ĐỀ THI HSG 9 - ĐỀ 07

Phạm Dương

Cựu Cố vấn tiếng Anh
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
Đại học Thương Mại
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Question 1: Choose the one whose underlined part is incorrect. (2.0 pts):
Example: 0. Nam were very tired, so he didn’t come to the club.
1. If you drank less, you will feel better.
2. They live independent of their parents.
3. During late 1900's, many companies invested heavily in digital communications
4. My parent allowed me to go camping with my friends.
5. The most common languages after English in Australia are Chinese, Italy, Greek,
Vietnamese, and Arabic.
6. Europe has many of the world's oldest and more respected universities.
7. All the students are looking forward spending their free time relaxing in the sun this summer. A B C D
8. Uniform is a style of clothing that identifies people as members of a group or as workers in a particularly field. A B C
9. You should try your better to pass the exam.
10. Many kinds of tigers are at danger now.
11. Our environment is being damaged, thus something should do.
12. She didn’t find it easily to keep the children amused.
13. Each of student should write the lesson carefully.
14. If he does a mistake, will he feel sorry for it?
15. There were interesting news on the radio this morning about the earthquake in Japan.
16. Many experts group the language of the world into nine major language families.
Question 2: Unscramble the letters to make suitable adjectives describing personality to complete the sentences. 0 is an example. (1.25 pts):
0. He is a kind (idnk) person. He is willing to help everyone.
1. Sue is so _______________ (ventouadurs). She’s planning to travel around the world on her own.
2. I wish I was more _______________ (tapeitn). I get angry very easily.
3. I’m not _______________(misibtaou). I want an easy job and an easy life.
4. Tom is very _______________ (recavtie). He can paint, he can play the piano, and now he’s learning the violin.
5. Don’t be so _______________ (ssyob)! I can decide for myself what I want to do.
6. She was very _______________ (oipslt) when she was a child. Her parents gave her everything she wanted.
7. Helen is so _______________( ifeshsl). She only thinks about herself.
8. Nam is very_______________(revlec). He always gets good marks at school.
9. Sally is a very _______________(lderaxe) person. She never seems to worry about anything.
10. You are so -_______________ (ompcetveiti)! You always want to win!
Question 3: Five of these sentences are wrong. Put a tick (P) next to the ones that are right and correct the ones that are wrong. 0 and 00 are examples. (1.25 pts):
0. I always go to work by bus. P
00. She is very interested on sports. on = in
1. Helen speaks three different languages. ..............................
2. I would go on holiday for a year if I win a lot of money. ...............................
3. The Internet has increasingly developed and become part of our life. ...........................
4. Michael is going swimming twice a week. ...............................
5. Suddenly I was hearing a noise. ...............................
6. I think it would be better if we use banana leaves instead of plastic bags to wrap food. ..............................
7. My car is in the garage, so I’m going to work by bus this morning. .............................
8. I will intend to go back home when I finish my education. ...............................
9. The phone rung while I was washing the dishes. ...............................
10. I was thinking about you when you phoned. ..................................
Question 4: Finish each of the following sentences with one suitable preposition. (2.5 pts).
1. He sent a copy of his will to his bank _______ safe keeping.
2. Although I practise quite a lot, I never seem to win very often _______ tennis.
3. Nam's brothers are very fond _______ team sports.
4. Most people think the government is to blame _______ rising unemployment.
5. There has been a sharp increase _______ house prices in recent months.
6. Do you know of a cure _______ baldness?
7. Could you come back in half an hour? Mr. Baston’s -_______ lunch at the moment.
8. I know _______ experience that I do my best work early in the morning.
9. She intended to post my letter, but she forgot all -_______ it.
10. After the war, several people were tried for crimes _______ humanity.
Question 1: Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (0) is an example. (2.5 pts)
The (0) original Olympic Games began in Ancient Greece in 776 BC inORIGIN
Olympia. The Games were very popular and were held (1)_____________ every four years until AD 393 when they were stopped by the RomanREGULAR
Emperor. The (2)____________ games were started again in Athens in 1896.MODERNIZE
The Games have become the World’s most important international athletics
(3) _______________, in which the best athletes spend years training inCOMPETE
(4)________________ for this great event. Sports range from basketball toPREPARE
horse riding. Perhaps the most (5)________________ track and field event isCHALLENGE
the decathlon. Athletes take part in ten (6)_______________ running, jumping and throwing events.DIFFER
Almost every nation sends a team to the Olympic Games and one of the
ideas is that the Games encourage (7)_______________ between countries.FRIEND
(8)________________ sports lovers travel thousands of miles to watch theDEDICATE
Games and most (9)______________ athletes want the chance of winning anAMBITION
Olympic medal. Such an (10)___________ can make them known throughout the world.ACHIEVE
Question 2: Read the passage below and select the best answer. (2.5 pts)
Valerie Jones runs a company called Peanuts whose job is to look after pop stars and pop groups when they go on tour. She is the person who feeds the stars and she’s been doing it for the past ten years.
When the stars are playing at a festival, Valerie may have to cook for up to a thousand people which includes all the crew and the people who work backstage. She erects a marquee-a huge tent-and the food is served buffet style from a central serving area. She has to cater for different tastes, so there are normally four or more choices of menu. She also has to look after people who may be on special diet or some singers don’t eat dairy food before a concert.
She drives an enormous truck full of kitchen equipment and hires at least three walk-in refrigerators, a dishwashing unit and portable cabins which act as storerooms and office.
