English THCS Filling

Zelly Nguyễn

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
26 Tháng tám 2021
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THCS Nam Hồng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.
settlement /standard / factors / invasions / empire/
extent/ directly / prospering/ civilization / age

Rome and the Roman had a huge impact on Western (1) ____________. Rome had been (2) ____________ over many centuries, turning from a small (3) ____________ into a large (4) ____________. It had developed because of its large armies, great rulers, and excellent engineers. It managed to withstand (5) ____________ from a number of other empires, such as Persia and the Carthaginians. Rome continued to develop over the centuries, reaching its greatest (6) ____________ in the third century AD. The two (7) ____________ commonly attributed to the decline of the Roman empire are Christianity and the military, though some believe these are not (8) ____________ responsible, but played a secondary role in the empire’s collapse. Other historians believe that a decline in the (9) ____________ of living, as well as a decline in morals, caused the eventual collapse of the empire. Whatever the reason, the (10) ____________ of the Roman empire was one of the greatest in human history and is responsible for guiding the way people think , even to this day.


Cựu Mod Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.
settlement /standard / factors / invasions / empire/
extent/ directly / prospering/ civilization / age

Rome and the Roman had a huge impact on Western (1) ____________. Rome had been (2) ____________ over many centuries, turning from a small (3) ____________ into a large (4) ____________. It had developed because of its large armies, great rulers, and excellent engineers. It managed to withstand (5) ____________ from a number of other empires, such as Persia and the Carthaginians. Rome continued to develop over the centuries, reaching its greatest (6) ____________ in the third century AD. The two (7) ____________ commonly attributed to the decline of the Roman empire are Christianity and the military, though some believe these are not (8) ____________ responsible, but played a secondary role in the empire’s collapse. Other historians believe that a decline in the (9) ____________ of living, as well as a decline in morals, caused the eventual collapse of the empire. Whatever the reason, the (10) ____________ of the Roman empire was one of the greatest in human history and is responsible for guiding the way people think , even to this day.

Rome and the Roman had a huge impact on Western (1) civilization. Rome had been (2) prospering over many centuries, turning from a small (3) settlement into a large (4) empire. It had developed because of its large armies, great rulers, and excellent engineers. It managed to withstand (5) invasions from a number of other empires, such as Persia and the Carthaginians. Rome continued to develop over the centuries, reaching its greatest (6) extent in the third century AD. The two (7) factors commonly attributed to the decline of the Roman empire are Christianity and the military, though some believe these are not (8) directly responsible, but played a secondary role in the empire’s collapse. Other historians believe that a decline in the (9) standard of living, as well as a decline in morals, caused the eventual collapse of the empire. Whatever the reason, the (10) age of the Roman empire was one of the greatest in human history and is responsible for guiding the way people think , even to this day.

Western civilization: Văn minh phương Tây
prosper: tồn tại và phát triển
settlement: nơi định cư
empire: Đế quốc
invasion: sự xâm lược
extent: phạm vi
factors: yếu tố
directly: trực tiếp
standard of living: tiêu chuẩn cuộc sống
age: thời đại

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