Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Chào mừng 15 hội viên đầu tiên của CLB đến với lớp học thành ngữ .Nội dung của các bài học sẽ được lấy từ sách "Speak English like an American " của Amy Gillett
Lớp học diễn ra vào chủ nhật hàng tuần,các bạn nhớ có mặt để tham gia lớp học nhé
1. Nguyễn Như @Snowball fan ken
2. Đinh Thùy Trang @Hoàng Hàn Băng
3. Nguyễn Trần Trúc Quỳnh @Wendy Holmes
4. Nguyễn Vân Anh @Anh Hi
5. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm @Perona03
6. Đỗ Lê Long Ấn @Tony Time
7. Trương Nguyễn Hải Yến @Ye Ye
8. Đỗ Thùy Linh @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
9. Trần Lê Quỳnh Anh @tienganh220403@gmail.com
10. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu @ngchau2001
11. Nguyễn Thị Trúc Vi @Vi Nguyen
12. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi @Hiền Còi
13. Đặng Lê Huyền Trân @Mictin
14. Lưu Thị Thanh Trúc @Nữ Thần Mặt Trăng
15. Huỳnh Đức Nhật @Huỳnh Đức Nhật

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013

Bob works as a manager in a furniture store.Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob's new advertising campaign hasn't helped. Peter decides to fire him.

Peter: Bob, I hate to break the news, but our sales were down again last month.

Bob: Down again, Peter?

Peter: Yeah. These days, everybody's shopping at our competition,Honest Abe's Furniture Store.

Bob: But everything in there costs an arm and a leg!

Peter: That's true. They do charge top dollar.

Bob: And their salespeople are very strange. They really give me the creeps!

Peter: Well, they must be doing something right over there.Meanwhile, we're about to go belly-up.

Bob: I'm sorry to hear that. I thought my new advertising campaign would save the day.

Peter: Let's face it: your advertising campaign was a real flop.

Bob: Well then I'll go back to the drawing board.

Peter: It's too late for that. You're fired!

Bob: What? You're giving me the ax?

Peter: Yes. I've already found a new manager. She's as sharp as a tack.

Bob: Can't we even talk this over? After all, I've been working here for 10 years!

Peter: There's no point in arguing, Bob. I've already made up my mind.

Bob: Oh well, at least I won't have to put up with your nonsense anymore! Good-bye to you and good-bye to this dead-end job.

Peter: Please leave before I lose my temper!

about to - ready to; on the verge of
EXAMPLE 1: It's a good thing Bob left the furniture store when he did. Peter was so angry, he was about to throw a dining room chair at him.
EXAMPLE 2: I'm glad you're finally home. I was just about to have dinner without you.

after all
- despite everything; when everything has been considered; the fact is
EXAMPLE 1: You'd better invite Ed to your party. After all, he's a good friend.
EXAMPLE 2: It doesn't matter what your boss thinks of you. After all, you're going to quit your job anyway.

at least - anyway; the good thing is that...
EXAMPLE 1: We've run out of coffee, but at least we still have tea.
EXAMPLE 2: Tracy can't afford to buy a car, but at least she has a good bicycle.
NOTE: The second definition of this phrase is "no less than": There were at least 300 people waiting in line to buy concert tickets.

(to) break the news - to make something known
EXAMPLE 1: Samantha and Michael are getting married, but they haven't yet broken the news to their parents.
EXAMPLE 2: You'd better break the news to your father carefully. After all, you don't want him to have a heart attack!

(to) cost an arm and a leg - to be very expensive
EXAMPLE 1: A college education in America costs an arm and a leg.
EXAMPLE 2: All of the furniture at Honest Abe's costs an arm and a leg!

dead-end job - a job that won't lead to anything else
EXAMPLE 1: Diane realized that working as a cashier was a dead-end job.
EXAMPLE 2: Jim worked many dead-end jobs before finally deciding to start his own business.

(let's) face it - accept a difficult reality
EXAMPLE 1: Let's face it, if Ted spent more time studying, he wouldn't be failing so many of his classes!
EXAMPLE 2: Let's face it, if you don't have a college degree, it can be difficult to find a high-paying job.

