Ngoại ngữ Điền giới từ thích hợp

Junly Hoàng EXO-L

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
15 Tháng bảy 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT Chuyên Hà Tĩnh
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1. Must I always remind you...the need to follow the proper procedure?
2. I haven't heard...Lisa for over two weeks now.
3.The police released a description ...the wanted man.
4. There must be a solution...your problem.
5. ''I'm a'', declared the famous actor to his adoring fans.
6.In some cultures staring...people is considered offensive.
7. Have you heard...the latest medical discovery?
8. A final search...evidence at the scene of the crime proved frultless.
9. You remind me...myself when i was your age.


Học sinh
Thành viên
20 Tháng ba 2017
Hà Nội
THCS xuân mai a
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Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
23 Tháng sáu 2017
1. Must I always remind you.about..the need to follow the proper procedure?
2. I haven't heard.from..Lisa for over two weeks now.
3.The police released a description .of..the wanted man.
4. There must be a problem.
5. ''I'm a'', declared the famous actor to his adoring fans.
6.In some cultures is considered offensive.
7. Have you heard.about..the latest medical discovery?
8. A final search..for.evidence at the scene of the crime proved frultless.
9. You remind me..of.myself when i was your age.
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Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
4 Tháng hai 2016
Nghệ An
1. Must I always remind you about the need to follow the proper procedure?
-> remind sb about sth: nhắc nhở ai về việc gì = remind that
2. I haven't heard from Lisa for over two weeks now.
3.The police released a description of the wanted man.
4. There must be a solution to your problem.
5. ''I'm a fallure in life'', declared the famous actor to his adoring fans.
6. In some cultures staring at people is considered offensive.
=> Stare at sb: nhìn chằm chằm vào ai đó
7. Have you heard about the latest medical discovery?
8. A final search for evidence at the scene of the crime proved frultless.
9. You remind me of myself when i was your age.
=> remind sb of sth: gợi nhớ, liên tưởng tới điều gì
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Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
23 Tháng sáu 2017
1. Must I always remind you to the need to follow the proper procedure?
-> remind sb to sth: nhắc nhở ai phải làm gì

remind sb to V
the need là noun nên không dùng được đâu bạn :)

Nãy mình làm nhầm, about chứ không phải of :)
Đúng là remind about = nhắc nhở ai đó cần làm gì

Quang Trungg

Học sinh xuất sắc
Thành viên
14 Tháng mười một 2015
Hà Nội
THCS Mai Dịch
1. Must I always remind you...the need to follow the proper procedure?
2. I haven't heard...Lisa for over two weeks now.
3.The police released a description ...the wanted man.
4. There must be a solution...your problem.
5. ''I'm a'', declared the famous actor to his adoring fans.
6.In some cultures staring...people is considered offensive.
7. Have you heard...the latest medical discovery?
8. A final search...evidence at the scene of the crime proved frultless.
9. You remind me...myself when i was your age.
1. Must I always remind you to the need to follow the proper procedure?
-> remind sb to sth: nhắc nhở ai phải làm gì
2. I haven't heard from Lisa for over two weeks now.
3.The police released a description of the wanted man.
4. There must be a solution to your problem.
5. ''I'm a fallure in life'', declared the famous actor to his adoring fans.
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