All the bands have to queue up to be served and everyone has to have a meal ticket. The stars are usually more relaxed when they are eating as no one is bothering them for autographs, although Valerie says that sometimes the security men and the stars’ managers are more trouble than the stars themselves.
There are certain things which she always has to keep in stock like herbal teas and her own particular mixture of honey, lemon and ginger which singers like to keep in flasks on stage with them when they are singing. Years ago bands used to drink quite a lot of alcohol, but these days they’re much healthier. Most bands drink fresh fruit juice and prefer to eat salads.
A lot of people in the bands are quite young and they’re not used to very expensive food, so Valerie prepares plain food unless a band sends her a “rider”. This is a list of special requirements. When people are tired, unwell or homesick they like to have familiar” comfort” food so she keeps a stock of people’s requirements just in case. As a result of all this Valerie says she has become an expert shopper and in less than an hour in a supermarket she can spend £1000.
A lot of bands won’t eat before a concert because they’re too nervous, so Valerie and her staff can end up working very long hours as they have to be around to provide what people want at two or three in the morning. One thing Valerie has noticed is that the more mad a band is on stage, the more normal they are when they are off it. She says she is amazed at the change in behaviour. A really wild singer can turn out to be really quiet and polite off stage.
1. Peanuts is the name of
A. a pop band B. a pop star C. a pop concert D. a company
2. Valerie has to provided a range of food because
A. people are very fussy about what they eat
B. people are used to eating in restaurants
C. there is such a wide variety of preferences
D. there is such a demand for special menus
3. The singers are less nervous when they are eating because
A. their security men are with them B. there are no fans hanging around
C. their managers fuss over them D. the bands enjoy eating together.
4. Why does Valerie have to keep a supply of certain drinks?
A. the bands really rely on a special recipe B. the bands like to drink alcohol
C. the bands prefer herbal tea to coffee D. the bands take fruit juice on stage
5. What do most bands like best to eat?
A. rich food B. cheap food C. junk food D. simple food
6. What does “just in case” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A. Valerie’s supply of more expensive food
B. Valerie’s list of “riders” from the different bands
C. Valerie’s supply of special food for various people
D. Valerie’s understanding of people feeling sick
7. Why do you think Valerie has become an “expert shopper”?
A. She has a lot of money to spend each week
B. She has learnt to find what individuals want
C. she has to buy as much as possible for £ 1000
D. She has to shop very quickly in a supermarket
8. Why is a band likely to be hungry after playing?
A. They feel more relaxed after the concert
B. They work long hours with little food
C. They only have a snack before a concert
D. They like to wait until they eat together
9. What does Valerie think about the singers?
A. They are completely crazy on and off stage.
B. They behave differently on and off stage
C. They are less rude when they are off stage
D. They are normally more noisy on stage
10. How does Valerie feel about the behaviour of the singers
A. surprised B. angry C. uncomfortable D. pleased
Question 1. Make all the changes and additions necessary to make a complete letter from the following sets of words and phrases.(2.0 pts):
Dear Kiet,
1.Thank you / much / your letter / arrive / few days ago/.
2. It / be lovely / hear / you/.
3. I/ be sorry/ I/ not write / for/ long time/ but I/ be/ very busy/.
4. As you know/ we/ buy/ new house/ last September/.
5. Trang and I/ decide/ give / house warming party/ February 20th/.
6. Would/ you/ like/ come/ us/?
7. Please/ let / know / you / can/ make it/.
8. I / really/ look/ forward/ see you again/.
Love, Thuy
Question 2. Use the word given in bold in brackets to finish the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one. Don’t change the forms of the given words (2.0 pts):
Example: Mary couldn’t stay here any longer. (had)
Mary had to go.
1. My brother usually washes the dishes. (washing)
My brother ………………....……………………………………………………….
2. I met her during my stay in London last summer. (staying)
I met... ………………………………………………………………………………
3. We had a choice of three main courses for dinner. (choose)
We could ..………………………………………………………………………….
4. We have to go to bed early. (allowed)
5. Could you speak English when you were younger? (able)
When you were ……....…………………………………………………………….
6. Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year. (part)
Three hundred students ......…………………………………………………………
7. My sister doesn’t like computer games very much. (keen)
My sister……………………………………………………………games.
8. I was really bored by the film last night. (boring)
I found…………………………………………………………………………….
Question 3: Tet holiday is coming. What are you planning to do during Tet holiday? Write a paragraph using 100 or 120 words. (2.0 pts):
Question 1: Listen to 4 young people talking about changes they have made to their lives. Match the speakers to the results A-D. You will hear the tape twice. (1.0 pt)
A. their behaviour improved
B. they became more confident
C. their friends made fun of them
D. they became more active
Speaker 1: _______ . Speaker 2: _______ .
Speaker 3: _______ . Speaker 4: _______ .
Question 2: Listen to 4 people talking in different situations and circle the letter of the best answer to each question in italic. You will hear the tape twice. (1.0 pt):
1. You hear a young woman talking about an experience she had. Where was she at the time?
A. at home B. in a hotel C. at school D. at a friend’s house
2. You hear someone talking. Who is it?
A. a tour guide B. a driver C. a visitor D. a writer
3. You overhear this conversation between two friends. What happened to Maria?
A. She saw a ghost B. she had an accident
C. She met a friend D. She broke her legs
4. You hear a woman talking on the telephone. What did she do last weekend?
A. She spent the day on a beach B. She had a picnic in a park.
C. She went shopping D. She went for a walk in a forest
SECTION I: (7 đ)
Question 1: (16 x 0,125đ )

