English THPT viết lại câu

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Học sinh mới
Thành viên
25 Tháng bảy 2022
Quảng Nam
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1. Keep your ticket because you may need to show it again. (ASKED)
-> Keep your ticket in ............................................... show it again.
2. Martha hadn't been to a live concert for three years. (MORE)
-> It was ......................................................... Martha had been to a live concert.
3. Sonia was really jealous when she saw costume. (MADE)
->The sight of my .................................... really jealous.
4. "Don't blame me if you're late for ceremony", said Chrish. (HIS)
-> Chris said that it ..................................... if I was late for the ceremony.
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
1. Keep your ticket because you may need to show it again. (ASKED)
-> Keep your ticket in case (phòng khi) you are asked to show it again.

2. Martha hadn't been to a live concert for three years. (MORE)
-> It was ......................................................... Martha had been to a live concert.
Nếu câu này viết theo kiểu It was [time] since thì phía sau cần dùng quá khứ, vì phía sau dùng QKHT nên tạm thời mình chưa nghĩ ra cách viết.

3. Sonia was really jealous when she saw costume. (MADE)
->The sight of my costume made Sonia feel really jealous.
make sb feel adj = khiến ai thấy thế nào
the sight of sth = nhìn thấy

4. "Don't blame me if you're late for ceremony", said Chrish. (HIS)
-> Chris said that it wasn't his fault if I was late for the ceremony.
Fault = a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame (Cambridge dictionary)

Đọc những câu tương tự tại [TIPs] Bài tập viết lại câu (Rewrite the sentences) :Tuzki31
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