Ngoại ngữ complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence


Á quân kiên cường WC 2018
Thành viên
5 Tháng tư 2017
Quảng Trị
"31, 32, 33 mình đều đã cho bạn cấu trúc rồi bạn ơi:
34/ All the witnesses blamed me for the accident.
blame sb/sth (for sth) = blame sth on sb/sth: đỗ lỗi cho ai.
35/ Dan found it diffucult to keep his skis under control on the steep slope.
bring/get/keep sth under control: kiểm soát...
36/ Because I wasn't used to making speech, he is very nervous.
37/ The staff in that office all looks up to their boss.
look up to: ngưỡng mộ/ tôn trọng ai
38/ This solution is out of the question as far as we are concerned
out of the question: không khả thi, không phải bàn đến (vì không khả thi)
as far as + S + be + concerned: in one's view or opinion.

39/ Kevin took up playing golf at the age of twelve.
take up ở đây nghĩa là "to start or begin something
at the age of: vào tuổi...
40/ Apart from Naomi, nobody/ no one wants to go to the cinema tonight.
apart from = aside from (especially in NAmE)
+ except for
+ in addition to; as well as
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