English THCS Choose the correct answer

Zelly Nguyễn

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26 Tháng tám 2021
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THCS Nam Hồng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

  1. After living one month in New York, I finally ___
A.get into the swing of things C.get a grip on myself
B.get in on the ground floor D.get ahead of myself

2. The students, ___ are graduating this year, are as thick as thieves.
A.of whom five B.five of whom C.whose five D.A and B are correct

3.The community should take the doctor’s advice into consideration since he’s in ___ earnest about the epidemic.
A.mortally B.fatally C.deadly D.gravely

4. His fight to ___ four black men of the rape of a seventeen-year-old white girl two years ago partially inspired the group to protest.
A.exculpate B.exonerate C.bereave D.misappropriate

5. When the cost was ___ the advantages, the scheme looked perfect.
A.set against B.pit against C.counted against D.weighed up against

6. Lionel Messi was ___ over his team’s victory against Brazil.
A.delighted B.ecstatic C.jubilant D.blissful

7. That old building hasn’t been used for nearly four decades, hence it looks so ___
A.decrepit B.battered C.glitchy D.derelict

8. When the long holiday ends, we will go ___
A. back on our feet B. back to square one C. back to the salt mines D.on the back burner

9. On his desk ___, which he usually sits in front of and looks at.
A.stood the picture of us B.the picture of us stands C. stands the picture of us D. on the back burner

10. After getting a 7.5 score in IELTS, Ha hardly makes significant progress but she is ___ nicely.
A.propping up B.ticking over C.wading through D.forging ahead
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
  1. After living one month in New York, I finally ___
A.get into the swing of things C.get a grip on myself
B.get in on the ground floor D.get ahead of myself

2. The students, ___ are graduating this year, are as thick as thieves.
A.of whom five B.five of whom C.whose five D.A and B are correct

3.The community should take the doctor’s advice into consideration since he’s in ___ earnest about the epidemic.
A.mortally B.fatally C.deadly D.gravely

4. His fight to ___ four black men of the rape of a seventeen-year-old white girl two years ago partially inspired the group to protest.
A.exculpate B.exonerate C.bereave D.misappropriate

5. When the cost was ___ the advantages, the scheme looked perfect.
A.set against B.pit against C.counted against D.weighed up against

6. Lionel Messi was ___ over his team’s victory against Brazil.
A.delighted B.ecstatic C.jubilant D.blissful

7. That old building hasn’t been used for nearly four decades, hence it looks so ___
A.decrepit B.battered C.glitchy D.derelict

8. When the long holiday ends, we will go ___
A. back on our feet B. back to square one C. back to the salt mines D.on the back burner

9. On his desk ___, which he usually sits in front of and looks at.
A.stood the picture of us B.the picture of us stands C. stands the picture of us D. on the back burner

10. After getting a 7.5 score in IELTS, Ha hardly makes significant progress but she is ___ nicely.
A.propping up B.ticking over C.wading through D.forging ahead

  1. After living one month in New York, I finally ___
A.get into the swing of things = to start to understand, enjoy, and be active in something C.get a grip on myself
B.get in on the ground floor D.get ahead of myself

2. The students, ___ are graduating this year, are as thick as thieves.
A.of whom five B.five of whom C.whose five D.A and B are correct

3. The community should take the doctor’s advice into consideration since he’s in ___deadly earnest cụm cố định about the epidemic.
A.mortally B.fatally C.deadly bệnh cực kỳ nguy hiểm đến tính mạng D.gravely

4. His fight to ___ four black men of the rape of a seventeen-year-old white girl two years ago partially inspired the group to protest.
A.exculpate tha B.exonerate xóa tội, chứng minh vô tội (đoán thế) C.bereave bị tước đoạt D.misappropriate chiếm đoạt

5. When the cost was ___ the advantages, the scheme looked perfect.
A.set against đặt trong mối quan hệ so sánh B.pit against = to cause one person, group, or thing to fight against or be in competition with another C.counted against = to make someone or something more likely to fail D.weighed up against

6. Lionel Messi was ___ over his team’s victory against Brazil.
A.delighted B.ecstatic = vui cực kỳ C.jubilant (over/at/about) = cảm giác/ bày tỏ niềm vui vì một thành công nào đó D.blissful rất vui

7. That old building hasn’t been used for nearly four decades, hence it looks so ___
A.decrepit = in very bad condition because of being old, or not having been cared for, or having been used a lot B.battered C.glitchy = often experiencing small technical problems or faults D.derelict = hoang vắng, trong tình trạng xấu

8. When the long holiday ends, we will go ___
A. Be back on our feet = khỏe lại B. be back to square one làm lại việc gì đó từ đầu C. back to the salt mines về với công việc thường ngày D.on the back burner = bị bỏ lơ

9. On his desk ___, which he usually sits in front of and looks at.
A.stood the picture of us B.the picture of us stands C. stands the picture of us D. on the back burner
Xem phần mệnh đề quan hệ https://diendan.hocmai.vn/threads/tong-hop-de-ngu-phap-trong-tam-tu-vung-on-thi.828411/
10. After getting a 7.5 score in IELTS, Ha hardly makes significant progress but she is ___ nicely.
A.propping up B.ticking over tiếp tục hoạt động nhưng tăng trưởng thấp C.wading through = deal with a lot of boring information D.forging ahead = suddenly make a lot of progress with something

Ngoài ra bạn cũng có thể tham khảo và ủng hộ những topic sau để có sự tiến bộ về nhiều kỹ năng ~
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