1.You must be scrupulous when it comes to preparing his meals as he
is allergic to a lot of ingredients.
A. meticulous
C. spontaneous
B. conscientious
D. collaborative
2. We were outraged to know that our boss had squandered thousands
of dollars on first-class travel.
A. spent money quickly
C. spent money carefully
B. spent money carelessly
D. spent money frugally
3. Few young teachers in the school have received greater adulation
than did Mr. Thompson after he won that prize.
A. contempt B. reverence C. admiration D. consolation
4. Cognizant of the fact that it was getting late, the lecturer cut short
his lesson.
A. In spite of B. Due to
C. Ignorant D. Regardless
5. When Jack was caught over speeding, he tried to circumvent the
law by offering the traff1C warden a bribe.
B. observe
C. reject
A. violate
D. decline
1.You must be scrupulous when it comes to preparing his meals as he
is allergic to a lot of ingredients.
A. meticulous
C. spontaneous
B. conscientious
D. collaborative
2. We were outraged to know that our boss had squandered thousands
of dollars on first-class travel.
A. spent money quickly
C. spent money carefully
B. spent money carelessly
D. spent money frugally
3. Few young teachers in the school have received greater adulation
than did Mr. Thompson after he won that prize.
A. contempt B. reverence C. admiration D. consolation
4. Cognizant of the fact that it was getting late, the lecturer cut short
his lesson.
A. In spite of B. Due to
C. Ignorant D. Regardless
5. When Jack was caught over speeding, he tried to circumvent the
law by offering the traff1C warden a bribe.
B. observe
C. reject
A. violate
D. decline