English THCS Ôn tập tiếng Anh THCS

Nguyễn Thị Cúc

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
20 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Nam
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something- Spend time/money doing something
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
Chúc mừng bạn nhé, mình tin rằng trong bài sau bạn sẽ sớm đạt 10/10 thôi
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Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Lần trước có mấy bạn muốn phân biệt cách dùng 1 số từ đúng không nè, và mình cũng hứa chia sẻ với các bạn nên giờ mình thực hiện lời hứa đó nha!
Trong này mình đã tổng hợp tất các từ cần phân biệt, mọi người tham khảo rồi tự rút kinh nghiệm cho mình nha, vì phần này chỉ là phần phụ trong chương trình của mình nên mình không quá tập trung, ai muốn tìm hiểu thêm thì có thể post lên box lớn của diễn đàn nha!


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm(Đồng Nai) @Perona03
Nguyễn Thu Hà (Ninh Bình) @bachduongrkt13@gmail.com
Welcome you to this topic!
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Reactions: Perona03

Trang Huyền

Học sinh
Thành viên
9 Tháng mười hai 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THCS Trà Linh
Họ và tên : Trần Thị Huyền Trang
Địa chỉ : Hà Tĩnh
OK, welcome you
Ở trên mình đã nói là bạn gửi vào hội thoại cho mình rồi mà!
Bây giờ thì đọc và làm bài nhé!
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Kyungsoo Do

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
12 Tháng chín 2017
Nam Định
THCS Tống Văn Trân
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
Mọi người làm rồi mình sẽ chữa cho nha.
Question 1: A. to make all those taking part feel
Question 2: B. mentioning his name
Question 3: B. to spend - cleaning
Question 4: A. to cough
Question 5: B. on being given
Question 6: A. identify
Question 7: A. to find - waste
Question 8: B. to imagine - living
Question 9: C. to have - approved
Question 10: A. to have had - to meet

Thư Vy

Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
17 Tháng chín 2017
Nghệ An
Bangtan School <3
Chào cả nhà,Yociexp107
Dường như mọi người đã thi xong Học kì cả và bước vào một học kì mới với nhiều niềm vui và hi vọng nhỉ?
Hôm nay, mình muốn giới thiệu tới các bạn một topic mới do mình lập ra mang tên “Bổ trợ kiến thức nâng cao và chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh ”. Hi vọng các bạn hưởng ứng tham gia.
Sau đây mình xin giới thiệu qua nhé:
- Mục tiêu mà mình hướng đến : mong muốn mang đến những kiến thức chuyên sâu, đầu đủ cho tất cả các đối tượng.
- Đối tượng tham gia: tất cả các thành viên với mong muốn nâng cao kiến thức tiếng anh.
- Thời lượng : 3 - 4 bài mỗi tuần

- Một số nội dung:
· Gerund( Động từ ở dạng V_ing)
· Infinitive ( Động từ nguyên mẫu có to)
· Both Gerund and Infinitive
· The pronunciation
· Một số Phrasal Verb( Cụm động từ)
· Một số Idioms (Thành ngữ)
· Một số cấu trúc mình đưa ra do các bạn đề xuất
· Một số cấu trúc viết lại quan trọng
· Các kĩ năng làm bài về các phần : Reading, Writing and Listening
· Hệ thống hóa các kiến thức đã học
· Thực hành làm đề thi HSG Tiếng Anh

Ø Mình thấy vấn đề từ vựng cũng cực kì quan trọng nhưng mình không thể liệt kê ra được, mà có liệt kê thì các bạn cũng chưa chắc đã có thể thực hành nên mình quyết định trong phần làm bài tập sẽ kèm theo luôn nha! Ak, xíu nữa quên mất,:p mình post lên 1 phần bài mới, mình sẽ kèm theo cả bài tập phần đó luôn để thực hành cho kiến thức nó dễ thấm, sau đó mình sẽ chấm và giải thích chi tiết trong bài làm của các bạn luôn.
Hazz, mình nói nhiều quá, chắc đến đây không còn ai đọc nữa rồi:(, nếu ai còn đọc thì nghe mình nói thì like cho mình biết và nghe nốt câu này thôi : Trước mỗi buổi học, mình sẽ share một clip nào đó, có thể là bài hát, hài, … để mọi người giải trí trước cho đỡ căng thẳng nha!:cool:
- Cuối cùng, mọi người comment lại để mình biết thông tin thành viên với cú pháp sau :
Họ và tên:
Địa chỉ:
Những điều cần mình bổ sung ngoài mấy nội dung trên:
Những cách ứng xử để hài long các bạn nhất :
VD nha:
Họ và tên: Nguyễn Võ Hà Trang
Địa chỉ: Nhà mình ở đâu nhỉ? Chắc là vô gia cư.( Thế này cũng được nha)
Những điều cần mình bổ sung ngoài mấy nội dung trên: Đang cần nek
Những cách ứng xử để hài lòng các bạn nhất : Vì hay bị ghét vì cư xử không khéo nên đang cần biết
Họ Và Tên: Viết mỗi tên thôi nhé: Thư Vy
Địa chỉ: Dải Ngân hà - Trái Đất - Châu Á - Việt Nam
Những điều cần bổ sung ngoài nội dung trên: Vấn đề này thì nếu thiếu hoặc kém phần nào mình sẽ hỏi sau
Những cách ứng xử: Chỉ cần đối xử tốt và ân cần là được ^^
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Thư Vy

Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
17 Tháng chín 2017
Nghệ An
Bangtan School <3
Họ Và Tên: Viết mỗi tên thôi nhé: Thư Vy
Địa chỉ: Dải Ngân hà - Trái Đất - Châu Á - Việt Nam
Những điều cần bổ sung ngoài nội dung trên: Vấn đề này thì nếu thiếu hoặc kém phần nào mình sẽ hỏi sau
Những cách ứng xử: Chỉ cần đối xử tốt và ân cần là được ^^
ối, mình quên đọc, đợi mình chút mình sẽ gửi vào hội thoại cho bạn liền, đọc mà chẳng để ý, đầu óc cứ đâu đâu á ^^

Hiền Nhi

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
19 Tháng ba 2017
Nghệ An
THPT Phan Đăng Lưu
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting

Hơi khó đối với mình

Thư Vy

Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
17 Tháng chín 2017
Nghệ An
Bangtan School <3
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
Mọi người làm rồi mình sẽ chữa cho nha.
  1. Hồ Châu Thiên Thuận( Vĩnh Long) @Thiên Thuận
  2. Nguyễn Quang Huy (Hà Tĩnh) @Bestfriend Forever
  3. Trần Thu Trang ( Hải Dương) @Asuna Yuuki
  4. Nguyễn Thị Diễm Quỳnh(from a beautiful place ) @diemquynh101
  5. Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo(Hà Tĩnh) @Aosora
  6. Đỗ Thùy Linh (Nam Định) @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
  7. Huỳnh Đức Nhật (Quảng Nam) @Đức Nhật Huỳnh
  8. Trần Minh Phương (Vô gia cư) @Kyungsoo Do
  9. Trần Khánh My (Hà Nội) @Yun_sama.123
  10. Trương Nguyễn Hải Yến (Hà Nam) @Ye Ye
  11. Lê Thu Ngọc (ĐakLak) @greenstars118
  12. Nguyễn Trần Hà Phương() @yo=ona
  13. Trương Hồng Ngọc () @Vũ Lam Nhật Nhật
  14. Nguyễn Thị Thảo Uyên Mk không tag được tên
  15. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi( Nghệ An) @Hiền Còi
  16. Nguyễn Phương Trâm (Bình Định) - @Phươngg Trâmm
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
Nếu sai ở đâu thì sửa giùm mình trong hội thoại nhé
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Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Thống kê lại danh sách thành viên:
1. Hồ Châu Thiên Thuận( Vĩnh Long) @Thiên Thuận

  1. 2. Nguyễn Quang Huy (Hà Tĩnh) @Bestfriend Forever
    3. Trần Thu Trang ( Hải Dương) @Asuna Yuuki
    4. Nguyễn Thị Diễm Quỳnh( from a beautiful place) @diemquynh101
    5. Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo(Hà Tĩnh) @Aosora
    6. Đỗ Thùy Linh (Nam Định) @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
    7. Huỳnh Đức Nhật (Quảng Nam) @Đức Nhật Huỳnh
    8. Trần Minh Phương ( Vô gia cư) @Kyungsoo Do
    9. Trần Khánh My (Hà Nội) @Yun_sama.123
    10. Trương Nguyễn Hải Yến (Hà Nam) @Ye Ye
    11. Lê Thu Ngọc (ĐakLak) @greenstars118
    12. Nguyễn Trần Hà Phương() @yo=ona
    13. Trương Hồng Ngọc () @Vũ Lam Nhật Nhật
    14. Nguyễn Thị Thảo Uyên Mk không tag được tên
    15. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi( Nghệ An) @Hiền Còi
    16. Nguyễn Phương Trâm (Bình Định) - @Phươngg Trâmm
    17. Đặng Diệp Linh ( Hà Nam ) - @Đặng Diệp Linh
    18. Vũ Nguyễn Quốc Đạt( Hà Nội )- @The Joker
    19. Nguyễn Thị Cúc( Hà Nam ) - @Nguyễn Thị Cúc
    20. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm(Đồng Nai) @Perona03
    21. Nguyễn Thu Hà (Ninh Bình) @bachduongrkt13@gmail.com
    22. Bùi Nguyễn Minh Hảo (Vĩnh Long) - @Narumi04
Hiện nay ai chưa làm bài thì làm bài vào đây nhé, Mai là có đáp án rùi đó!
Cảm ơn sự giúp đỡ của bạn @Bestfriend Forever trong việc lập list này nha!


Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
27 Tháng sáu 2015
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
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Reactions: ng.htrang2004


Học sinh chăm học
HV CLB Hội họa
Thành viên
14 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT Chuyên Hà Tĩnh
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
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Reactions: ng.htrang2004

Phươngg Trâmm

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
16 Tháng bảy 2017
Bình Định
Trường THCS Cát Tài
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
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Reactions: ng.htrang2004

Thiên Thuận

Cựu Mod Anh |GOLDEN Challenge’s first runner-up
Thành viên
TV ấn tượng nhất 2017
24 Tháng ba 2017
Vĩnh Long
Đại học Đồng Tháp - Ngành Sư phạm Tiếng Anh
Question 1: We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___________ good about their contribution.
A: to make all those taking part feel
B: to make all those taking part feeling
C: making that all those taking part will feel
D: making all those taking part to feel
Question 2: It was really funny to see how they avoided ___________ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A: to mention his name
B: mentioning his name
C: his name to be mentioned
D: his name being mentioned
Question 3: Hiring a housekeeper will enable me ___________ more time with the children and less time ___________ up after them.
A: Enable somebody to do something: cho phép ai làm gì, làm cho ai có khả năng làm gì. Spend time/money doing something: dành tiền/thời gian làm việc gì.
B: to spend - cleaning
C: spending - to be cleaning
D: to have spent - to clean
Question 4: I’ve spent virtually the whole winter ___________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets warmer.
A: to cough
B: coughing
C: to have coughed
D: to be coughing
Question 5: As it turned out, those who insisted ___________ extra time were right.
A: to give them
B: on being given
C: to be given
D: on giving them
Question 6: A doctor from the forensic science department of the university was called in to help __________ the victim’s time and cause of death.
A: identify
B: identifying
C: to be identified
D: to have identified
Help (somebody) do something: giúp (ai đó) làm gì.
Question 7: It should be a priority for world leaders __________ durable solutions for world peace rather than __________ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A: to find - waste
B: finding - to waste
C: having found - wasted
D: being found - wasting
Question 8: I find it very hard __________ myself __________ anywhere other than here in Hanoi.
A: imagining - to live
B: to imagine - living
C: imagined - having lived
D: to have imagined - lived
Question 9: We are very anxious because we are hoping ___________ our application at the adoption agency ___________ by the end of the week.
A: having - to be approved
B: having - to be approved
C: to have - approved
D: to be having - approve
Hope to do something: hi vọng làm được điều gì. Have something done: nhờ/thuê ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
Question 10: I’m delighted __________ the chance __________ you at last.
A: to have had - to meet
B: having - meeting
C: to be having - being met
D: having had - to be meeting
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Reactions: ng.htrang2004


Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
5 Tháng tám 2017
Đồng Nai
nộp bài cô giáo ><
  1. 26. He has little………expectation……..….of winning a prize. EXPECT
  2. 27. He resigned for a……variety………..….of reasons. VARIOUS
  3. 28. He is very generous and everyone admires his……unselfishness………..…. . SELF
  4. 29. It seems……illogical………..….to change the timetable so often. LOGIC
  5. 30. It is………unfortunate……..….that you missed the meeting. FORTUNE
  6. 31. Could you………straighten……..….the picture over the sofa? STRAIGHT
  7. 32. She wanted to have her skirt……lengthened………..…. LONG
  8. 33. They all cheered………enthusiastically……..….as their team came out. ENTHUSIASM
  9. 34. He will not benefit………financial……..….from the deal. FINANCE
  10. 35. “Look after your mother,” were his.. ……dead………..….words. DIE
1. threatened
  1. polluted
  2. disappearance
  3. scientists
  4. defendant
  5. completely.
  6. 7. driving
  7. 8. household
  8. 9. decision
  9. ensure
1. The university has ____authorized____ the use of dictionaries during language examinations. (author)
2. It is very difficult to find Mrs. Burton's shop, for it was __indistinguishable______ from all others in the street. (distinguish)
3. He is very generous. Everyone admires his ___unselfishness_____. (selfish)
4. __Leadership______ skill is the one skill that can grant you the opportunity to get a good job. (lead)
5. ____Conservation____ are alarmed by the rate at which tropical rainforests are being destroyed. (Conserve)
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Reactions: ng.htrang2004


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Mọi người thấy Word form thế nào?
Mình thì thấy "ớn" rồi!
OK, như thường lệ thì sau đây là
Đáp án nek
  1. 26. expectation
  2. 27. variety
  3. 28. selflessness/ unselfishness
  4. 29. illogical
  5. 30. unfortunate
6 . straighten
7. lengthened
8. enthusiastically
10. dying
1. threatened 2. polluted 3. disappearance 4. scientists 5. defence
6. completely 7. driving 8. household 9. decision 10. ensure .
1.authorized2.indistinguishable3. selflessness/ unselfishness4. leadership5. Conservationists
OK, mọi người kiểm tra đáp án đi nhé!
Có ai đề xuất clip Tiếng anh nào hay hay cho mọi người không nào? Nếu có thì dẫn link trên wall của mình nha!

  • Nguyễn Thị Diễm Quỳnh(from a beautiful place ) @diemquynh101
  • Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo(Hà Tĩnh) @Aosora
  • Trương Nguyễn Hải Yến (Hà Nam) @Ye Ye
  • Nguyễn Trần Hà Phương() @yo=ona
  • Nguyễn Thị Thảo Uyên (Hà Tĩnh)
Chúc mọi người một buổi tốt vui vẻ!
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