Phạm Dương

Cựu Cố vấn tiếng Anh
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
Đại học Thương Mại
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

a. Jobs or Work:
1. To bailout

Meaning: to help a person or business in difficulty/ giúp đỡ cá nhân, doanh nghiệp vượt khó khăn.
eg: He was bailed out by his teammates!

2. To bring off
Meaning: to succeed in achieving something difficult/ vượt qua khó khăn một cách thành công.
eg.: He brought off his scholarship plan last month.

3. To cash up
Meaning: to count all the money at the end of the working day/ kiểm kê tài chính vào cuối ngày.
eg: The cashier is supposed to cash up every evening.

4. To drum up
Meaning: to try and increase interest in something/ cố gắng tăng lợi nhuận.
eg: We have a new product to drum up next year!

5. To get ahead
Meaning: to be successful in your work or your life/ thành công trong công việc và cuộc sống.
eg: Everybody wants to get ahead in their career.

6. To knuckle down
Meaning: to stop being distracted and to focus on work/ ngừng xao lãng và tập trung làm việc.
eg: It’s time we knuckled down.

7. To measure up
Meaning: to be good enough; to have the necessary abilities, skills or qualities./ đủ tiêu chuẩn, trình độ, phẩm chất.
eg: Jane is selected as she measures up to all the criteria.

8. To smarten up
Meaning: to make someone look tidier, more attractive, or cleaner/ làm ai đó trông gọn gàng, hấp dẫn hoặc sạch sẽ hơn.
eg: Since his marriage, his wife smartens him up.

9. To step up
Meaning: to work harder at something to improve the situation/ nỗ lực làm việc hơn để cải thiện tình hình.
eg: The team decides to step up their efforts for goal achievement.

10. To team up
Meaning: to join another person or group, in order to do something together/ ghép nhóm, tạo thành nhóm mới để làm việc.
eg: Five people teamed up for the project

b. Travel:
11. To check in

Meaning: to register at a hotel/ làm thủ tục nhận phòng.
eg: He checks in at noon.

12. To check out
Meaning: to leave and pay for your stay at a hotel/ làm thủ tục trả phòng.
eg: You must check out no later than 2pm.

13. To pick up
Meaning: to go to a place and collect something or someone/ đón ai đó.
eg: Remember to pick me up tomorrow morning!

14. To drop off
Meaning: to take someone to a place and leave them there/ đưa ai đến nơi nào đó.
eg.: She drops her kids off at the school gate.

15. To get away
Meaning: to go somewhere for a break or holiday/ đi đâu đó để du lịch hoặc nghỉ ngơi.
eg: It’s good get away for a holiday!

16. To get in
Meaning: to arrive at the destination (bus, train, car, etc.)/ vào bến đỗ.
eg: The bus will get in at 3 pm, as scheduled.

17. To get on
Meaning: to go to a public vehicle/ lên một phương tiện di chuyển.
eg: She gets on a train for her new adventure.

18. To hurry up
Meaning: do something more quickly/ làm gì đó nhanh hơn.
eg: Hurry up! The bus is leaving!

19. To look around
Meaning: to explore a place/ khám phá nơi nào đó.
eg: Jane arrives one day earlier so that she can spend time looking around.

20. To speed up
Meaning: to move or function at a faster or higher rate/ tăng tốc độ.
eg: He speeds up to get to the office on time.

c. Money:
21. To beat something down

Meaning: to persuade the seller to accept a lower price/ mặc cả thành công.
eg: The souvenir was sold at $45 but she manages to beat it down to $5.

22. To break into
Meaning: to start to use money that you have saved/ dùng tiền tiết kiệm.
eg: The company intends to break into the emergency budget.

23. To pay back
Meaning: to return money owed to someone/ trả số tiền đã nợ.
eg: After 5 years, I have finally able to pay back my bank loan.

24. To put aside
Meaning: to save something for a specific, later purpose/ để dành ra một khoản tiền.
eg: Jane puts aside money for her next year of college.

