Lúc đầu mình có cố gắng code ra game cờ vua bằng FPC nhưng lúc giữa tháng 7 thì lại bận, giờ rảnh nhưng hết hứng làm nên dự án cờ vua mình sẽ dừng vô thời hạn
Mình chia sẻ lại mẫu quân cờ mình đã code sẵn và phần lập trình của mình
Mình đã xong quân cờ và xác định chiếu nhưng lại không làm được phần tính toán các nước đi hợp lệ về sau.
Mình sẽ không code nữa, để lên lớp 10 học python lươn
Chia sẻ ở đây để ai muốn làm thì làm tiếp, mình không đánh bản quyền (Làm tiếp khuyến khích cre mình).

Mình chia sẻ lại mẫu quân cờ mình đã code sẵn và phần lập trình của mình
Mình đã xong quân cờ và xác định chiếu nhưng lại không làm được phần tính toán các nước đi hợp lệ về sau.
Mình sẽ không code nữa, để lên lớp 10 học python lươn
Chia sẻ ở đây để ai muốn làm thì làm tiếp, mình không đánh bản quyền (Làm tiếp khuyến khích cre mình).
//minh tao them cai thu vien nay de minh khoi phi thoi gian de di qua dong nay, giup nang cao nang suat lap trinh cho minh.
//neu muon, moi nguoi co the viet lai ma lenh cua cac quan co trong day
{yeu cau:
1/ 64 o vuong trong quan co co chieu dai 70 px, o o goc tren ben trai o vi tri (44,44) (o ten cung ben trai cua man hinh la (0,0)
2/ yeu cau thu vien nay phai cho ra 12 lenh cung cu phap sau:
procedure whitepawn (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure blackpawn (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure whiterook (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure blackrook (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure whiteknight (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure blackknight (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure whitebishop (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure blackbishop (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure whitequeen (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure blackqueen (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure whiteking (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
procedure blackking (_tdc, _tdh:byte);
vi tri dat:
unit thuvienquancovua;
uses crt, graph;
procedure pixelpiece (_occ, _och, _pxx, _pxy, _color: byte; lt:boolean);
procedure whitepawn (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure blackpawn (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure whiterook (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure blackrook (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure whiteknight (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure blackknight (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure whitebishop (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure blackbishop (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure whitequeen (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure blackqueen (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure whiteking (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure blackking (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
procedure pixelpiece (_occ, _och, _pxx, _pxy, _color: byte; lt:boolean);
var _tox, _toy: uint16;
if lt then
for _tox:= -26+70*_occ+5*_pxx to -22+70*_occ+5*_pxx do
for _toy:= -26+70*(9-_och)+5*_pxy to -22+70*(9-_och)+5*_pxy do
for _tox:= -26+70*(9-_occ)+5*_pxx to -22+70*(9-_occ)+5*_pxx do
for _toy:= -26+70*_och+5*_pxy to -22+70*_och+5*_pxy do
// tim kiem "hetquanco" roi chon "forward" de qua dong nay.
procedure whitepawn (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, white, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, white, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 9, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, white, wt);
procedure blackpawn (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, black, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, black, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 9, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, black, wt);
procedure whiterook (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 2, white, wt);
// . .\ \
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 3, white, wt);
// ...\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 4, white, wt);
// ...\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 9, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, white, wt);
procedure blackrook (_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 2, black, wt);
// . .\ \
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 3, black, wt);
// ...\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 4, black, wt);
// ...\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 9, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, black, wt);
procedure whiteknight(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,1,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,1,white, wt);
// \ \
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,2,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,2,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,2,white, wt);
// \.\
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,5,3,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,3,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,3,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,3,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,9,3,white, wt);
// .\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,4,4,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,5,4,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,4,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,4,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,4,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,9,4,white, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,4,5,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,5,5,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,5,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,5,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,5,white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,9,5,white, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, white, wt);
// .\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 9, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, white, wt);
procedure blackknight(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,1,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,1,black, wt);
// \ \
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,2,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,2,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,2,black, wt);
// \.\
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,5,3,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,3,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,3,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,3,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,9,3,black, wt);
// .\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,4,4,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,5,4,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,4,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,4,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,4,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,9,4,black, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,4,5,7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,5,5,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,6,5,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,7,5,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,8,5,black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc,_tdh,9,5,black, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, black, wt);
// .\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 9, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, black, wt);
procedure whitebishop(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, white, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, white, wt);
// \\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 5, white, wt);
// . \\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, white, wt);
// .. \\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, white, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, white, wt);
procedure blackbishop(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, black, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, black, wt);
// \\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 5, black, wt);
// . \\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, black, wt);
// .. \\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, black, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, black, wt);
procedure whitequeen(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 2, white, wt);
// .
