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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.


I. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. debt B. nib C. absorb C. absent
2. A. carriage B. voyage C. massage C. dosage
3. A. gigantic B. gibberish C. bridge C. goat
4. A. slaughter B. naughty C. draught C. plaudit
5. A. fathom B. feather C. anthem C. within
II. Choose the best answer
6. The three friends all _____ for the same job.
A requested B chose C applied D referred
7. The burglar _____ to open a window at the back of the house.
A succeeded B managed C forced D discovered
8. She………… drive to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead.
A was used to B has used to C was using to D used to
9. They travelled to Spain by the most _____ route.
A easy B direct C straight D unique
10 Scientists have discovered a close _____ between smoking and several serious diseases.
A action B connection C union D combination
11 He had made his money by developing a profitable travel
A commerce B shop C affair D business
12 ......... you hurry, you won It catch the bus.
A As B Although C Except D Unless
13 I went to………..some pictures by a new painter the other day.
A watch B see to C look at D visit
14 _____I am studying at university and I hope to get a job very soon.
A In a moment B At this instant C At present D In the present
15 you had better keep a box of matches ………….in case the lights go out again.
A handy B by hand C in touch D in the way
16. He couldn't make the radio _____ .
A to work B working C worked D work
17. I am _____ worried about Jane; she always seems to be tired.
A as B so C such D too
18. It’s very long _____ from Tokyo to London.
A tour B track C flight D travel
19. I _____ be delighted to show you round the factory.
A ought to B would C might D intend to
20. I took that faulty kettle back to the shop where I'd bought it and asked the ….if they would change it for me.
A clerk B attendant C assistant D official
21. They promised to write _____we never heard from them again
A but B a except C although D because
22. We are moving out soon because our house is going to be knocked ….when the new road is built.
A off B out C down D away
23. Her father won't _____ her drive his car.
A allow B let C leave D permit
24. I can't possibly lend you any money; it is quite out of the ……….
A order B question C practice D place
25. If you _____ to London tomorrow, telephone me first.
A are going B were going C will go D had been going
26. Will the Government be able to ……………all their immense difficulties?
A defeat B overcome C dismiss D overtake
27. The house is _____ at the corner of a busy street.
A situated B placed C stood D put
28. Many elderly people have to live on the money they ……….when they were working.
A laid up B put back C set up D put aside
29. He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines………………..
A failed B stood C struck D held
30. The manager ………..the men to return to work immediately.
A insisted B suggested C demanded D ordered
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (e), or (D), identify the one that is not correct.
31.Our nervous system has over ten billions nerve cells in a network covering every inch of our skin and organs.
32. Commercial airliners do not fly in the vicinity of volcanic eruptions because even a small amount of volcanic ash can damage its engines.
33. Giant tortoises live to great ages, and specimens have been known to live from 100 and 150 years.
34. Most pines grow rapidly and form straight, tall trunks that are ideally for lumber.
35. By measuring the color of a star, astronomers can tell how hot is it.
36. Some conifers, that is, tree that have cones, are able to thrive on poor, thin soil.
37. Valuable pearls come from some species of oysters and another mollusks that live in tropical seas.
38. The Dodge brothers began doing their Own automobiles in 1914, and produced one of the first American automobiles with an all-steel body.
39. A number of the materials used in manufacturing paint potential dangerous if mishandled.
40. Morse code was an important way to send messages before the telephone, and radio are invented.

IV. From the four words or phrases. (A), (B), (e), or (D), choose the one that best completes the sentence.
41. in science' was important for Faraday.
A. Children that were interested
B. That children interested
C. That children should be interested
D. That interested children
42. After listening to Humphry Davy, Faraday realized that……………...
A. wanting to be a scientist
B. being a scientist
C. wanted to be scientist
D. he wanted to be a scientist
43. Where ………..is the commonest form of color-blindness.
A. red and green are not easily distinguished
B. they are not easily distinguished red and green
C. are not easily distinguished red and green
D. are the red and green not easily distinguished
44………… was lowered to the sea bed in a glass container to make observations is debated.
A. Alexander the Great who
B. Alexander the Great
C. Whether Alexander the Great
D. What Alexander the Great
45…….so incredible is that it can grow 385 miles of roots in four months, or about 3 miles in a day.
A. That makes the rye plant
B. What makes the rye plant
C. The rye plant
D. The rye plant which was
46. A team of researchers in Hawaii observed the Hale-Bopp comet as soon as and ……..visible through the telescopes on Mauna Kea
A. as long as it was
B. the length of time it was
C. as lengthy as ,it was
D. it was long and
47.Although seismologists know ………., they. are unable to predict
with accuracy when or where a tremor might occur~
A. what earthquakes
B. what causes earthquakes
C. causes earthquakes
D. that the quaking of the earth

