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  • That's very kind of you to suggest me this website...i'm so happy when i read your messages. With me, English is a wonderful language ( as well as vietnamese), I love English, love speaking, writing or do everything with the help of English, i study Engnish not only for my favorite, but also for my study, for getting good mark, for helping me to look for a good job ( in the future) and to make my dream comes true...My dream is that i can chat with my idol, he comes from L.A and i think english is very useful for our modern life...I know who i am, i know my skills is not well so i want to improve it. Because of studying well, i will try my best to learn from excellent friend like you

    Hope you will help me! :)
    That's very kind of you to suggest me this website...i'm so happy when i read your messages. With me, English is a wonderful language ( as well as vietnamese), I love English, love speaking, writing or do everything with the help of English, i study Engnish not only for my favorite, but also for my study, for getting good mark, for helping me to look for a good job ( in the future) and to make my dream comes true...My dream is that i can chat with my idol, he comes from L.A and i think english is very useful for our modern life...I know who i am, i know my skills is not well so i want to improve it. Because of studying well, i will try my best to learn from excellent friend like you

    Hope you will help me! :)
    Hi! I know you are an excellent student in this 4r, likes freakie_fuckie. I like having some friends like you to improve my English listening and writing skills.

    My skill is not well at all. So i want to study better. becoming your friend is one of my ways to make my dream comes true

    Thus, Can you become my friend and help me to study English? I am looking forward to hearing from you! Have a nice day!
    Actually, giving presentations is the most exhilerating experience that a CNNer can expect. :)) In natural science disciplines, giving presentations is optional. The teachers of these subjects sometimes allow us to opt for a not-really-important lesson to present in front of the class. During English classes, presentations are frequently considered a very important part, which offers us opportunity to earn high scores. Im really interested in this activity as I can acquire alot of practical qualities from it, such as confidence, communication, conflict resolution and the like. ;))
    Last week, a group in my class organised a drama illustrating the wedding ceremony of the Indian with freaking hot dancing sequences. :p That had really blown my mind. :)
    I have interest in English, politics, books, music (rock, ballad, etc), biology (related the natural world and medication only), game onlines' design and literature. :) Are they "weird" to you? :(
    That is quite ironic that in my school, the pressure from language-related subjects is much lighter compared to the pressure from maths, physics and chemistry. Sometimes natural science subjects even take precedence over English. :)) We have to try hard to keep the academic record "satisfactory" so as not to be kicked out of the school. :(
    In my school, there are alot of students going deep into English to earn language certificates (ielts, toefl, sat) for educational purposes too. :) Have you earned any of them yet? I asked so as I'm quite amazed at your language profienciency. :p

    It's the first time I've heard of such nice name FLSS => That's not a surprise to me. Most people call my school CNN for short. :))

    Do you have any interests in particular? :p
    No, it is extremely good with no grammatical and expressional inaccuracies. ;)) That was the first time I have seen a member in the English section writing a English text which is not created by Google translating engine! And it was even more amazing and surprising to me to learn that that member is studying in a school specialising in natural science subjects! :) I'm sorry for the "lie-director", it was actually a typo. :) Maybe someday I will give that series a shot. Your review is really nice any way. :)

    P.s: one more coincident thing.I'm studying in FLSS, which is often regarded as a "sister" of your school. But what we specialise in is foreign languages, not maths, physics or the like. :)) :D
    lâu lắm rùi không thấy onl, em đỗ cả chuyên tin khtn và chuyên toán sư phạm rùi, nhưng mà không được học cùng anh, bố em bảo về trường tỉnh học cho gần, thế là không được gặp mặt r`
    Mùa hè đã đến !! Box TĐ-TL-CS tạo ra event vô cùng hấp dẫn.......

    Nhằm kỉ niệm 6 năm ngày ra đời Hocmai.vn, Ban quản trị diễn đàn tổ chức một cuộc thi với quy mô lớn!

    Sự kiện sinh nhật : Học Mãi trong tôi là :...
    Hãy tham gia để nhận những phần quà lớn từ Học Mãi nhé !! [IMG]
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