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 3, white, wt);
//. . \ \
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 4, white, wt);
//. ..\\ \
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 5, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 6, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 7, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, white, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, white, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, white, wt);
procedure blackqueen(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 2, black, wt);
// .
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 3, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 3, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 3, black, wt);
//. . \ \
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, 7, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 4, black, wt);
//. ..\\ \
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 5, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 6, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 7, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, black, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, black, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, black, wt);
procedure whiteking(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 1, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 1, white, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 2, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, white, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 4, white, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 5, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 5, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 6, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 7, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, white, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, white, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, white, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, white, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, white, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, white, wt);
procedure blackking(_tdc, _tdh:byte; wt:boolean);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 1, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 1, black, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 2, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 2, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 2, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 2, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 3, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 3, black, wt);
// .\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 4, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 4, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 4, black, wt);
// ..\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 5, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 5, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 5, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 5, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 6, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 6, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 6, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 6, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 7, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 7, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 7, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 7, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 8, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 8, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 8, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 8, black, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 9, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 9, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 9, black, wt);
// .\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 10, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 10, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 10, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 10, black, wt);
// .\\\\\
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 3, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 4, 11, 7, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 5, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 6, 11, black, wt);
pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 7, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 8, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 9, 11, black, wt);pixelpiece(_tdc, _tdh, 10, 11, black, wt);
// tim kiem "hetquanco" roi chon "backward" de qua dong nay
// yeah lmao no rat dai
program covua;
uses crt, graph, winmouse, thuvienquancovua;
type oc = array [1..8] of array [1..8] of char;
//yeu cau ban phai tu them cai "thuvienquancovua" vao
var ott, otest: array [1..8] of array [1..8] of char;
ohople: array [1..8] of array [1..8] of array [1..8] of array [1..8] of boolean;
_d1,_d2: {smallint} {int16} smallint;
mx, my, state: longint;
a, b, cv, hv:byte;
c, ch:char;
luottrang: boolean;
procedure reset_banco;
ott[1][8]:='r';ott[2][8]:='n';ott[3][8]:='b';ott[4][8]:='q';ott[5][8]:=' ';ott[6][8]:='b';ott[7][8]:='b';ott[8][8]:='r';
ott[1][6]:=' ';ott[2][6]:=' ';ott[3][6]:=' ';ott[4][6]:=' ';ott[5][6]:='K';ott[6][6]:=' ';ott[7][6]:=' ';ott[8][6]:=' ';
ott[1][5]:=' ';ott[2][5]:=' ';ott[3][5]:=' ';ott[4][5]:=' ';ott[5][5]:='k';ott[6][5]:=' ';ott[7][5]:=' ';ott[8][5]:=' ';
ott[1][4]:=' ';ott[2][4]:=' ';ott[3][4]:=' ';ott[4][4]:=' ';ott[5][4]:=' ';ott[6][4]:=' ';ott[7][4]:=' ';ott[8][4]:=' ';
ott[1][3]:=' ';ott[2][3]:=' ';ott[3][3]:=' ';ott[4][3]:=' ';ott[5][3]:=' ';ott[6][3]:=' ';ott[7][3]:=' ';ott[8][3]:=' ';
ott[1][1]:='R';ott[2][1]:='N';ott[3][1]:='B';ott[4][1]:='Q';ott[5][1]:=' ';ott[6][1]:='B';ott[7][1]:='N';ott[8][1]:='R';
procedure hienbancogh;
var _opx,_opy: uint16;
for _opx:=0 to 559 do
for _opy:=0 to 559 do
if ((_opx div 70 + _opy div 70) mod 2 = 0) or ((_opx + _opy) mod 2 = 0) then
putpixel(_opx+44, _opy+44, 24)
else putpixel(_opx+44, _opy+44, 17)
procedure hienquancogh;
var _hbcc, _hbch: uint16;
for _hbcc:= 1 to 8 do
for _hbch:= 1 to 8 do
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='P') then whitepawn(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='p') then blackpawn(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='R') then whiterook(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='r') then blackrook(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='N') then whiteknight(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='n') then blackknight(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='B') then whitebishop(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='b') then blackbishop(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='Q') then whitequeen(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='q') then blackqueen(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='K') then whiteking(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
if(ott[_hbcc][_hbch]='k') then blackking(_hbcc,_hbch, luottrang);
procedure hienquancobt;
var _hbcc, _hbch: uint16;
for _hbcc:= 1 to 8 do
for _hbch:= 1 to 8 do
if (_hbcc+_hbch) mod 2 = 0 then textbackground(black) else textbackground(white);
if (ott[_hbcc][_hbch] = 'p') or (ott[_hbcc][_hbch] = 'r') or (ott[_hbcc][_hbch] = 'n') or (ott[_hbcc][_hbch] = 'b') or (ott[_hbcc][_hbch] = 'q') or (ott[_hbcc][_hbch] = 'k') then textcolor(red)
else textcolor(blue);
function _min(_a, _b: byte): byte;
if _a<_b then _min:=_a
else _min:=_b
function _max(_a, _b: byte): byte;
if _a>_b then _max:=_a
else _max:=_b
function kiemtrachieubt(_okt:oc; _lt: boolean) : boolean;
var _ktc, _kth, _cv, _hv, _co: byte;
_kttemp: boolean;
//_cv va _hv ho tro tim kiem vua
//neu luottrang thi kt quan trang co dang bi chieu hay ko
//else thi ktr den
//kttemp la kiem tra tung quan co 1, phong viec khi vua bi chieu nhung luc kiem tra quan khac lam vua khong bi chieu, lam sai lech ketqua
if _lt then
for _ktc := 1 to 8 do
for _kth := 1 to 8 do
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='K' then begin _cv:=_ktc; _hv:=_kth; end;
for _ktc := 1 to 8 do
for _kth := 1 to 8 do
if ((97<=ord(_okt[_ktc][_kth])) and (122>=ord(_okt[_ktc][_kth]))) and not kiemtrachieubt then //co chieu roi thi khong kt nua
//kiem tra xem quan trong o do co phai la quan den khong (quan den la chu viet thuong, do do gia tri ASCII cua no nam tu 97 toi 122), tu do kiem tra quan do co chieu vua cua trang khong
// Bang chan ly ma ta muon:
// ktcb ktt mong muon
// 0 0 0
// 0 1 1
// 1 0 1 (DAC BIET CAI NAY)
// 1 1 1
if (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='r') or (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='q') then //xe hoc hau
if (_ktc = _cv) xor (_kth = _hv) then
_kttemp:= true;
if abs(_ktc - _cv)>1 then //neu khong thi xe ngay sat vua
for _co:= _min(_ktc, _cv)+1 to _max(_ktc, _cv)-1 do
if _okt[_co][_kth]<>' ' then _kttemp:=false; //<> ' ' la co quan can
if abs(_kth - _hv)>1 then
for _co:= _min(_kth, _hv)+1 to _max(_kth, _hv)-1 do
