[TA-Phrasal verb]



[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Find the mistakes and correct them:
1.There's an ashtray on the table , but she put her cigarette down on one of my good plates!
2.Don't hang on!I haven't finished talking about it yet.
3. As the darkness fell, there was nothing but to do for the nearest village.
4. If you make a mistake, just cross it away
5.It's difficult to tell idential twins out.


1. There's an ashtray on the table , but she put her cigarette out on one of my good plates!
2. Don't hang up!I haven't finished talking about it yet.
3. As the darkness fell, there was nothing but to make for the nearest village.
4. If you make a mistake, just cross it out
5. It's difficult to tell idential twins apart.


Không biết nữa. Nghĩ là put ST down: vứt cái gì đó

tell apart: nhận ra, phân biệt được
câu đó sửa on thành to á :)-freakie nói thế :)
à giúp tui mấy câu nữa nhá
1.I don't know how you ............... his bad behavior.
A.put out B.put up C.put up to D.put up with
2.I wonder if they will ever ................ back corporal punishment.
A.bring B.come C.look D.get


1.I don't know how you ............... his bad behavior.
A.put out B.put up C.put up to D.put up with
put out something: (1)leave something, take sth out of your house = take out. (put the rubbish out)/ (2): extinguish something, make something stop burning or shining (put out a candle/ a cigarette)

put up something: suggest an idea, provoke a discussion. (put up a proposal, put up an argument)

put up with: tolerate something, accept something that is unpleasant without complaining.
2.I wonder if they will ever ................ back corporal punishment.
A.bring B.come C.look D.get

corporal punishment: strigently physical punishment.
bring something back: make something that existed before legitimate again, reintroduce something. (bring back capital penalty)



1.There's an ashtray on the table , but she put her cigarette down on one of my good plates!
put down là đúng rồi vì ở đây nó mang nghĩa là đặt xuống. sửa on thành onto : put sth down onto sth : dùng onto khi nói chuyển một vật/ người lên một bề mặt nào đó, trong trường hợp này này plate - dĩa => đặt lên trên cái dĩa nên dùng onto
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