Ngoại ngữ [Anh 9]Write essay

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4 Tháng chín 2017
In this century, the invention of technology changes people’s life. People could easily participate in some activities, and they believe that technology have some negative impacts for social relationship. However, other people think that technology aids them to communicate more effectively than previous years.
Some people give opinions that technology has a tendency to reduce people to face-to-face because some sophisticated tools encourage people do not need to make appointments to meet in some places. Also, people seem busy with their smartphone. It could influences relationship between societies and environment. Based on some researches, people tend to pay particular attention toward their mobile gadgets than real friends. That phenomenon is called by blind relationship. For example, some students are more familiar with several social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter or Instargram than their classmates. It is true that development of technology gives strong effect for some people.
Other people argue that high technology supports them, and people feel more convenient to interact with some relatives, friends, and acquaintances rather than in the past. They could access through some messaging services that are provided by telecommunication companies. Some people take advantages from this situation. For example, businessmen use Blackberry messaging to keep in touch with their business partners. They agree that it is a way to maintain relationship among them.
In my point of view, technology takes important role in this century and gives many benefits for societies. Besides, technology is accessible for everyone such as teenagers and businessmen. Some effects also occur for people either benefit effects or drawback effects. Users should control technology for supporting their activities and do not let technology control them because technology is created merely to facilitate people’s life.
To conclude, technology gives essential roles to assist people in daily lives, and people should properly treat it. Also, technology could not replaces interpersonal communication in social life because technology also has weakness. Therefore, technology could not change people’s life fully, and people should realize that technology simply as facilitator for them to run some actions.:):):)

Chou Chou

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TV BQT được yêu thích nhất 2017
4 Tháng năm 2017
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THPT Thanh Thủy
7. Some people fear that technology is gradually taking over control of our lives, while others think that it has led to many positive developments in all aspects of their lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In recent years, there has been a growing debate as to whether it would be more effective to apply technology in our life. Some people argue that technology has a negative impact on human being's lifestyle while many others contend that it has beneficial influence as well.

To begin with, there are a variety of reasons why technology is considered as a potential erosion of individual identities. First and foremost, technology is time-consuming, unless people know how to balance time between using technological items and other activities. For example, instead of such going out with friends, having warming moment with family, they are always staring at smart phone, surfing the Internet without any purposes, which is meaningless. Secondly, technology is loss of privacy. Every information is stored on the Internet. Although the security is good, hackers may hack into important personal information like the ID, or password of the bank account.

Others are of the opinion that thanks to the technology, living condition has developed rapidly. Initially, the productivity has been increased. Technology is such a marvelous that can deal with the great amount of information only in hous even, in minutes ,which takes people months or weeks. Furthermore, technology makes education more effective. For instance, unlike the teaching-aid which is having classes at school day by day and using chalk to write on board, which may bring about respiratory illness, teachers and students can study online at their houses. Last but not least, technology can be used for managing citizens. The more technology develops, the more sophisticating tools such as micro-camera, recording which can find out criminal individuals easier.
In conclusion, it seems evident that both opinions of technology are logical. However, I strongly believe that technology plays an important part in raising the living standard. As long as people learn how to manage their time, not to overuse technological items, technology will not be a detrimental instrument.


Along with the development of the society, there is an increasing number of issues brought to consideration, one of which is technology’s proper role in human life. There emerges a standpoint stating that modern technology significantly dominated our life. Meanwhile, it is believed by some others that different aspects of their lives are positively impacted by technics. This essay’s aim is discussing the two positions and providing an appropriate answer.
On the one hand, a number of people believe in the slavery of human beings under technology. It is because some people are extremely dependent on electronics. For instance, dinner time is supposed to hold the gathering of family having fun together; however, people nowadays tend to isolate themselves by using their own mobile phone at dinner table to keep pace with their work. Rather than doing healthy activities after school, children now possess a penchant of watching television and playing computer games. Thus, the major of people transform themselves into slaves of technology by getting stuck with their electronics, for various purposes.
On the other hand, technology associates with positive developments that contribute to the comfort of human life. Firstly, it proves to be a cost-effective means of connection. People possess the ability of talking with loved ones living far away without costly travelling, thanks to electronic communications. Secondly, technology helps in labor saving. A number of apparatuses such as washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc. save housewives free time for leisure. Finally, the Internet has become a powerful source of entertainment and education. People can come to it for music, movies or enjoy qualified and economical online courses about any fields of life.
Briefly, “every coin has two sides”, so is the case of technology. People should consider its advantages and setbacks to have it utilised in appropriate ways.


Today, it is undeniable that technology has enormously affected our lives. However, while some people argue its influences are harmful to us, some others believe it has made people's lives become much easier. This essay will discuss both points of view and give my opinion.