if _okt[_ktc][_co]<>' ' then _kttemp:=false; //<> ' ' la co quan can
kiemtrachieubt:=_kttemp or kiemtrachieubt;
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='n' then //ma
kiemtrachieubt:= kiemtrachieubt or (((abs(_ktc-_cv)=1) and (abs(_kth-_hv)=2)) or ((abs(_ktc-_cv)=2) and (abs(_kth-_hv)=1)));
//chi can vua o tam ngam cua ma la ok, khong can phai lo co quan can
//len xuong theo tam nhin nguoi choi len xuong 2 o, qua 1 o len xuong 1 o, qua 2 o
if (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='b') or (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='q') then //tuong hoc hau
if abs(_ktc-_cv) = abs(_kth-_hv) then
_kttemp:= true;
if abs(_ktc-_cv)<>1 then //neu khong thi tuong ngay sat vua va _kttemp van la true
if _cv+_hv=_ktc+_kth then //kiem tra theo huong \
for _co:= _min(_ktc, _cv)+1 to _max(_ktc, _cv)-1 do
if _okt[_co][_cv+_hv-_co]<> ' ' then _kttemp:=false;
if _cv-_hv=_ktc-_kth then // kiem tra theo huong /
for _co:= _min(_ktc, _cv)+1 to _max(_ktc, _cv)-1 do
if _okt[_co][-_cv+_hv+_co]<> ' ' then _kttemp:=false;
kiemtrachieubt:=_kttemp or kiemtrachieubt
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='p' then //tot
kiemtrachieubt:= kiemtrachieubt or ((abs(_ktc-_cv)=1) and (_kth-_hv=1)); //xuong ve phia ben trang (len phia ben den) 1 o, qua 2 ben 2 o la kiem an cua tot
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='k' then //vua
kiemtrachieubt:= kiemtrachieubt or ((abs(_ktc-_cv)<=1) and (abs(_kth-_hv)<=1));
for _ktc := 1 to 8 do
for _kth := 1 to 8 do
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='k' then begin _cv:=_ktc; _hv:=_kth; end;
for _ktc := 1 to 8 do
for _kth := 1 to 8 do
if ((65<=ord(_okt[_ktc][_kth])) and (90>=ord(_okt[_ktc][_kth]))) and not kiemtrachieubt then //co chieu roi thi khong kt nua
//kiem tra xem quan trong o do co phai la quan trang khong (quan den la chu viet hoa, do do gia tri ASCII cua no nam tu 65 toi 90), tu do kiem tra quan do co chieu vua cua trang khong
// Bang chan ly ma ta muon:
// ktcb ktt mong muon
// 0 0 0
// 0 1 1
// 1 0 1 (DAC BIET CAI NAY)
// 1 1 1
if (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='R') or (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='Q') then //xe hoc hau
if (_ktc = _cv) xor (_kth = _hv) then
_kttemp:= true;
if abs(_ktc - _cv)>1 then //neu khong thi xe ngay sat vua
for _co:= _min(_ktc, _cv)+1 to _max(_ktc, _cv)-1 do
if _okt[_co][_kth]<>' ' then _kttemp:=false; //<> ' ' la co quan can
if abs(_kth - _hv)>1 then
for _co:= _min(_kth, _hv)+1 to _max(_kth, _hv)-1 do
if _okt[_ktc][_co]<>' ' then _kttemp:=false; //<> ' ' la co quan can
kiemtrachieubt:=_kttemp or kiemtrachieubt;
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='N' then //ma
kiemtrachieubt:= kiemtrachieubt or (((abs(_ktc-_cv)=1) and (abs(_kth-_hv)=2)) or ((abs(_ktc-_cv)=2) and (abs(_kth-_hv)=1)));
//chi can vua o tam ngam cua ma la ok, khong can phai lo co quan can
//len xuong theo tam nhin nguoi choi len xuong 2 o, qua 1 o len xuong 1 o, qua 2 o
if (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='B') or (_okt[_ktc][_kth]='Q') then //tuong hoc hau
if abs(_ktc-_cv) = abs(_kth-_hv) then
_kttemp:= true;
if abs(_ktc-_cv)<>1 then //neu khong thi tuong ngay sat vua va _kttemp van la true
if _cv+_hv=_ktc+_kth then //kiem tra theo huong \
for _co:= _min(_ktc, _cv)+1 to _max(_ktc, _cv)-1 do
if _okt[_co][_cv+_hv-_co]<> ' ' then _kttemp:=false;
if _cv-_hv=_ktc-_kth then // kiem tra theo huong /
for _co:= _min(_ktc, _cv)+1 to _max(_ktc, _cv)-1 do
if _okt[_co][-_cv+_hv+_co]<> ' ' then _kttemp:=false;
kiemtrachieubt:=_kttemp or kiemtrachieubt
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='P' then //tot
kiemtrachieubt:= kiemtrachieubt or ((abs(_ktc-_cv)=1) and (_kth-_hv=-1)); //xuong ve phia ben den (len phia ben trang) 1 o, qua 2 ben 2 o la kiem an cua tot
if _okt[_ktc][_kth]='K' then //vua
kiemtrachieubt:= kiemtrachieubt or ((abs(_ktc-_cv)<=1) and (abs(_kth-_hv)<=1));
{function _dulieuo: array [1..8] of array [1..8] of record
q: char;
phe: boolean;
var __c, __h: byte;
for __c:=1 to 8 do
for __h:=1 to 8 do
procedure danhsachnuocdi;
var _c, _h: byte;
for _c:=1 to 8 do
for _h:=1 to 8 do
_d1:=detect; _d2:=0;
write(getmaxx, ', ', getmaxy);
if keypressed then ch:=readkey;
if lpressed then
//repeat until not lpressed;
if luottrang then
mx:= (mx+26) div 70;
my:= 9- ((my+26) div 70);
mx:= 9- ((mx+26) div 70);
my:= (my+26) div 70;
if (mx<1) or (mx>8) or (my<1) or (my>8) then begin mx:=0; my:=0; end;
writeln(mx:4,', ',my:4);
until (ch = ' ') ;
writeln(kiemtrachieubt(ott, luottrang), kiemtrachieubt(ott, not luottrang));

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