English THPT Read and choose the sentence that is closest to the original one:

Uyên Phan731

Học sinh
Thành viên
16 Tháng chín 2021
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

(Giải giúp em và kèm theo giải thích giúp em với ạ. Em cảm ơn ạ) :Tonton18
Read and choose the sentence that is closest to the original one:
1. If Janet had checked her purse, she wouldn’t have forgotten her license at home.
A. Janet forget her purse and her license. B. Janet forgot her license but not her purse.
C. Janet forgot her purse but not her license. D. Janet forgot neither her license nor her purse.
2. She reminded her daughters of their table manners.
A. She wanted her daughters to remember all meal time. B. She wanted her daughters toleave the dinner table.
C. She wanted her daughters to eat a little more slowly. D. She wanted her daughters to be more polite while eating.
3. Look out for those falling rocks. A. Let’s look for falling rocks. B. Don’t let those falling rocks hit you.
C. Look for these falling rocks. D. Look out the window at those falling rocks.
4. She is unqualified to fill the position as executive secretary of the firm.
A. The job of executive secretary requires more skills than she has. B. The executive secretary position is suitable for her.
C. She possesses the firm qualities of an executive secretary. D. Both she and the executive secretary took a firm position.
5. Betty thought the dress would fit, but she had to exchange it later.
A. Betty exchanged the dress because she didn’t like it. B. Betty exchanged the dress for another one in a different size.
C. Betty was too late to exchange the dress. D. Betty considered exchanging the dress, but changed her mind.
6. To operate the machine properly, you must keep the top closed while the machine is spinning.
A. The machine does not spin if you close the top. B. The top of the machine spins during operation.
C. Do not open the machine when it is spinning. D. The operation of the machine requires you to spin.
7. After several months , the problem continues to be discussed .
A. The problem was solved after several months’ discussion. B. The discussion of the problem ceased several months ago.
C. Several new problems have arisen and must be discussed. D. The discussion of the problem is not over yet.
8. Jenny is allergic to seafood, so I’ll have to change my menu for Saturday night.
A. Jenny cannot eat food like pork chops and ham. B. Jenny asked me to change my menu to seafood.
C. Seafood is not a good choice to serve on Saturday night. D. No seafood is available for Saturday night.
9. You can use my car as long as you bring it back by 9 p.m.
A. You use my car till 9 p.m. B. You can use my car provided that you return it before 9 p.m.
C. You are allowed to use my car as long as 9 hours. D. You can’t use my car because you won’t bring it back by 9 p.m.
10. A successful salesman, he often has more customers than he can handle.
A. His customers cannot handle him successfully. B. He finds it difficult to handle his customers.
C. He is a successful salesman of handle to many customres. D. He sometimes has too many customers to take over of.
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Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Read and choose the sentence that is closest to the original one:
1. If Janet had checked her purse, she wouldn’t have forgotten her license at home.
A. Janet forget her purse and her license.

B. Janet forgot her license but not her purse.
C. Janet forgot her purse but not her license.
D. Janet forgot neither her license nor her purse.

2. She reminded her daughters of their table manners.
A. She wanted her daughters to remember all meal time.
B. She wanted her daughters to leave the dinner table.
C. She wanted her daughters to eat a little more slowly.
D. She wanted her daughters to be more polite while eating.
table manners: thái độ khi ăn uống -> lịch sự hơn khi ăn

3. Look out for those falling rocks.
A. Let’s look for falling rocks.
B. Don’t let those falling rocks hit you.
C. Look for these falling rocks.
D. Look out the window at those falling rocks.
Cẩn thận với những tảng đá đang rơi -> Đừng để đá rơi xuống người

4. She is unqualified to fill the position as executive secretary of the firm.
A. The job of executive secretary requires more skills than she has.

B. The executive secretary position is suitable for her.
C. She possesses the firm qualities of an executive secretary.
D. Both she and the executive secretary took a firm position.
Cô ấy không đủ năng lực cho vị trí ... = Vị trí ... yêu cầu nhiều kĩ năng hơn cô ấy có

5. Betty thought the dress would fit, but she had to exchange it later.
A. Betty exchanged the dress because she didn’t like it.
B. Betty exchanged the dress for another one in a different size.
C. Betty was too late to exchange the dress.
D. Betty considered exchanging the dress, but changed her mind.
Betty tưởng là bộ váy sẽ vừa, nhưng mà cô ấy phải đổi cái khác => Betty đổi bộ khác với kích thước khác

6. To operate the machine properly, you must keep the top closed while the machine is spinning.
A. The machine does not spin if you close the top.
B. The top of the machine spins during operation.
C. Do not open the machine when it is spinning.
D. The operation of the machine requires you to spin.
Để cái máy hoạt động bình thường thì nên đóng cửa lại khi máy đang quay => Đừng mở cái máy khi nó đang quay

7. After several months , the problem continues to be discussed .
A. The problem was solved after several months’ discussion.
B. The discussion of the problem ceased several months ago.
C. Several new problems have arisen and must be discussed.
D. The discussion of the problem is not over yet.
Sau vài tháng, cái vấn đề đó lại được bàn luận => Việc thảo luận về vấn đề thì chưa kết thúc

8. Jenny is allergic to seafood, so I’ll have to change my menu for Saturday night.
A. Jenny cannot eat food like pork chops and ham.
B. Jenny asked me to change my menu to seafood.
C. Seafood is not a good choice to serve on Saturday night.
D. No seafood is available for Saturday night.
Jenny dị ứng hải sản nên tôi đổi menu trong tối thứ 7 => Hải sản không phải 1 lựa chọn tốt để phục vụ trong bữa tối thứ 7

9. You can use my car as long as you bring it back by 9 p.m.
A. You use my car till 9 p.m.
B. You can use my car provided that you return it before 9 p.m.
C. You are allowed to use my car as long as 9 hours.
D. You can’t use my car because you won’t bring it back by 9 p.m.
Bạn có thể dùng xe tôi miễn là bạn trả trước 9h tối => Bạn có thể sử dụng xe tôi nếu bạn trả trước 9h tối

10. A successful salesman, he often has more customers than he can handle.
A. His customers cannot handle him successfully.
B. He finds it difficult to handle his customers.
C. He is a successful salesman of handle to many customers.
D. He sometimes has too many customers to take over of.
Anh ta thường có nhiều khách hàng hơn mức mà anh ấy có thể đảm nhiệm => Anh ta lâu lâu có quá nhiều khách để đảm nhiệm.

Chúc bạn học tốt :>
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