*Tại Hotel Freehand Chicago*
"Ting" tiếng chuông báo tin nhắn vang lên. Là Rose - bff của mình.
Rose: Hey girl. What are you doing, now ?
Me: Sleeping :vvvv
Rose: Oh oh, sorry sorry for ruining your sleep :<
Me: oh, nothing nothing :>
Rose: Jeni, are you in Chicago now ?
Me: Yes
Rose: In Hotel Freehand Chicago ?
Me: That's right
Rose: Okay. I sent the correct address

Me: What ? What do you send ?
Rose: Your birthday gift. I send you early for fear of coming to your birthday, I have to go to the suburbs with the family, won't buy gifts for you.
Me: TvT
Rose: My birthday last month, you gave me a beautiful gift. So your birthday, I also tried to choose the gift that you like.
Jeni, happy birthday <3
I thought, the item was shipped because I received a message saying that the item had arrived.
Me: Okay, wait a minute for me to ask the receptionist if they will receive anything.
Me: Can I ask you something. Do you receive any new items? The recipient's name is Jenifer Jones.
Receptionist: Wait for minute....Oh yes, I do.
Which room do you stay in ? I will let someone bring it up.
Me: Okay, thank you so much. the number of my room is 2xx
Receptionist: okay. You wait for me
Me: Thank you.
Me: Rose, I received it. Thank you so much <3
Rose: oh, you're welcome >.<
Woa, cảm ơn mày nhiều lắm, Rose ạ. Tao cực kỳ thích nó luôn, thực sự rất đẹp <3 Luv you, my best friend >.<
Ps: Huhu, đang ở xa mà vẫn nhận được quà sinh nhật từ con bạn thân. Cảm động chết rồi TvT