(to) give one the creeps - to create a feeling of disgust or horror
EXAMPLE 1: Ted's friend Matt has seven earrings in each ear and an "I Love Mom" tattoo on his arm. He really gives Nicole the creeps.
EXAMPLE 2: There was a strange man following me around the grocery store. He was giving me the creeps!

(to) go back to the drawing board - to start a task over because the last try failed; to start again from the beginning
EXAMPLE 1: Frank's new business failed, so he had to go back to the drawing board.
EXAMPLE 2: The president didn't agree with our new ideas for the company, so we had to go back to the drawing board.

(to) go belly-up - to go bankrupt
EXAMPLE 1: Many people lost their jobs when Enron went belly-up.
EXAMPLE 2: My company lost $3 million last year. We might go belly-up.

(to) give someone the ax - to fire someone
EXAMPLE 1: Mary used to talk to her friends on the phone all day at work, until one day her boss finally gave her the ax.
EXAMPLE 2: Poor Paul! He was given the ax two days before Christmas.

(to) lose one's temper - to become very angry
EXAMPLE 1: Bob always loses his temper when his kids start talking on the telephone during dinner.
EXAMPLE 2: When Ted handed in his essay two weeks late, his teacher really lost her temper.

(to) make up one's mind - to reach a decision; to decide
EXAMPLE 1: Stephanie couldn't make up her mind whether to attend Harvard or Stanford. Finally, she chose Stanford.
EXAMPLE 2: Do you want an omelette or fried eggs? You'll need to make up your mind quickly because the waitress is coming.

no point in - no reason to; it's not worth (doing something)
EXAMPLE 1: There's no point in worrying about things you can't change.
EXAMPLE 2: There's no point in going on a picnic if it's going to rain

(to) put up with - to endure without complaint
EXAMPLE 1: For many years, Barbara put up with her husband's annoying behavior. Finally, she decided to leave him.
EXAMPLE 2: I don't know how Len puts up with his mean boss every day.

real flop or flop - a failure
EXAMPLE 1: The Broadway play closed after just 4 days - it was a real flop!
EXAMPLE 2: The company was in trouble after its new product flopped.

(to) save the day - to prevent a disaster or misfortune
EXAMPLE 1: The Christmas tree was on fire, but Ted threw water on it and saved the day.
EXAMPLE 2: We forgot to buy champagne for our New Year's party, but Sonia brought some and really saved the day!

(as) sharp as a tack - very intelligent
EXAMPLE 1: Jay scored 100% on his science test. He's as sharp as a tack.
EXAMPLE 2: Anna got a scholarship to Yale. She's as sharp as a tack.

(to) talk over - to discuss
EXAMPLE 1: Dave and I spent hours talking over the details of the plan.
EXAMPLE 2: Before you make any big decisions, give me a call and we'll talk things over.

top dollar - the highest end of a price range; a lot of money
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole paid top dollar for a shirt at Banana Republic.
EXAMPLE 2: Wait until those jeans go on sale. Why pay top dollar?
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Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
Practice 1 : Mọi người làm tối mai có đáp án nhé !
1) I can't believe you bought a couch at Honest Abe's. Everything in that store costs an arm and a .

a) foot b) leg c) hand

2) After Bob found out that his advertising campaign failed, he wanted to go back to the drawing .

a) board b) table c) room

3) When somebody isn't listening to you, there's no _____ in trying to argue with them.

a) edge b) tip c) point

4) Jose is really smart. He's as sharp as a .

a) tack b) nail c) screw

5) The salespeople at Honest Abe's always look angry and never speak to anybody. No wonder they Bob the creeps.

a) take b) give c) allow

6) Bob got fired. He isn't looking forward to the news to his family.

a) breaking b) cracking c) saying

7) Bob thought his new advertisements would bring in lots of customers and save the .

a) morning b) night c) day

8) Fortunately, Bob no longer has to put with his stupid boss at the furniture store.

a) over b) in c) up

Tony Time

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
23 Tháng sáu 2017
Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu
Taylors College
Practice 1 : Mọi người làm tối mai có đáp án nhé !
1) I can't believe you bought a couch at Honest Abe's. Everything in that store costs an arm and a .

