
Cho ham so y=x^3-3mx+2
Tim m de ham so co CD,Ct tai A,B sao cho dien tih tam giac ABC bang 3can2.voi C(1,1)
Cho e hoi gia su AB(x1,y1),AC(x2,y2) thi co the tinh theo cong thuc S-ABC=1/2!x1.y2-x2.y1! duoc khong va neu duoc thi giai chi tiet gium e voi
Tim m de ham so co CD,Ct tai A,B sao cho dien tih tam giac ABC bang 3can2.voi C(1,1)
Cho e hoi gia su AB(x1,y1),AC(x2,y2) thi co the tinh theo cong thuc S-ABC=1/2!x1.y2-x2.y1! duoc khong va neu duoc thi giai chi tiet gium e voi
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