Ngoại ngữ Viết luận


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
The children are the future of country. But not all children receive similar a good education. Most of these poor children do not receive a good education because their parents cannot afford to send them to anything but a public school. And this problem depends on education policy of every country. In addition, everyone must act with government.

In my opinion, the first you need to have a compassion for children, especially for poor children. That thing is very important. It is a motive power for your action.

The second, you should establish a volunteer club, call upon everybody to act with you. And you should create a specific action program for your club: organize compassion classes for poor children, and organize other activities to collect money from everybody and organizations, companies. And you can call upon the government to co-operate with your club.
Besides, you should contact with parents or sponsors of these poor children. Then you seek to improve their life condition. For example, you could sponsor money for them or help them to search these works which are conformable with them.You should do that things because when parents become richer, they will have enough condition to look after their children better.

In conclusion: “We act together to help the poor children, do that by your compassion and volunteer”.

Tôm Tôm

Học sinh mới
Thành viên
12 Tháng mười 2017
Nghệ An
Hi. Bài của bạn viết về giúp poor children. Còn đề ra là the poor tức là chỉ chung người nghèo và người giúp là students. Vì students thì chỉ giúp được những việc vừa phải, không lớn lắm nên mình mới đau đâu đây. Nhưng dù sao cũng cảm ơn Trang nha.
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