V. Choose the sentence (A,B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the one in bold.
48.I've yet to meet a more exasperating person than my brother- in-law.
A. My brother-in-law is the most exasperating person I've ever met.
B. My brother-in-law is more exasperating than I am.
C. I've never met a more exasperating person than my brother-in-law.
D. Both A and C are correct.
49. In all probability, he is coming.
A. Undoubtedly, he will come.
B. He is bound not to come.
C. He is very likely to come.
D. He is coming very soon.
50. I'd have bought Sam's car if I'd known he was selling it.
A. I knew Sam wanted to sell his car.
B. I didn't buy Sam’s car.
C. I bought the car without knowing it was Sam's.
D. I'll buy the car as soon as Sam decides to sell it.
51.No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car, he didn't succeed.
A. Fred tried very hard to start the car, and succeeded.
B. Fred tried hard to start the car, and with success.
C. It's hard for Fred to start the car because he never succeeded.
D. However hard Fred tried, he couldn't start the car.
52. If I had known about it, I would have visited her in hospital.
A. I didn't know about it, so I didn't visit her in hospital.
B. I visited her in hospital because' knew she was ill.
C. I didn't have time so I didn't visit her
D. I didn't know about it, but I visited her.
53.There was not much resemblance between the final version and the initial draft.
A. The final version is very similar to the initial draft. .
B. The initial draft is exactly the same as the final version.
C. The final version and the initial draft resemble in many ways.'
D. The final version is quite different from the initial draft. .
54. It doesn't matter to them which film they go to.
A. No matter what film are shown, they never go.
B. They don't mind which film they go to.
C. Which film they go to matters more than the cost.
D. They have a good taste for films
55.Mr. Pike wants his wife to quit her job and stay home with the' children.
A. Mr. Pike would like his wife to stop working and stay at home.
B. Mr. Pike would like his wife to continue working.
C. Mr. Pike wants to quit his job.
D. Mr. Pike wants to stay at home.


VI. Reading
Reading 1
The excitement of snorkeling in a clear tropical sea is hard to explain to someone who hasn't done it. If you expect to have the opportunity of trying it when on holiday, it is well worth bringing a snorkel if you can get hold of one. Experts now recommend a separate breathing tube.
Many swimmers take a deep breath before diving with a sn9rkel. This a mistake, because it makes the body so light that you dive with difficulty It is best to take a couple of deep breaths and then a normal relaxed breath in order to breath in enough for the dive. Don't take repeated deep breaths before diving because this can lead to a shortage: of oxygen which causes unconsciousness without warning.
The backs of many snorkellers get badly burnt for the snorkellers are so involved in the world below they forget about the dangers of sunburns. The sea does not protect your **** from the rays of the sun, and it is best to wear a T-shirt. Snorkelers should also consider wearing shoes (or flippers) which may protect their feet from cuts from sharp rocks which can easily become infected.

56.What does the writer find difficult about snorkeling?
A doing it in tropical seas
B explaining the technique to a beginner
C doing it for the first time
D describing how exciting it can be
57.Why is taking a deep breath before diving a mistake
A You will not be able to dive deeply enough.
B You will not be able to float properly.
C You will use up too much oxygen
D You will lose consciousness.
58 The general impression of snorkeling the writer gives is that
A it is extremely dangerous.
B most swimmers can learn to do it.
C you have to buy special clothes in order to do it.
D many people who do it suffer from oxygen shortage.

Reading 2.
A good deal of fascinating research has been done about the reading patterns of young people, and it is surprising to discover at what an early age children start expressing preferences for particular kinds of books. A recent report, which examinated in detail the reading habits of primary school children, showed that seven –year-old boys and girls have clear view about what they want to read. Girls, in general, read more, and far more girls than boys preferred reading stories. Boys were showing a taste for the more instant appeal of picture stories, or else books about their hobbies.
The tastes continue unchanged until the children are teenagers. Apparently girls more in general, but more fiction in particular. You could say that there are more opportunities for girls to read fiction: magazines encourage the fiction habit in girls in their early teens, and by their late teens they have probably moved on to the adult women's magazines. Teenage "'tend to buy magazines about their hobbies: motorcycles, heavy
transport and so on..
Adult treading tastes are also the subject of research. Again the number of women who read for pleasure is considerably higher than the number of men. It seems that the majority of women still want love stories. There has also been some analysis of what men actually read. Apparently only 'per cent of men read anything, but 50 per cent of what they read is fiction in the form of action-packed stories of space or gunmen. .

