaɪlənd/(n): cao nguyên
- prepare for /prɪˈpeə(r)/ : chuẩn bị cho
- laugh at /lɑːf/: cười nhạo, chế nhạo
- just in case: nếu tình cờ xảy ra
- canned food: thức ăn đóng hộp
- candle /ˈkændl/ (n): nến
- match /mætʃ/ (n): diêm quẹt
- imagine /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ (v): tưởng tượng
- share /ʃeə(r)/ (v): chia sẻ
- support /səˈpɔːt/ (v): ủng hộ
- ladder /ˈlædə(r)/(n): cái thang
- blanket /ˈblæŋkɪt/ (n): chăn mền
- bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ (n): cái xô
- power cut : cúp điện
- Pacific Rim: vành đai Thái Bình Dương
- tidal wave = tsunami /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ :sóng thần
- abrupt /əˈbrʌpt/ (a): thình lình
- shift /ʃɪft/ (n): sự chuyển dịch
- underwater /ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə(r)/(a): ở dưới nước
- movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ (n): sự chuyển động
- hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən/ (n): bão
- cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn/ (n): cơn lốc
- erupt /ɪˈrʌpt/ (v): phun
+ eruption (n): sự phun trào
- predict /prɪˈdɪkt/ (v): đoán trước
+ prediction (n): sự đoán trước
- tornado /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ (n): bão xoáy
- funnel-shaped (a): có hình phễu
- suck up: hút
- path/pɑːθ/ (n): đường đi
- baby carriage /ˈkærɪdʒ/: xe nôi
I. Defining relative clauses (without commas)
+ Defining relative clauses give us the necessary information to know which person or thing is referred to.
E.g: The boy who is sitting next to Angela is from China.
+ In defining relative clauses, that is often used instead of which after superlatives, all, every(thing), nothing, any(thing), some(thing), none, little, few, much and only.
E.g: It is the best film that I have ever seen.
The only thing that matters is to tell the truth.
+ If it is the object, the relative pronoun is often left out.
E.g: The girl who I have just talked to is very kind
--> The girl I have just talked to is very kind.
II. Non – defining relative clauses (with commas)
+ Non – defining relative clauses give extra information which is not really necessary.
E.g: My uncle, who is a teacher, lives in Australia.
+ That cannot be used, and the relative pronoun cannot be left out.
A comma must be used before this kind of relative clause, and also after it if it is in the middle of a sentence.
E.g: Hawaii, which consists of eight principal islands, is a favorite vacation spot.