English THCS III. Read the article below about the illegal international trade of whale meat. Six sentences have


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20 Tháng chín 2021
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THCS Trần Phú
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III. Read the article below about the illegal international trade of whale meat. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A – F the one which fits each gap 1 - 5. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
The International Whaling Commission was established in 1946 to manage dwindling stocks of whales. Quotas were set to limit the number of whales that could be killed each year for commercial use, but these were often ignored and whale numbers continued to decrease. In 1975, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) gave full protection to several species including the blue, grey, humpback and right whales. International pressure on the IWC continued and in 1986 it finally put a limit on commercial whaling.
(1)__________. This is achieved by issuing scientific research permits, as killing whales for research is not forbidden. The stated aim of the Japanese research programme is to establish sustainable whaling in the Antarctic Ocean. Both Japan and South Korea are also permitted to trade, within their own countries, whale meat from animals killed as an incidental result of other fishing. (2)__________. Also, in an attempt to control hunting, individual whales are logged on a DNA register so that they can be identified.
The value of “lethal sampling”, that is, the practice of killing whales in order to study them, is highly contentious issue. (3)__________. On the other hand, opponents say this information is not strictly necessary, and moreover, there are better ways to get it. The selling of whale meat from the lethal sampling to fish markets is purportedly to help fund the research. This claim, however, is disrupted by opponents as being a cover for illegal whaling. Now there is evidence to support their views.
A team of scientists, led by Professor Scott Baker, have used DNA to analyse samples of sushi from restaurants in Los Angeles and Seoul. The sushi was found to be made from the illegally-traded meat of protected whale species. The results of the study were handed over to local and national authorities and have since resulted in criminal proceedings against the Los Angeles restaurant.
The researcher used DNA sequencing to identify the species of whale and then used DNA profiling – the same technique used to identify human individuals in criminal forensics – to identify the source of the meat. (4)__________. In addition, some of the meat purchased in Seoul came from Antarctic minke whales, a species which is not local to South Korea and must have therefore also been traded illegally.
Although Japanese authorities keep a DNA register of each whale destined to be sold commercially, this information is not available for monitoring purposes. (5)__________. As the authors state, “The illegal trade of products from protected species of whales, presumably taken under a national permit for scientific research, is a timely reminder of the need for independent, transparent and robust monitoring of any future whaling”.


The DNA results showed that the whale meat in the Los Angeles restaurant had almost certainly originated in Japanese “scientific” whale hunts.


However, the export of any whale meat from these countries to the U.S.A. is strictly prohibited.


The researchers suggest that urgent action is needed in making this information available to scientists to further monitoring and analysis of commercially available whale meat can take place.


Despite the 1986 ban, Japan has continued to hunt whales legally.


Some claim that it is required in order to learn about the eating habits and lifespan of whales.


