English THPT Đề 32 câu 3 chọn đáp án đúng


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2 Tháng bảy 2021
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Wanted" ran small ad in The Times "Assistant for the famous cookery writer. Three-month contract - £400 The ad was answered by a young woman, recently widowed and with a small baby, desperate for work of any kind. The hours were long and £400 seemed very little for three months of employment. But She was absolutely desperate and she got the job. It proved harder than she had been anticipated, as the famous writer proved as tyrannical, ungrateful and a slave driver. The first week of helping to him was almost more than the young woman felt she could stand. Only did the thought of the bread that she was putting in her baby's mouth prevented her teaving from the job. At the end of the first she given a lift at home by the cookery writer's secretary On the way she confided how desperately she had needed the job and admitted just how welcome even the miserable £400 was mentioned in the advertisement would be. The secretary gave her such an odd look that the young woman asked what it the matter was. "I don't think you quite understand," answered the secretary "It's you who has to pay for him £400. At first the young woman was silent. She was temporarily lost for some words, but then she began to laugh, and she laughed until the tears poured down her cheeks.
Trong đoạn in đậm đó có lỗi sai gì không ạ? Nếu có giải thích tại sao nó sai đi ạ.
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Wanted" ran small ad in The Times "Assistant for the famous cookery writer. Three-month contract - £400 The ad was answered by a young woman, recently widowed and with a small baby, desperate for work of any kind. The hours were long and £400 seemed very little for three months of employment. But She was absolutely desperate and she got the job. It proved harder than she had been anticipated, as the famous writer proved as tyrannical, ungrateful and a slave driver. The first week of helping to him was almost more than the young woman felt she could stand. Only did the thought of the bread that she was putting in her baby's mouth prevented her teaving from the job. At the end of the first she given a lift at home by the cookery writer's secretary On the way she confided how desperately she had needed the job and admitted just how welcome even the miserable £400 was mentioned in the advertisement would be. The secretary gave her such an odd look that the young woman asked what it the matter was. "I don't think you quite understand," answered the secretary "It's you who has to pay for him £400. At first the young woman was silent. She was temporarily lost for some words, but then she began to laugh, and she laughed until the tears poured down her cheeks.
Trong đoạn in đậm đó có lỗi sai gì không ạ? Nếu có giải thích tại sao nó sai đi ạ.
Three-month contract - £400 The ad was answered by a young woman, recently widowed and ???with a small baby, was desperate for work of any kind.
Câu này là một câu rút gọn mệnh đề ở vế recently widowed and ???with a small baby, bởi vì desperate là tính từ nên mình nghĩ sẽ phải thêm was vào trước đó thì câu mới đầy đủ. Tuy nhiên mình phân vân thêm ở cụm and with vì chưa đủ ví dụ để kết luận liệu cụm đó có sai hay không.
Ngoài ra bạn cũng có thể tham khảo và ủng hộ những topic sau để có sự tiến bộ về nhiều kỹ năng ~
[TIPs] Rewrite the sentences
Sửa lỗi sai - How to debug
[Dịch thuật] Word order

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