1, Of all the film i have seen, "Pearl Harbour" is the one i like best
2,The film is based on the true story of the Titanic disaster that happen in 1912
3, All of us find the film very bored
tính từ
- hệ trọng, quan trọng, không thể coi thường được; nghiêm trọng, trầm trọng, nặng
đứng đắn, nghiêm trang, nghiêm nghị
-đáng sợ, đáng gờm
- thành thật, thật sự, không đùa
-(thuộc) tôn giáo, (thuộc) đạo lý
1. Despite falling attention, the zoo will stay open. ( attend )
2.They proposed some measure to prevent pollution levels from raising. (pollute)
3. You are under no compelsion to take part in the contest. (compel)
4. Children nowadays seem to have lost their ẹnoyment in reading ( enjoy)