English THCS Viết lại câu


Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
8 Tháng mười hai 2021
Nghệ An
Thi Thanh1. They're telling me that I must make a decision soon. (pressure)
They are putting pressure on me to make a decision soon.
put pressure on sb to do sth: ép buộc hoặc nài nỉ ai đó làm gì

2. His smooth manner didn't deceive us. (taken)
We were not taken in by his smooth manner.
take in: lừa lọc

3. I really must answer all these letters. (get down)
I must get down to answer all these letters.
get down to so sth: bắt đầu làm gì/ nghiêm túc chú ý cái gì

4. Don't run away with the idea that this work is easy. (conclusion)
Don't jump to the conclusion ( vội kết luận) that this work is easy.
5. I'm trying to concentrate, but all that noise you're making is distracting me. (putting)
I'm trying to concentrate, but all that noise you're making is putting me off.
put sb off: làm phiền ai khi học đang cố tập trung làm việc

6. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did. (against)
Against everyone's expectations, she lost.
7. You must concentrate on your work more. (apply)
You must apply yourself to your work more.
apply yourself to sth/doing sth: tập trung làm gì

8. She will probably be elected. (stands)
She stands a good chance of being elected.
stand a good chance of sth: có khả năng

Chúc bạn học tốt,luyện thêm dạng bài này ở đây nhé!
[TIPs] Bài tập viết lại câu (Rewrite the sentences)
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