Since the 1986 international moratorium, it has been assumed that there is no international trade in whale products, but this does not seem to be the case.
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
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19 Tháng tư 2017
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Trái tim của Riky-Kun
III. Read the article below about the illegal international trade of whale meat. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A – F the one which fits each gap 1 - 5. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
The International Whaling Commission was established in 1946 to manage dwindling stocks of whales. Quotas were set to limit the number of whales that could be killed each year for commercial use, but these were often ignored and whale numbers continued to decrease. In 1975, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) gave full protection to several species including the blue, grey, humpback and right whales. International pressure on the IWC continued and in 1986 it finally put a limit on commercial whaling.
(1)__________. This is achieved by issuing scientific research permits, as killing whales for research is not forbidden. The stated aim of the Japanese research programme is to establish sustainable whaling in the Antarctic Ocean. Both Japan and South Korea are also permitted to trade, within their own countries, whale meat from animals killed as an incidental result of other fishing. (2)__________. Also, in an attempt to control hunting, individual whales are logged on a DNA register so that they can be identified.
The value of “lethal sampling”, that is, the practice of killing whales in order to study them, is highly contentious issue. (3)__________. On the other hand, opponents say this information is not strictly necessary, and moreover, there are better ways to get it. The selling of whale meat from the lethal sampling to fish markets is purportedly to help fund the research. This claim, however, is disrupted by opponents as being a cover for illegal whaling. Now there is evidence to support their views.
A team of scientists, led by Professor Scott Baker, have used DNA to analyse samples of sushi from restaurants in Los Angeles and Seoul. The sushi was found to be made from the illegally-traded meat of protected whale species. The results of the study were handed over to local and national authorities and have since resulted in criminal proceedings against the Los Angeles restaurant.
The researcher used DNA sequencing to identify the species of whale and then used DNA profiling – the same technique used to identify human individuals in criminal forensics – to identify the source of the meat. (4)__________. In addition, some of the meat purchased in Seoul came from Antarctic minke whales, a species which is not local to South Korea and must have therefore also been traded illegally.
Although Japanese authorities keep a DNA register of each whale destined to be sold commercially, this information is not available for monitoring purposes. (5)__________. As the authors state, “The illegal trade of products from protected species of whales, presumably taken under a national permit for scientific research, is a timely reminder of the need for independent, transparent and robust monitoring of any future whaling”.
A.The DNA results showed that the whale meat in the Los Angeles restaurant had almost certainly originated in Japanese “scientific” whale hunts.
B.However, the export of any whale meat from these countries to the U.S.A. is strictly prohibited.
C.The researchers suggest that urgent action is needed in making this information available to scientists to further monitoring and analysis of commercially available whale meat can take place.
D.Despite the 1986 ban, Japan has continued to hunt whales legally.
E.Some claim that it is required in order to learn about the eating habits and lifespan of whales.
F.Since the 1986 international moratorium, it has been assumed that there is no international trade in whale products, but this does not seem to be the case.
III. Read the article below about the illegal international trade of whale meat. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A – F the one which fits each gap 1 - 5. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
The International Whaling Commission was established in 1946 to manage dwindling stocks of whales. Quotas were set to limit the number of whales that could be killed each year for commercial use, but these were often ignored and whale numbers continued to decrease. In 1975, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) gave full protection to several species including the blue, grey, humpback and right whales. International pressure on the IWC continued and in 1986 it finally put a limit on commercial whaling.
(1)____D______. This is achieved by issuing scientific research permits, as killing whales for research is not forbidden. The stated aim of the Japanese research programme is to establish sustainable whaling in the Antarctic Ocean. Both Japan and South Korea are also permitted to trade, within their own countries, whale meat from animals killed as an incidental result of other fishing. (2)__________. Also, in an attempt to control hunting, individual whales are logged on a DNA register so that they can be identified.
The value of “lethal sampling”, that is, the practice of killing whales in order to study them, is highly contentious issue. (3)____E______. On the other hand, opponents say this information is not strictly necessary, and moreover, there are better ways to get it. The selling of whale meat from the lethal sampling to fish markets is purportedly to help fund the research. This claim, however, is disrupted by opponents as being a cover for illegal whaling. Now there is evidence to support their views.
A team of scientists, led by Professor Scott Baker, have used DNA to analyse samples of sushi from restaurants in Los Angeles and Seoul. The sushi was found to be made from the illegally-traded meat of protected whale species. The results of the study were handed over to local and national authorities and have since resulted in criminal proceedings against the Los Angeles restaurant.
The researcher used DNA sequencing to identify the species of whale and then used DNA profiling – the same technique used to identify human individuals in criminal forensics – to identify the source of the meat. (4)____A______. In addition, some of the meat purchased in Seoul came from Antarctic minke whales, a species which is not local to South Korea and must have therefore also been traded illegally.
Although Japanese authorities keep a DNA register of each whale destined to be sold commercially, this information is not available for monitoring purposes. (5)____C______. As the authors state, “The illegal trade of products from protected species of whales, presumably taken under a national permit for scientific research, is a timely reminder of the need for independent, transparent and robust monitoring of any future whaling”.
A.The DNA results showed that the whale meat in the Los Angeles restaurant had almost certainly originated in Japanese “scientific” whale hunts.
B.However, the export of any whale meat from these countries to the U.S.A. is strictly prohibited.
C.The researchers suggest that urgent action is needed in making this information available to scientists to further monitoring and analysis of commercially available whale meat can take place.
D.Despite the 1986 ban, Japan has continued to hunt whales legally.
E.Some claim that it is required in order to learn about the eating habits and lifespan of whales.
F.Since the 1986 international moratorium, it has been assumed that there is no international trade in whale products, but this does not seem to be the case.
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