a) foot b) leg c) hand

2) After Bob found out that his advertising campaign failed, he wanted to go back to the drawing board.

a) board b) table c) room

3) When somebody isn't listening to you, there's no __point___ in trying to argue with them.

a) edge b) tip c) point

4) Jose is really smart. He's as sharp as a tack.

a) tack b) nail c) screw

5) The salespeople at Honest Abe's always look angry and never speak to anybody. No wonder they Bob the creeps creeps.

a) take b) give c) allow

6) Bob got fired. He isn't looking forward breaking to the news to his family.

a) breaking b) cracking c) saying

7) Bob thought his new advertisements would bring in lots of customers and save the day .

a) morning b) night c) day

8) Fortunately, Bob no longer has to put up with his stupid boss at the furniture store.

a) over b) in c) up

Vi Nguyen

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
26 Tháng tư 2017
Bình Định
THPT Chuyên Chu Văn An
Practice 1 : Mọi người làm tối mai có đáp án nhé !
1) I can't believe you bought a couch at Honest Abe's. Everything in that store costs an arm and a .

a) foot b) leg c) hand

2) After Bob found out that his advertising campaign failed, he wanted to go back to the drawing .

a) board b) table c) room

3) When somebody isn't listening to you, there's no _____ in trying to argue with them.

a) edge b) tip c) point

4) Jose is really smart. He's as sharp as a .

a) tack b) nail c) screw

5) The salespeople at Honest Abe's always look angry and never speak to anybody. No wonder they Bob the creeps.

a) take b) give c) allow

6) Bob got fired. He isn't looking forward to the news to his family.

a) breaking b) cracking c) saying

7) Bob thought his new advertisements would bring in lots of customers and save the .

a) morning b) night c) day

8) Fortunately, Bob no longer has to put with his stupid boss at the furniture store.

a) over b) in c) up

Chou Chou

Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
TV BQT được yêu thích nhất 2017
4 Tháng năm 2017
Phú Thọ
THPT Thanh Thủy
Chào mừng 15 hội viên đầu tiên của CLB đến với lớp học thành ngữ .Nội dung của các bài học sẽ được lấy từ sách "Speak English like an American " của Amy Gillett
Lớp học diễn ra vào chủ nhật hàng tuần,các bạn nhớ có mặt để tham gia lớp học nhé
Mình cũng có tải sách này về máy này...khá hay đó...

Practice 1 :

1) I can't believe you bought a couch at Honest Abe's. Everything in that store costs an arm and a .

a) foot b) leg c) hand

2) After Bob found out that his advertising campaign failed, he wanted to go back to the drawing .

a) board b) table c) room

3) When somebody isn't listening to you, there's no _____ in trying to argue with them.

a) edge b) tip c) point

4) Jose is really smart. He's as sharp as a .

a) tack b) nail c) screw

5) The salespeople at Honest Abe's always look angry and never speak to anybody. No wonder they Bob the creeps.

a) take b) give c) allow

6) Bob got fired. He isn't looking forward to the news to his family.

a) breaking b) cracking c) saying

7) Bob thought his new advertisements would bring in lots of customers and save the .

a) morning b) night c) day

8) Fortunately, Bob no longer has to put with his stupid boss at the furniture store.

a) over b) in c) up
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Ye Ye

Cây bút Truyện ngắn 2017|Thần tượng văn học
Hội viên CLB Ngôn từ
Thành viên
10 Tháng bảy 2017
Hà Nam
NEU (Dream)

Bob works as a manager in a furniture store.Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob's new advertising campaign hasn't helped. Peter decides to fire him.

Peter: Bob, I hate to break the news, but our sales were down again last month.

Bob: Down again, Peter?

Peter: Yeah. These days, everybody's shopping at our competition,Honest Abe's Furniture Store.

Bob: But everything in there costs an arm and a leg!

Peter: That's true. They do charge top dollar.

Bob: And their salespeople are very strange. They really give me the creeps!

Peter: Well, they must be doing something right over there.Meanwhile, we're about to go belly-up.

Bob: I'm sorry to hear that. I thought my new advertising campaign would save the day.