On the one hand, technology can have some drawbacks. Firstly, itnegatively affects some aspects of people's lives. Now, many people, especially teenagers, often spend a huge amount of time chatting with their friends, texting messages or playing online games. This has resulted in wasteful time consumption as well as some health problems like headache, obesity, etc. In addition to this, people may find it difficult to concentrate on the other things such as working or doing homework. Furthermore, as a lot of people are using computers and smartphones, it's a good chance for hackers to hack into someone's device and steal personal information. It's absolutely dangerous.

On the other hand, technology are making our lives easier and more comfortable. Firstly, technology has changed the way people communicate with each other. Instead of writing letters by hand, now, people can use smartphone to make a phone call to someone or send messages through some applications like Messenger, WeChat, etc. It's much faster and easier. Also, some home robots are helping people with housework, so that people can have more time to focus on their work. Finally, some factories have applied many technological advance in their production to improve the quality of work and increase the productiveness as well. This can contribute to national economy development.

In my opinion, although technology is believed to control our lives gradually, we can benefit greatly from it as it has helped people with a lot of things such as housework, manufacturing, etc. Moreover, it makes our lives become more comfortable; therefore, we can have a good environment to develop. In fact, technology is really beneficial to people in a modern world.

In conclusion, I'm sure technology will always be human's friend and will help people more and more in the future instead of doing harm to us.


Nowadays, human life has been improved considerably with the development of science and technology. That technology has greatly affected people that some of them fear that it is gradually taking over control of our lives, whereas others think that it has led to positive developments. In my opinion, every coin has two sides and this statement has both advantages and disadvantages, indeed.

On the one hand, technology contributes a lot to all aspects of people’s life. Obviously, thanks to the helpful equipment such as cookers, washing machines, mobile phones, computers, etc or means of transports, it is becoming more convenient for them. Especially, one of the most important inventions is the Internet. In fact, it seems to connect people all over the world. With the Internet, not only do people can get access to a lot of information worldwide but they can also study, entertain and even interact with each other through social media. Besides, there are more services on the Internet now like going shopping online and learning online. People can easily get access to the Internet with just a laptop, smartphone or a tablet, which are very versatile and portable.

On the other hand, technology serves human life so much that they become more passive. Some people suppose that the facility will help them do a lot of things for them so they just spend their free time relaxing. In terms of communication, due to many social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, exchanging information and sending messages are much faster, which makes people would rather use social media to chat with one another than meet face to face. Thus, relationships between people become less close-knit. Gradually, people become dependent on the technology too much without doing by themselves leading to the fact that it may control their life, which may damage people’s ability.

In general, it cannot be denied that science and technology have a big influence on human life. Beside the benefits, however, it also has many drawbacks. Therefore, if they know how to control themselves and make use of it suitably, it will always be a useful tool to people.


The prosperity of modern technologies has raised the public’s awareness regarding the liability of user in technology. Nevertheless, from a minority’s perspective, this astounding development of technology has brought numerous positive developments for all aspects of people’s life. Therefore, this writing is going to take a closer view into both standpoints and present my personal opinion concerning this issue.

First and foremost, the domination of current technologies in the contempoary society can be vividly seen throughout daily routines, which should be considered as a dagerous threat to personal living. There is no denyings that due to the usefulness and the convenience of tecnological devices that are supposed to make personal activities more comfortable, there is an increasing tendency of people’s dependency in these technologies. This may lead to the degradation of social skills as well as mental illnesses, which commonly happen in the young generation nowadays. A concrete example to illustrate this point is the thrive of social media networks, for instance, facebook and twitter. A general feature which both networks share is the ability for users to easily communicate with friends throught status, pictures and messages despite considerable distance. Nonetheless, the addiction to these social medias is a alarming matter worth discussing since it has strong relation to social seperation, which ultimately leads to depression.

In the second place, the evolution of the contemporary technologies should be regarded as an beneficial developments toward human evolvement. The truth is that the technological evolution has brought us to a whole new chapter of humankind in the fields that are utterly necessary to human’s requirement. A significant change that is certainly noticable is the appearance of smart cellular devices. There has been an immense development in the smartphones operated by us everyday in terms of effectiveness and performance. The use of every smartphone has an enormous impact in every aspects of our life, including our method of communication, Internet’s access and fundamental needs. These positive improvements definitely make personal life more convenient and productive.

Last but not least, from my own perspective,i am inclined to the fact that our reliance in modern technologies is severely alarming. Thus, human’s private information may be manipulated due to online hack if this situation continues. Therefore, there should be methods in order to be less reliant in contemporary technologies and shift the focus to health and direct realations with closed relatives. If the continuity of people depending on technologies still happen, there are definitely consequences involving important social skills.

In conclusion, for all the dicussions that have been mentioned above, I have strong belief that modern technologies are bringing numerous changes that significantly improve the public’s life. Nonetheless, it should be known that people must be aware of the downside of technology in the current days.

Phạm Thu Trang

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19 Tháng chín 2017
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TV BQT được yêu thích nhất 2017
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