1B; 2B; 3A; 4A; 5D; 6C; 7C; 8D;
9B; 10C; 11D; 12B; 13A; 14A; 15A; 16B
Question 2: (10 câu x 0.125đ)
1. adventurous 2. patient 3. ambitious 4. creative 5. bossy
6. spoilt 7. selfish 8. clever 9. relaxed 10. competitive
Question 3: (10 câu x 0.125đ)
1. P 2. would = will hoặc win = won 3. P 4. is going = goes
5. was hearing = heard 6. P 7. P 8. will = 0 9. rung = rang 10. P
Question 4: (10 câu x 0,25đ)
1. for 2. at 3. of 4. for 5. in
6. for 7. at 8. from 9. about 10. against
SECTION II: (5.0 đ)
Question 1: (10 câux 0,25 đ)

1. regularly 2.modern 3. competition 4. preparation 5. challenging
6. different 7. friendship 8. dedicated 9. ambitious 10. achievement
Question 2: (10 câux 0,25 đ)
1D; 2C; 3B; 4A; 5D; 6C; 7B; 8A; 9B; 10A.
Question 1: (8 câu x 0,25đ)

1. Thank you very much for your letter which arrived a few days ago.
2. It was lovely to hear (from) you.
3. I am sorry I have not written for a long time but I have been very busy.
4. As you know we bought a new house last September.
5. Trang and I decided to give a house warming party on February 20th.
6. Would you like to come with us?
7. Please let me know if/ whether you can make it.
8. I am really looking forward to seeing you again.
Love, Thuy
Question 2: (8 câu x 0,25đ)
1. My brother usually washes the dishes. (washing)
My brother usually does the washing up.
2. I met her during my stay in London last summer. (staying)
I met her while I was staying in London last summer.
3. We had a choice of three main courses for dinner. (choose)
We could choose from three main courses for dinner.
4. We have to go to bed early. (allowed)
We aren't allowed to stay up/ go to bed late.
5. Could you speak English when you were younger? (able)
When you were younger, were you able to speak English?
6. Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year. (part)
Three hundred students took part in the swimming competition last year.
7. My sister doesn’t like computer games very much. (keen)
My sister isn't very keen on computer games.
8. I was really bored by the film last night. (boring)
I found the film (last night) really boring (last night).
Question 3: 2.0 đ (Có thể quy đổi thành 8 câu x 0,25 đ):
Giám khảo có thể quy đổi số điểm đạt được thành số câu 0,25 đ để dễ cộng với các phần khác.

Tổ chấm thống nhất điểm thành phần của bài luận theo những điểm đề nghị sau:
- Organization: (Bố cục bài luận rõ ràng, đầy đủ 3 phần: mở bài, thân bài, kết luận) (0,25đ)
- Discourse: (Thể hiện khả năng viết mạch lạc, chặt chẽ; nối kết câu, chuyển mạch tốt) (0,5đ)
- Sentence structure (morphology, vocabulary, spelling): Cấu trúc câu, ngữ pháp, từ vựng; câu linh hoạt (đơn, phức..) (0,5đ)
- Ideas: (Ý hay, phong phú, biểu đạt nội dung liên quan chặt chẽ với chủ đề của đề thi) (0,5đ)
- Length: (Đảm bảo đủ số lượng từ qui định: không quá dài hoặc quá ngắn. (0,25đ)
Question 1: (4 câu x 0,25đ )
Speaker 1: B. Speaker 2: C
Speaker 3: D. Speaker 4: A
Question 2: (4 câu x 0,25đ )
1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D
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