English THCS Viết lại câu

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2 Tháng một 2022
Quảng Ngãi
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1. By agreeing to help him out financially, you’ll only be causing problems for
yourself. (GRAVE)
2. The military parade was just the government showing its power before the
elections. (MUSCLES)
……………………………………………………………………………………3. Were he to speak in a clearer fashion, I could follow his argument.
4. I didn’t think much of what Tom suggested. (STORE)
5. He shot the bottles from the top of the wall, one by one. (OFF)
6. Carter was not popular at work because he never associated with anyone.
7. He has tons of money since he won the lottery. (FILTHY)
8. Don still has very little experience so we should be patient. (EARS)
9. The two brothers have been quarrelling about the property for years.
10. I’d prefer not to discuss our problems in front of our friends. (DIRTY)
11. The boss is in a really bad mood today. (BED)
12. He reserved positions and defeated him. (TABLES)
13. I was assured of success, then he withdrew his support. (RUG)……………………………………………………………………………………
14. It‘s rather a dull plat, but I think a coat of paint will make it a lot brighter.
15. That Chinese porcelain vase is sold for a price far below its true value, if
you ask me. (SONG)
16. After fifty years of isolation, they’ve begun opening up to the west in the
hope of receiving financial assistance. (OVERTURES)
17. When he realized she was heir to a fortune, his whole attitude towards her
changed. (TUNE)
18. I felt like a new person after I‘d had my hip operation. (LEASE)
19. The guide book speaks highly of this hotel. (SEAL)
20. He will be the one to accept responsibility for this affair. (CAN)
Last edited:

Hien Dang

Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
2 Tháng chín 2021
Nam Định
1. By agreeing to help him out financially, you’ll only be causing problems for
yourself. (GRAVE)
2. The military parade was just the government showing its power before the
elections. (MUSCLES)
……………………………………………………………………………………3. Were he to speak in a clearer fashion, I could follow his argument.
4. I didn’t think much of what Tom suggested. (STORE)
5. He shot the bottles from the top of the wall, one by one. (OFF)
6. Carter was not popular at work because he never associated with anyone.
7. He has tons of money since he won the lottery. (FILTHY)
8. Don still has very little experience so we should be patient. (EARS)
9. The two brothers have been quarrelling about the property for years.
10. I’d prefer not to discuss our problems in front of our friends. (DIRTY)
11. The boss is in a really bad mood today. (BED)
12. He reserved positions and defeated him. (TABLES)
13. I was assured of success, then he withdrew his support. (RUG)……………………………………………………………………………………
14. It‘s rather a dull plat, but I think a coat of paint will make it a lot brighter.
15. That Chinese porcelain vase is sold for a price far below its true value, if
you ask me. (SONG)
16. After fifty years of isolation, they’ve begun opening up to the west in the
hope of receiving financial assistance. (OVERTURES)
17. When he realized she was heir to a fortune, his whole attitude towards her
changed. (TUNE)
18. I felt like a new person after I‘d had my hip operation. (LEASE)
19. The guide book speaks highly of this hotel. (SEAL)
20. He will be the one to accept responsibility for this affair. (CAN)
Khiêm Trương
1. By agreeing to help him out financially, you’ll only be causing problems for
yourself. (GRAVE)
……By agreeing to help him out financially, you’ll only be digging your own grave.……
dig your own grave: tự tạo ra vấn đề, tự gây hại cho bản thân
2. The military parade was just the government showing its power before the
elections. (MUSCLES)
………The military parade was just the government flexing its muscles before the election………
flex its muscles: thể hiện sức mạnh
3. Were he to speak in a clearer fashion, I could follow his argument.
………I lose the thread of his argument because he doesn't speak in a clear fashion……………
lose the thread of sth: không theo kịp cái gì
4. I didn’t think much of what Tom suggested. (STORE)
…………I didn't put too much store by what Tom suggested……………
put store by sth: coi thứ gì là quan trọng
6. Carter was not popular at work because he never associated with anyone.
……………Carter was not popular at work because he kept himself aloof from everyone……………
keep aloof from: giữ khoảng cách, không giao tiếp
7. He has tons of money since he won the lottery. (FILTHY)
………………He is filthy rich since he won the lottery………………………
8. Don still has very little experience so we should be patient. (EARS)
……………Don still has very little experience so we should be all ears………………
9. The two brothers have been quarrelling about the property for years.
……………The two brothers have been at loggerheads about the property for years……………………
at loggerheads: bất đồng
10. I’d prefer not to discuss our problems in front of our friends. (DIRTY)
…………I'd prefer not to wash our dirty laundry in public…………………
wash your dirty laundry in public: bàn về những việc cá nhân trước người khác

