Sử The four palaces” or Tu Phu Performance

Thái Minh Quân

Cựu Cố vấn Lịch sử | Cựu Chủ nhiệm CLB Lịch sử
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29 Tháng mười 2018
TP Hồ Chí Minh
THCS Nguyễn Hiền
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

“The four palaces” or Tu Phu Performance was inspired by the ritual of the spiritual medium ship (Len Dong) of the Mother Religion believing in The Mother Goddess who brings about favorable weather, happiness and fullness to people.
As a type of folk arts, Len Dong ritual is a spiritual performance that is aimed at paying respect to the historical Vietnamese heroes, who fought to defend the country and about the career masters who can be memorized by people nowadays.
Len Dong comprises of 36 sections. They are 36 different stories about 36 Gods and Goddesses. In each section, the medium is supposed to be incarnated by a different God or Goddess as soon as his or her head is covered by a red square scarf.

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