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Nuclear impact
70 years ago, the nuclear bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki exploded and to ____1____ day remained the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare. But with around 50,000 ____2_____ remaining in the world, what happens if we have a nuclear war?
The impact of a single nuclear bomb depends on many ____3___ like the weather, weapon design and geographical layout of where the bomb hits, and if it explodes in the air or on the ground. Approximately 35% of the energy comes in the form of thermal radiation or heat. Since thermal radiation travels at approximately the speed of light. The flash of light and the heat come several seconds before the blast wave. And this causes flashblindness to anyone looking. A ____4_____ blindness of a few minutes.
Thermal radiation burns happen closer to the burn with 1st degree burns occurring around 11km, 2nd degree burns at 10km and 3rd degree burn destroying skin tissue at 8km. 3rd degree burn that covers over 24% of the body will likely be _____5____ without quick medical care. The Hiroshima explosion was estimated to be 300,000 degrees Celcius, which is 300 times harder than the process of _____6____ (in which dead bodies are incinerated)
When a 1 megaton bomb explodes, within a 6km radius, there would be an estimated 180 tons of force on the wall of every two-____7____ buildings, with wind speed at around 255 km/ hour. Within a 1km radius, the peak pressure is four times greater, and wind speed reaches 756 km/hour. The human body can ____8____ this amount of pressure, however, the wind would create fatal collisions with nearby objects. So, deaths would largely be from collapsed buildings.
If you happen to survive all above, now you have to worry about radiation. Not all radiation are harmful, we’re exposed to different forms of radiation everyday like our phones but ionizing radiation at the center of a nuclear bomb has enough energy to rip electrons from atoms.
Then there is the fallout, when a bomb is detonated on or near the surface of the earth, the blast creates a crater and the material that used to be deposited in the crater is carried up into the air as vaporized dirt particles forming the familiar _____9___ cloud. These particles become radioactive and eventually condense, and come back down as fallout. Depending on wind conditions, radioactive fallout can travel for hundreds of miles. For the most part, you can’t detect fallout with your _____10____.
Luckily, fallout radiation decays very quickly, and within 2 weeks, material will have declined to about 1% of its ___11____ radiation level. But you’d have to stay in a shelter until then. So what if a multi-bomb nuclear war broke out? A recent study imagined 100 bombs similar to the size of the Hiroshima bomb detonated if India and Pakistan went to war, these countries have relatively small stockpile compared to the US, China and Russia, however, they would still cause huge damage.
After the nuclear exchange, 5 megatons of black carbon would immediately enter the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to fall and receive 9% less rain annually. Though these changes sounds small, they could be enough to trigger crop failures and eventually ______12_____.
1. this
2. bombs
3. elements
4. total
5. dead/ fatal
6. cremation
7. storey
8. endure
9. mushroom
10. sight
11. initial
12. famine