59 Recent research into children’s reading has shown that they
A start to read at a very early age.
B have formed their reading tastes by the time they are seven
C examine in detail what they read at school.
D cam read clearly and distinctly in primary school. .

60 A close look at the reading habits of boys and girls shows that
A schools give more encouragement to girls than to boys.
B magazines appeal more to boys than girls.
C picture stories appeal more to girls than boys.
D girls are more interested in fiction than boys.
61 Research into adult reading habits has shown that
A the majority of men read nothing at all.
B women do not read about their hobbies.
C 38% of men have difficulty in reading.
D men prefer to read about current affairs.
Reading 3
It can be shown in facts and figures that cycling is the cheapest, most convenient, and most environmentally desirable form of transport in towns but such cold calculations do not mean much on a frosty winter morning The real appeal of cycling is that it is so enjoyable. It has none of the difficulties and tensions of other ways of travelling so you are more cheerful after a ride, even through the rush hour.

The first thing a non-cyclist says to you is: 'But isn't it terribly dangerous? It would be foolish to deny the danger of sharing the road with motor vehicles and it must be admitted that there are an alarming number accidents involving cyclists. However, although police records indicate that the car driver is often to blame, the answer lies with the cyclist. It is possible to ride in such a way as to reduce risks to a minimum.

If you decide to join the thousands in Britain who are now returning to cycling as a cheap, satisfying form of transport your first problem will be trying to decide what bike to buy. Here are three simple rules for buying a bike:
1 Always buy the best you can afford Of course there has to be a meeting point between what you would really like and economic reality, but aim as high as you can and you will get the benefit not only when you ride but also if you want to sell. Well-made bikes keep their value very well. And don't forget to include in your calculations the fact that you'll begin saving money on fares and petrol the minute you leave the shop.

2 Get the best frame, the main structure of the bicycle, for your money as you can. Cheap brakes, wheels or gears can easily be replaced by more expensive ones, but the frame sets the upper limit on any transformation. You should allow for the possibility that your cycling ambitions will grow with practice. When you begin, the four miles to work may be the most you ever dream of, but after a few months a Sunday ride into the country begins to look more and more desirable. The best thing is to buy a bike just a little bit better than you think you'll need, and then grow into it. Otherwise, try to get a model that can be improved.

3.The fit is vital. Handlebars and scat height can be adjusted but you must get the right sized frame. On the whole it is best to get the largest size you can manage. Frame sizes are measured in inches and the usual adult range is from 21 inches to 25 inches, though extreme sizes outside those measurements can be found. Some people say if you lake four inches off from your inside leg measurement you will end up with the right size of bike. The basic principle though is that you should be able to stand with legs either side of the crossbar (the bar that goes from the handlebars to the seat) with both feet comfortably flat on the ground.
62. As regards road safety, the author thinks that
A people who say cycling is dangerous are foolish.
B driving is as dangerous as cycling
C cyclists can often avoid accidents by riding with caution
D cyclists are usually responsible for causing accidents .
63.People who are buying their first bicycle are advised to
A buy a cheap model to begin with.
B get a bicycle which suits their current needs
C buy as big bicycle as they can afford
D spend as much money on a bicycle as they can
64. After you have been cycling for a few months the author suggests that you will
A want to ride only at weekends.
B want to ride further than you first imagined.
C find riding to work every day boring.
D find cycling in towns less dangerous.
65. The author says that the best way to ensure that a bike is the right size for you is to
A alter the position of the handlebars and the seat.
B measure the distance from the handlebars to the seat carefully.
C take your leg measurements while sitting on the seat.
D see if your feet rest firmly on the ground when you stand over the crossbar
66. The author thinks that the main attraction of cycling is
A the pleasure it gives people
B the benefits to people’s health
C. its comparative safety
D its relative comfort
VII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space.
A child prodigy (67) ……………four is receiving computer lessons at Brunel University, in London. Nicholas MacMahon is studying at university because he is (68) …………….clever for school. A(n) (69)…………….. lecturer at the university, Yalso Koshy, said the boy was remarkably intel¬ligent.

Nicholas spoke (70) ……………before he was one and (71)…………… the time he was 18 months old he was taking telephone (72)…………… . This was soon followed by conversational French. These are the• trademarks of a highly-gifted child, unusual but not unique. The strange thing (73) …………… Nicholas is his reading - he taught himself to read before he could speak. Ms Koshy, an expert 74)…………….gifted children, says Nicholas is quite exceptional. Yet 'exceptional' understates his amazing (75)…………… to read, almost from birth. 'He was talking when he was one and we realized from the start he could read,' his father said. 'Soon after, he was (76) ……………my spelling, words (77) ……………caterpillar. Now he (78) …………… insects by their Latin names'.