Peter: Let's face it: your advertising campaign was a real flop.

Bob: Well then I'll go back to the drawing board.

Peter: It's too late for that. You're fired!

Bob: What? You're giving me the ax?

Peter: Yes. I've already found a new manager. She's as sharp as a tack.

Bob: Can't we even talk this over? After all, I've been working here for 10 years!

Peter: There's no point in arguing, Bob. I've already made up my mind.

Bob: Oh well, at least I won't have to put up with your nonsense anymore! Good-bye to you and good-bye to this dead-end job.

Peter: Please leave before I lose my temper!

about to - ready to; on the verge of
EXAMPLE 1: It's a good thing Bob left the furniture store when he did. Peter was so angry, he was about to throw a dining room chair at him.
EXAMPLE 2: I'm glad you're finally home. I was just about to have dinner without you.

after all
- despite everything; when everything has been considered; the fact is
EXAMPLE 1: You'd better invite Ed to your party. After all, he's a good friend.
EXAMPLE 2: It doesn't matter what your boss thinks of you. After all, you're going to quit your job anyway.

at least - anyway; the good thing is that...
EXAMPLE 1: We've run out of coffee, but at least we still have tea.
EXAMPLE 2: Tracy can't afford to buy a car, but at least she has a good bicycle.
NOTE: The second definition of this phrase is "no less than": There were at least 300 people waiting in line to buy concert tickets.

(to) break the news - to make something known
EXAMPLE 1: Samantha and Michael are getting married, but they haven't yet broken the news to their parents.
EXAMPLE 2: You'd better break the news to your father carefully. After all, you don't want him to have a heart attack!

(to) cost an arm and a leg - to be very expensive
EXAMPLE 1: A college education in America costs an arm and a leg.
EXAMPLE 2: All of the furniture at Honest Abe's costs an arm and a leg!

dead-end job - a job that won't lead to anything else
EXAMPLE 1: Diane realized that working as a cashier was a dead-end job.
EXAMPLE 2: Jim worked many dead-end jobs before finally deciding to start his own business.

(let's) face it - accept a difficult reality
EXAMPLE 1: Let's face it, if Ted spent more time studying, he wouldn't be failing so many of his classes!
EXAMPLE 2: Let's face it, if you don't have a college degree, it can be difficult to find a high-paying job.

(to) give one the creeps - to create a feeling of disgust or horror
EXAMPLE 1: Ted's friend Matt has seven earrings in each ear and an "I Love Mom" tattoo on his arm. He really gives Nicole the creeps.
EXAMPLE 2: There was a strange man following me around the grocery store. He was giving me the creeps!

(to) go back to the drawing board - to start a task over because the last try failed; to start again from the beginning
EXAMPLE 1: Frank's new business failed, so he had to go back to the drawing board.
EXAMPLE 2: The president didn't agree with our new ideas for the company, so we had to go back to the drawing board.

(to) go belly-up - to go bankrupt
EXAMPLE 1: Many people lost their jobs when Enron went belly-up.
EXAMPLE 2: My company lost $3 million last year. We might go belly-up.

(to) give someone the ax - to fire someone
EXAMPLE 1: Mary used to talk to her friends on the phone all day at work, until one day her boss finally gave her the ax.
EXAMPLE 2: Poor Paul! He was given the ax two days before Christmas.

(to) lose one's temper - to become very angry
EXAMPLE 1: Bob always loses his temper when his kids start talking on the telephone during dinner.
EXAMPLE 2: When Ted handed in his essay two weeks late, his teacher really lost her temper.

(to) make up one's mind - to reach a decision; to decide
EXAMPLE 1: Stephanie couldn't make up her mind whether to attend Harvard or Stanford. Finally, she chose Stanford.
EXAMPLE 2: Do you want an omelette or fried eggs? You'll need to make up your mind quickly because the waitress is coming.

no point in - no reason to; it's not worth (doing something)
EXAMPLE 1: There's no point in worrying about things you can't change.
EXAMPLE 2: There's no point in going on a picnic if it's going to rain

(to) put up with - to endure without complaint
EXAMPLE 1: For many years, Barbara put up with her husband's annoying behavior. Finally, she decided to leave him.
EXAMPLE 2: I don't know how Len puts up with his mean boss every day.

real flop or flop - a failure
EXAMPLE 1: The Broadway play closed after just 4 days - it was a real flop!
EXAMPLE 2: The company was in trouble after its new product flopped.

