English THCS Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.

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31 Tháng bảy 2021
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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.
1. I tell you, Joan, you had better tell Tom that it’s high time he should start learning.
2. My brother said that he didn’t feel like overworking because he could end up in the hospital.
3. When I was younger, we often talked long hours. We were used to sit up late at night.
4. What you are saying suggests that you are unwilling to agree with me, does it?
5. I really wouldn’t like that friend of yours to treat me as something that belongs to him.
6. My brother was watching TV during I was doing my homework.
7. With his annual income of about $30,000, he can afford travelling quite a lot.
8. When I was a secretary, the boss often made me to stay in the office in the evenings.
9. Although he is so young, he has few problems understanding philosophy, hasn’t he?
10. I wanted to know where did your friend live. You ought to have told me.
11. In the German prison, the professor was made working for the German Army, wasn’t he?
12. We, that is - Jim and myself - decided to stay in Birmingham until all our friends return from London.
13. You should not avoid teaching students who don’t seem to be capable to understand as much as you do.
14. Having our car repaired by the mechanic whose telephone number you had given us, we continued our journey.
15. A rich judge is less likely to take bribes than the one who earns little.
16. Could you tell me how your new friend looks like? (câu này bắt tự tìm lỗi sai để sửa)
17. If I were you, I wouldn’t let the kids to play out in the street.
18. Few people look forward to losing their jobs, don’t they?
19. Our chemistry professor is believed to meet Einstein when he was a student.
20. I got her take an umbrella in case it rained

giúp mik vs!!!!
Last edited:

Hien Dang

Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
2 Tháng chín 2021
Nam Định
Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.
1. I tell you, Joan, you had better tell Tom that it’s high time he should start learning.
2. My brother said that he didn’t feel like overworking because he could end up in the hospital.
3. When I was younger, we often talked long hours. We were used to sit up late at night.
4. What you are saying suggests that you are unwilling to agree with me, does it?
5. I really wouldn’t like that friend of yours to treat me as something that belongs to him.
6. My brother was watching TV during I was doing my homework.
7. With his annual income of about $30,000, he can afford travelling quite a lot.
8. When I was a secretary, the boss often made me to stay in the office in the evenings.
9. Although he is so young, he has few problems understanding philosophy, hasn’t he?
10. I wanted to know where did your friend live. You ought to have told me.
11. In the German prison, the professor was made working for the German Army, wasn’t he?
12. We, that is - Jim and myself - decided to stay in Birmingham until all our friends return from London.
13. You should not avoid teaching students who don’t seem to be capable to understand as much as you do.
14. Having our car repaired by the mechanic whose telephone number you had given us, we continued our journey.
15. A rich judge is less likely to take bribes than the one who earns little.
16. Could you tell me how your new friend looks like?
17. If I were you, I wouldn’t let the kids to play out in the street.
18. Few people look forward to losing their jobs, don’t they?
19. Our chemistry professor is believed to meet Einstein when he was a student.
20. I got her take an umbrella in case it rained.

giúp mik vs!!!!
đề bài chưa có underline bạn chỉnh lại giúp mình xem underline chỗ nào nhé

Hien Dang

Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
2 Tháng chín 2021
Nam Định
1. should start -> started
Cấu trúc it's (high) time + S + V-ed
2. the -> X, bệnh viện ở đây không xác định
3. were used -> used
Cấu trúc to be used to doing sth (quen với việc gì) >< used to do sth (từng làm gì)
4. does it -> doesn't it
5. as -> like (?)
6. during -> while
while: trong khi, during không dùng với mệnh đề như thế nhé
7. travelling -> to travel
afford to do sth: có đủ tiền làm gì
8. to stay -> stay
Cấu trúc make sb do sth
9. hasn't he -> does he
10. did your friend live -> your friend lived
Mệnh đề danh dừ when + clause
11. working -> to work
Cấu trúc to be made to do sth
12. return -> returned (?)
13. to understand -> of understanding
Cấu trúc capable of doing sth: có khả năng làm gì
14. Having -> Having had
15. the one -> one
16. looks like -> looks
how your friend looks, còn what your friend looks like nhé
17. to play -> play
Cấu trúc let sb do sth
18. don't they -> do they
19. to meet -> to have met, ở đây là hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ
20. take -> to take
Cấu trúc get sb to do sth
Tham khảo lý thuyết câu 9, 18 ở đây: https://diendan.hocmai.vn/threads/ly-thuyet-cau-hoi-duoi-tag-question-hmf.831080/
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