25. To sell out
Meaning: To sell all of something/ bán cháy hàng.
eg: The new collection is sold out within 3 days.

26. To shop around
Meaning: To check the price of an item in different shops before buying/ tham khảo giá trước khi mua.
eg: You are advised to shop around before buying anything.

27. To splash out
Meaning: to spend money freely/ tiêu xài thoải mái.
eg: She splashed out on a Gucci bag.

28. To stock up
Meaning: to get a large quantity of something for later use/ dự trữ lượng lớn đồ vật.
eg: Due to the flood, families are recommended to stock up on food.

29. To tide over
Meaning: to help someone with money for a period of time/ hỗ trợ tài chính.
eg: The money from my parents will tide me over until I find a new job.

30. To save up
Meaning: to keep the money for a large expense in the future/ tiết kiệm khoản tiền lớn cho tương lai.
eg: John saves up for his marriage next year.

d. Relationships:
31. To ask someone out

Meaning: To invite someone out for a date/ mời ai đó đi hẹn hò.
eg: You should ask her out sometime.

32. To cuddle up with somebody
Meaning: To sit or lie very close to someone and put your arms around them/ ôm ấp, thân mật với ai đó.
eg: We cuddled up together and tried to get warm.

33. To fall for
Meaning: To be attracted to and start to love someone/ đột nhiên bị thu hút và yêu thích ai đó.
eg: She always falls for older men.

34. Get on with somebody
Meaning: Have a good relationship with somebody/ có mối quan hệ tốt đẹp với người nào đó.
eg: There is no woman good enough to get on with a bad man.

35. Get together
Meaning: To join or to meet up with/ tham gia hoặc gặp gỡ nhiều người.
eg: Shall we get together on Friday and have a drink?

36. To go along with
Meaning: To agree with somebody/something/ đồng tình với một ai đó hoặc một vấn đề nào đó.
E.G.: I’ll go along with whatever she says.

37. To hit on someone
Meaning: Demonstrate romantic interest/ cho thấy sự hứng thú về mặt tình cảm dành cho ai đó.
eg: Some guys hit on me while I was standing at the bar.

38. To hit it off with someone
Meaning: To get along very well together/ rất hòa thuận.
eg: We had similar ideas about the show, and the two of us hit it off right away.

39. To look up to
Meaning: to respect and admire someone/ tôn trọng và ngưỡng mộ.
eg: Jenny’s always looked up to her mother-in-law.

40. To settle down
Meaning: Be in a long-term, stable relationship/ có một mối quan hệ lâu dài, ổn định.
eg: Eventually, I’d like to settle down with him and have a family, but not yet.

e. Motion:
41. To calm down

Meaning: to stop feeling upset/ bình tĩnh lại.
eg: What she said really made me calm down!

42. To perk up
Meaning: to make someone cheerful/ tỏ ra vui vẻ để làm ai đó vui lòng.
eg: Jane’s joking really perked up her dad.

43. To lift someone’s mood
Meaning: to make someone feel more cheerful and hopeful/ vực dậy tâm trạng.
eg: The comedy show lifts my mood.

44. To fire someone up
Meaning: to make someone become excited/ động viên, truyền cảm hứng.
eg: The football coaches fire the players up.

45. To bubble over
Meaning: to be very excited and enthusiastic/ cực kỳ hứng khởi
eg: The customer was bubbling over with praise for the company.

46. To cheer up
Meaning: to make someone feel happier/ làm ai thấy vui hơn.
eg: The dog cheers his owner up easily.

47. To crack up
Meaning: To laugh a lot/ làm ai cười nhiều.
eg: Everyone cracked up at Max’s jokes.

48. Grow on someone
Meaning: to become increasingly liked or enjoyed by someone/ được ai đó càng ngày yêu thích.
eg: Indie music grows on me.

49. Get carried away
Meaning: to make someone very excited and lose control/ khiến ai đó vui đến mất kiểm soát.
eg: The crowd was carried away by the music.

50. Get over something
Meaning: to return to your usual state of health or happiness/ khỏe trở lại hoặc vui trở lại
eg: She has just got over her feelings of lovesickness.
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