
The wife of bath's tale
In the old days, the day of King Authur
He whom the Britons hold in great honour
All of this land was full of magic then
And with her joyous company the elf-queen
That was the old belief,as I have read:
I speak of many hundred years ago.
But now elves can be seen by men no more,
For now the Christian charity anh prayers
Of limiters and other saintly friars
Who haut each nook and corner,field and stream
Thick as the motes of dust in a sunbeam,
Blessing the betrooms,kitchens,halls,and bowers
Cities and town, castles and high towers
Villages,barns,castle sheds and dairies
Have seen to it that there are now no fairies
Those plances where you once would see and elf
Are places where the limiter himself
Walk in the afternoons and early mornings
Singing his holy offices and martins,
While going on the rounds of his distric
Women may now go safely where they like
In every bush , and under every tree
They'll find no other satyr there but he:
And he 'll do nothing worse than take their honour
In the old days, the day of King Authur
He whom the Britons hold in great honour
All of this land was full of magic then
And with her joyous company the elf-queen
That was the old belief,as I have read:
I speak of many hundred years ago.
But now elves can be seen by men no more,
For now the Christian charity anh prayers
Of limiters and other saintly friars
Who haut each nook and corner,field and stream
Thick as the motes of dust in a sunbeam,
Blessing the betrooms,kitchens,halls,and bowers
Cities and town, castles and high towers
Villages,barns,castle sheds and dairies
Have seen to it that there are now no fairies
Those plances where you once would see and elf
Are places where the limiter himself
Walk in the afternoons and early mornings
Singing his holy offices and martins,
While going on the rounds of his distric
Women may now go safely where they like
In every bush , and under every tree
They'll find no other satyr there but he:
And he 'll do nothing worse than take their honour