The list of (79)…………… is impressive, but frightening. A four-year-old who can (80)……………a i30efng 747 from a DC 10, devours encyclopedias, reads The Daily Telegraph and is (81)…………… on the way to be- coming a violin virtuoso is hardly normal.
67. A. at B. of C. about D. in
68. A. very B. more C. too D. extremely
69. A .advanced B. significant C. serious D. senior
70. A. fluently B. well C. smoothly D. evenly
71. A. at B. by C. during D. after
72. A. news B. information C. notes D. messages
73. A. at B. for C. about D. with
74. A. about B. for C. with D. on
75. A. ability B. capacity C. property D competence
76. A. fixing B. correcting C. repairing D. commenting
77. A. as B. such as C. like D. for example
78. A. realizes B. determines C. recognize D. identifies
79. A. attainments B. results C. achievements D. gains
80. A. tell B. differ C. vary D. say
81. A. better B. well C. advance D. far



I. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. debt B. nib C. absorb C. absent
2. A. carriage B. voyage C. massage C. dosage
3. A. gigantic B. gibberish C. bridge C. goat
4. A. slaughter B. naughty C. draught C. plaudit
5. A. fathom B. feather C. anthem C. within
II. Choose the best answer
6. The three friends all _____ for the same job.
A requested B chose C applied D referred
7. The burglar _____ to open a window at the back of the house.
A succeeded B managed C forced D discovered
8. She………… drive to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead.
A was used to B has used to C was using to D used to
9. They travelled to Spain by the most _____ route.
A easy B direct C straight D unique
10 Scientists have discovered a close _____ between smoking and several serious diseases.
A action B connection C union D combination
11 He had made his money by developing a profitable travel
A commerce B shop C affair D business
12 ......... you hurry, you won It catch the bus.
A As B Although C Except D Unless
13 I went to………..some pictures by a new painter the other day.
A watch B see to C look at D visit
14 _____I am studying at university and I hope to get a job very soon.
A In a moment B At this instant C At present D In the present
15 you had better keep a box of matches ………….in case the lights go out again.
A handy B by hand C in touch D in the way
16. He couldn't make the radio _____ .
A to work B working C worked D work
17. I am _____ worried about Jane; she always seems to be tired.
A as B so C such D too
18. It’s very long _____ from Tokyo to London.
A tour B track C flight D travel
19. I _____ be delighted to show you round the factory.
A ought to B would C might D intend to
20. I took that faulty kettle back to the shop where I'd bought it and asked the ….if they would change it for me.
A clerk B attendant C assistant D official
21. They promised to write _____we never heard from them again
A but B a except C although D because
22. We are moving out soon because our house is going to be knocked ….when the new road is built.
A off B out C down D away
23. Her father won't _____ her drive his car.
A allow B let C leave D permit
24. I can't possibly lend you any money; it is quite out of the ……….
A order B question C practice D place
25. If you _____ to London tomorrow, telephone me first.
A are going B were going C will go D had been going
26. Will the Government be able to ……………all their immense difficulties?
A defeat B overcome C dismiss D overtake
27. The house is _____ at the corner of a busy street.
A situated B placed C stood D put
28. Many elderly people have to live on the money they ……….when they were working.
A laid up B put back C set up D put aside
29. He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines………………..
A failed B stood C struck D held
30. The manager ………..the men to return to work immediately.
A insisted B suggested C demanded D ordered

IV. From the four words or phrases. (A), (B), (e), or (D), choose the one that best completes the sentence.
41. in science' was important for Faraday.
A. Children that were interested
B. That children interested
C. That children should be interested
D. That interested children
42. After listening to Humphry Davy, Faraday realized that……………...
A. wanting to be a scientist
B. being a scientist
C. wanted to be scientist
D. he wanted to be a scientist
43. Where ………..is the commonest form of color-blindness.
A. red and green are not easily distinguished
B. they are not easily distinguished red and green
C. are not easily distinguished red and green
D. are the red and green not easily distinguished
44………… was lowered to the sea bed in a glass container to make observations is debated.
A. Alexander the Great who
B. Alexander the Great
C. Whether Alexander the Great
D. What Alexander the Great
45…….so incredible is that it can grow 385 miles of roots in four months, or about 3 miles in a day.
A. That makes the rye plant
B. What makes the rye plant
C. The rye plant
D. The rye plant which was
46. A team of researchers in Hawaii observed the Hale-Bopp comet as soon as and ……..visible through the telescopes on Mauna Kea
A. as long as it was
B. the length of time it was
C. as lengthy as ,it was
D. it was long and
47.Although seismologists know ………., they. are unable to predict
with accuracy when or where a tremor might occur~
A. what earthquakes
B. what causes earthquakes
C. causes earthquakes
D. that the quaking of the earth