(to) save the day - to prevent a disaster or misfortune
EXAMPLE 1: The Christmas tree was on fire, but Ted threw water on it and saved the day.
EXAMPLE 2: We forgot to buy champagne for our New Year's party, but Sonia brought some and really saved the day!

(as) sharp as a tack - very intelligent
EXAMPLE 1: Jay scored 100% on his science test. He's as sharp as a tack.
EXAMPLE 2: Anna got a scholarship to Yale. She's as sharp as a tack.

(to) talk over - to discuss
EXAMPLE 1: Dave and I spent hours talking over the details of the plan.
EXAMPLE 2: Before you make any big decisions, give me a call and we'll talk things over.

top dollar - the highest end of a price range; a lot of money
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole paid top dollar for a shirt at Banana Republic.
EXAMPLE 2: Wait until those jeans go on sale. Why pay top dollar?
anh ơi anh giải thích nghĩa của các cụm từ bằng tiếng anh và cả tiếng việt nữa được không? Có vài từ mới trong phần giải nghĩa em không biết nên cứ phải đi tra í ạ
P/s: Sao e không nhận đc thông báo nhỉ?

Ye Ye

Cây bút Truyện ngắn 2017|Thần tượng văn học
Hội viên CLB Ngôn từ
Thành viên
10 Tháng bảy 2017
Hà Nam
NEU (Dream)
1) I can't believe you bought a couch at Honest Abe's. Everything in that store costs an arm and a .

a) foot b) leg c) hand

2) After Bob found out that his advertising campaign failed, he wanted to go back to the drawing .

a) board b) table c) room

3) When somebody isn't listening to you, there's no _____ in trying to argue with them.

a) edge b) tip c) point

4) Jose is really smart. He's as sharp as a .

a) tack b) nail c) screw

5) The salespeople at Honest Abe's always look angry and never speak to anybody. No wonder they Bob the creeps.

a) take b) give c) allow

6) Bob got fired. He isn't looking forward to the news to his family.

a) breaking b) cracking c) saying

7) Bob thought his new advertisements would bring in lots of customers and save the .

a) morning b) night c) day

8) Fortunately, Bob no longer has to put with his stupid boss at the furniture store.

a) over b) in c) up

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
anh ơi anh giải thích nghĩa của các cụm từ bằng tiếng anh và cả tiếng việt nữa được không? Có vài từ mới trong phần giải nghĩa em không biết nên cứ phải đi tra í ạ
P/s: Sao e không nhận đc thông báo nhỉ?
E click vào chỗ Theo dõi chủ đề sẽ nhận được thông báo thì phải
MÌnh nên tập học Tiếng Anh bằng Tiếng Anh,cái này không hiểu thì e tra cứu,điều này sẽ tạo thêm môi trường để em tiếp xúc Tiếng Anh,cố lên em

Huỳnh Đức Nhật

27 Tháng hai 2017
Quảng Nam
THCS Phan Tây Hồ
Practice 1 :
1) I can't believe you bought a couch at Honest Abe's. Everything in that store costs an arm and a .

a) foot b) leg c) hand

2) After Bob found out that his advertising campaign failed, he wanted to go back to the drawing .

a) board b) table c) room

3) When somebody isn't listening to you, there's no _____ in trying to argue with them.

a) edge b) tip c) point

4) Jose is really smart. He's as sharp as a .

a) tack b) nail c) screw

5) The salespeople at Honest Abe's always look angry and never speak to anybody. No wonder they Bob the creeps.

a) take b) give c) allow

6) Bob got fired. He isn't looking forward to the news to his family.

a) breaking b) cracking c) saying

7) Bob thought his new advertisements would bring in lots of customers and save the .

a) morning b) night c) day

8) Fortunately, Bob no longer has to put with his stupid boss at the furniture store.

a) over b) in c) up
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