Bạn tham khảo một số câu trên. Chúc bạn học tốt!
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Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
1. By agreeing to help him out financially, you’ll only be causing problems for
yourself. (GRAVE)
2. The military parade was just the government showing its power before the
elections. (MUSCLES)
……………………………………………………………………………………3. Were he to speak in a clearer fashion, I could follow his argument.
4. I didn’t think much of what Tom suggested. (STORE)
5. He shot the bottles from the top of the wall, one by one. (OFF)
6. Carter was not popular at work because he never associated with anyone.
7. He has tons of money since he won the lottery. (FILTHY)
8. Don still has very little experience so we should be patient. (EARS)
9. The two brothers have been quarrelling about the property for years.
10. I’d prefer not to discuss our problems in front of our friends. (DIRTY)
11. The boss is in a really bad mood today. (BED)
12. He reserved positions and defeated him. (TABLES)
13. I was assured of success, then he withdrew his support. (RUG)……………………………………………………………………………………
14. It‘s rather a dull plat, but I think a coat of paint will make it a lot brighter.
15. That Chinese porcelain vase is sold for a price far below its true value, if
you ask me. (SONG)
16. After fifty years of isolation, they’ve begun opening up to the west in the
hope of receiving financial assistance. (OVERTURES)
17. When he realized she was heir to a fortune, his whole attitude towards her
changed. (TUNE)
[09/08/2022 15:04:03] Nguyễn Nguyệt: ………………………………………………………………………………….
18. I felt like a new person after I‘d had my hip operation. (LEASE)
19. The guide book speaks highly of this hotel. (SEAL)
20. He will be the one to accept responsibility for this affair. (CAN)
Khiêm Trương1. You will only be digging your own grave by agreeing to help him out financially.
Giải thích: Dig one’s own grave: cause problems for oneself (gây ra vấn đề cho chính mình)
2. The military parade was just the government flexing its muscles before the elections.
Giải thích: Flex one’s muscles: show one’s power (thể hiện sức mạnh của một người)
3. Were he to speak in a clearer fashion, I would not lose the thread of his argument.
Giải thích: Lose the thread of something: cannot follow something, lose track of something (không thể theo dõi một cái gì đó, mất dấu một cái gì đó)
4. I didn’t set much store by Tom’s suggestion.
Giải thích: Set much store by something: think much about something (nghĩ nhiều về điều gì đó)
5. He picked off the bottles from the top of the wall, one by one.
Giải thích: Pick off: shoot (bắn)
6. Carter was not popular at work because he always kept himself aloof from everyone.
Giải thích: Aloof: not friendly or willing to take part in things (không thân thiện hoặc sẵn sàng tham gia vào mọi thứ)
7. He is filthy rich since he won the lottery.
Giải thích: Filthy rich: extremely rich (extremely rich)
8. Don is still wet behind the ears so we should be patient.
Giải thích: Wet behind the ears: inexperienced (thiếu kinh nghiệm)
9. The two brothers have been at loggerheads over the property for years.
Giải thích: Be at loggerheads: quarrel, argue, disagree with each other about something (cãi vã, tranh luận, không đồng ý với nhau về điều gì đó)
10. I’d sooner we didn’t wash our dirty linen in front of our friends.
Giải thích: Wash the dirty linen: talk about the problems (nói về những vấn đề)
11. The boss gets out of the bed on the wrong side today.
Giải thích: Get out of the bed on the wrong side: have a bad mood (có một tâm trạng xấu)
12. He turned the tables on him and defeated him
Giải thích: Turn the tables on someone: to change the situation so that you now have an advantage over someone who previously had an advantage on you (Để thay đổi tình hình để bây giờ bạn có lợi thế hơn so với người trước đây có lợi thế hơn bạn)
13. I was assured of success, then he pulled the rug out from under my feet.
Giải thích: Pull the rug out from under one’s feet: suddenly take away important support from someone (đột nhiên lấy đi sự hỗ trợ quan trọng từ ai đó)
14. It’s rather a dull plat, but I think a coat of paint will jazz it up nicely.
Giải thích: Jazz something up: make something better (làm một cái gì đó tốt hơn)
15. That Chinese porcelain vase is going for a song if you ask me.
Giải thích: Go for a song: be sold for a low price (được bán với giá thấp)
16. After fifty years of isolation, they’ve begun making overtures to the west in the hope of receiving financial assistance.
Giải thích: Make overtures: express a willingness to pursue a relationship to ask for support for help (bày tỏ sự sẵn sàng theo đuổi một mối quan hệ để yêu cầu hỗ trợ để được giúp đỡ)
17. He completely changed his tune when he realized she war heir to a fortune.
Giải thích: Change one’s tune: change one’s attitude, opinion (thay đổi thái độ, quan điểm của một người)
18. My hip operation gave me a new lease on life.
Giải thích: New lease of life: an occasion when makes you better than before, like give you a new life (một dịp giúp bạn trở nên tốt hơn trước đây, như mang đến cho bạn một cuộc sống mới)
19. The guide book gives the hotel its seal of approval.
Giải thích: Give something/ somebody seal of approval: speak highly of something/somebody (nói rất cao về điều gì đó / ai đó)
20. He will be the one to carry the can for this affair.
Giải thích: Carry the can for something: take the responsibility for something (chịu trách nhiệm về điều gì đó)
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[TIPs] Rewrite the sentences
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