V. Choose the sentence (A,B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the one in bold.
48.I've yet to meet a more exasperating person than my brother- in-law.
A. My brother-in-law is the most exasperating person I've ever met.
B. My brother-in-law is more exasperating than I am.
C. I've never met a more exasperating person than my brother-in-law.
D. Both A and C are correct.
49. In all probability, he is coming.
A. Undoubtedly, he will come.
B. He is bound not to come.
C. He is very likely to come.
D. He is coming very soon.
50. I'd have bought Sam's car if I'd known he was selling it.
A. I knew Sam wanted to sell his car.
B. I didn't buy Sam’s car.
C. I bought the car without knowing it was Sam's.
D. I'll buy the car as soon as Sam decides to sell it.
51.No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car, he didn't succeed.
A. Fred tried very hard to start the car, and succeeded.
B. Fred tried hard to start the car, and with success.
C. It's hard for Fred to start the car because he never succeeded.
D. However hard Fred tried, he couldn't start the car.
52. If I had known about it, I would have visited her in hospital.
A. I didn't know about it, so I didn't visit her in hospital.
B. I visited her in hospital because' knew she was ill.
C. I didn't have time so I didn't visit her
D. I didn't know about it, but I visited her.
53.There was not much resemblance between the final version and the initial draft.
A. The final version is very similar to the initial draft. .
B. The initial draft is exactly the same as the final version.
C. The final version and the initial draft resemble in many ways.'
D. The final version is quite different from the initial draft. .
54. It doesn't matter to them which film they go to.
A. No matter what film are shown, they never go.
B. They don't mind which film they go to.
C. Which film they go to matters more than the cost.
D. They have a good taste for films
55.Mr. Pike wants his wife to quit her job and stay home with the' children.
A. Mr. Pike would like his wife to stop working and stay at home.
B. Mr. Pike would like his wife to continue working.
C. Mr. Pike wants to quit his job.
D. Mr. Pike wants to stay at home.

chắc chị sai nhìu lém ! check jùm chị nha! còn cái nữa mai chị làm sau!


II. Choose the best answer
6. The three friends all _____ for the same job.
A requested B chose C applied D referred
7. The burglar _____ to open a window at the back of the house.
A succeeded B managed C forced D discovered
8. She………… drive to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead.
A was used to B has used to C was using to D used to
9. They travelled to Spain by the most _____ route.
A easy B direct C straight D unique
10 Scientists have discovered a close _____ between smoking and several serious diseases.
A action B connection C union D combination
11 He had made his money by developing a profitable travel
A commerce B shop C affair D business
12 ......... you hurry, you won't catch the bus.
A As B Although C Except D Unless
13 I went to………..some pictures by a new painter the other day.
A watch B see to C look at D visit
14 _____I am studying at university and I hope to get a job very soon.
A In a moment B At this instant C At present D In the present
15 you had better keep a box of matches ………….in case the lights go out again.
A handy B by hand C in touch D in the way
16. He couldn't make the radio _____ .
A to work B working C worked D work
17. I am _____ worried about Jane; she always seems to be tired.
A as B so C such D too
18. It’s very long _____ from Tokyo to London.
A tour B track C flight D travel
19. I _____ be delighted to show you round the factory.
A ought to B would C might D intend to
20. I took that faulty kettle back to the shop where I'd bought it and asked the ….if they would change it for me.
A clerk B attendant C assistant D official
21. They promised to write _____we never heard from them again
A but B a except C although D because
22. We are moving out soon because our house is going to be knocked ….when the new road is built.
A off B out C down D away
23. Her father won't _____ her drive his car.
A allow B let C leave D permit
24. I can't possibly lend you any money; it is quite out of the ……….
A order B question C practice D place
25. If you _____ to London tomorrow, telephone me first.
A are going B were going C will go D had been going
26. Will the Government be able to ……………all their immense difficulties?
A defeat B overcome C dismiss D overtake
27. The house is _____ at the corner of a busy street.
A situated B placed C stood D put
28. Many elderly people have to live on the money they ……….when they were working.
A laid up B put back C set up D put aside
29. He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines………………..
A failed B stood C struck D held
30. The manager ………..the men to return to work immediately.
A insisted B suggested C demanded D ordered
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