TO: All Atlantis Corporation EmployeesFROM: Myrtle Stembridge, Chief Financial Officer MS
RE: Two-day unpaid leave
DATE: June 3
It is my unhappy duty to inform you that the Board of Directors has voted to impose a two-day layoff for all employees in order to avoid an operating budget shortfall.
The company is facing a serious crisis due to poor profits over the past two quarters. The budget is short by about $13 million and, according to our bylaws, the budget must be balanced by June 30, the end of this fiscal year.
It is necessary for all employees to give up two days’ pay in order to put an end to the budget crisis. Employees are to speak to their supervisors regarding scheduling the two days that they are not to report to work.
According to the agreement reached between Atlantis Corp. and the union, employees will be reimbursed for the days they lose during the first six months of the next fiscal year if profits improve.
I sincerely regret the need to take such drastic measures to end the current budget crisis, but with your cooperation, we can see this through.
55. Why must employees give up two days’ pay at this time?
(A) To pay back money they were overpaid.
(B) To contribute to a company charity.
(C) To end a budget crisis in this fiscal year.
(D) The bylaws state they have to.
156. What is causing this budget crisis?
(A) There is a surplus of $13 million.
(B) There is a shortage of $13 million.
(C) The CFO did not plan out the operating budget properly.
(D) Nobody can pinpoint the reasons for this budget crisis.
157. How will the days be taken off?
(A) Employees will arrange days off with their supervisors.
(B) All employees are to stay home starting June 30.
(C) A specific plan has not been worked out yet.
(D) Employees can arrange to take two days off this or next fiscal year.