English THCS Choosing the correct answer

Zelly Nguyễn

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26 Tháng tám 2021
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THCS Nam Hồng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

  1. The government needs to ___ businesses that have been trying to evade the tax.
A.put the screws on B.get into gear C.put one over on D.wipe off the map
  1. Being a ___ entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you seriously.
A.successful B.budding C.blossoming D.flowering
  1. My mother decided to ___ early yesterday while I stayed up to watch Korean movies.
A.doze off B.let up C.get off D.turn in
  1. What I like about this amusement park is that there is ___ parking space right outside it.
A.copious B.ample C.expanded D.manifold
  1. Last weekend, ___ nothing to watch on TV, we played chess together.
A.there being B.there having C.having had D.being
  1. The major political party is ___ the campaign for tighter gun controls in the wake of last month’s shooting.
A.procuring B.solidifying C.spearheading D.fulfilling
  1. Scientists warn that global warming will soon go beyond ___.
A.the U-turn B.the firing line C.the red line D.the point of no return
  1. The prime minister tried to ___ the country’s deep-seated problem for fear of being criticized.
A.blot out B.stow away C.paper over D.salt away
  1. I’d sooner you ___ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A.wouldn’t make B.didn’t make C.haven’t make D.hadn’t make
  1. On 6th August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing thousands of citizens and almost ___ the city.
A.overthrowing B.annulling C.eradicating D.annihilating
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
  1. The government needs to ___ businesses that have been trying to evade the tax.
A.put the screws on B.get into gear C.put one over on D.wipe off the map
  1. Being a ___ entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you seriously.
A.successful B.budding C.blossoming D.flowering
  1. My mother decided to ___ early yesterday while I stayed up to watch Korean movies.
A.doze off B.let up C.get off D.turn in
  1. What I like about this amusement park is that there is ___ parking space right outside it.
A.copious B.ample C.expanded D.manifold
  1. Last weekend, ___ nothing to watch on TV, we played chess together.
A.there being B.there having C.having had D.being
  1. The major political party is ___ the campaign for tighter gun controls in the wake of last month’s shooting.
A.procuring B.solidifying C.spearheading D.fulfilling
  1. Scientists warn that global warming will soon go beyond ___.
A.the U-turn B.the firing line C.the red line D.the point of no return
  1. The prime minister tried to ___ the country’s deep-seated problem for fear of being criticized.
A.blot out B.stow away C.paper over D.salt away
  1. I’d sooner you ___ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A.wouldn’t make B.didn’t make C.haven’t make D.hadn’t make
  1. On 6th August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing thousands of citizens and almost ___ the city.
A.overthrowing B.annulling C.eradicating D.annihilating

  1. The government needs to ___ businesses that have been trying to evade the tax. (trốn thuế)
A.put the screws on (to use force or threats to make someone do what you want) B.get into gear làm việc tích cực C.put one over on lừa ai D.wipe off the map = phá hủy hoàn toàn
  1. Being a ___ entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you seriously.
A.successful B.budding (...) = mới bắt đầu C.blossoming D.flowering
  1. My mother decided to ___ early yesterday while I stayed up to watch Korean movies.
A.doze off ngủ gật, ngủ ngày B.let up từ bỏ C.get off rời D.turn in đi ngủ
  1. What I like about this amusement park is that there is ___ parking space right outside it.
A.copious dồi dào B.ample phong phú C.expanded rộng D.manifold đa dạng
  1. Last weekend, ___ nothing to watch on TV, we played chess together.
A.there being B.there having C.having had D.being
Rút gọn câu

  1. The major political party is ___ the campaign for tighter gun controls in the wake of last month’s shooting.
A.procuring có được B.solidifying chắc chắn cái gì C.spearheading = to lead something such as an attack or a course of action D.fulfilling
  1. Scientists warn that global warming will soon go beyond ___.
A.the U-turn B.the firing line C.the red line (?) D.the point of no return
  1. The prime minister tried to ___ the country’s deep-seated problem for fear of being criticized.
A.blot out B.stow away trốn vé (tàu/xe) C.paper over che dấu tình hình tồi tệ D.salt away tiết kiệm, tích trữ
  1. I’d sooner you ___ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A.wouldn’t make B.didn’t make C.haven’t make D.hadn’t make (Hai hành động khác thì)
  1. On 6th August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing thousands of citizens and almost ___ the city.
A.overthrowing B.annulling C.eradicating phá hủy nặng nề D.annihilating phá hủy hoàn toàn (đoán)

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