City and Country

Meooo Meooo

Học sinh mới
Thành viên
23 Tháng mười hai 2018
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Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
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6 Tháng mười hai 2015
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HMF Forum
topic: where do you live : country or city? tell about what you know like or do not like
giúp mình với mình đang cần gấp:>(:>(:>(:>(
p/s: viết dài chút nha
mình cảm ơn trước:MIM46
Bạn có thể tham khảo các thuận lợi và bất lợi của các bài viết mình sưu tầm sau đây, rồi từ đó làm cho mình 1 sự lựa chọn và viết cho mình 1 bài cho bản thân bạn, bạn nhé! Nếu cần thiết để sửa chữa lỗi thì bạn có thể đăng bài của bạn để mọi người cùng sửa nhé! Như vậy mới nâng cao khả năng viết nè ^^
Living in the countryside is really good for your life because of these reasons
- First, living in the country can bring you a clean evironment. The air is fresher and there are lots of trees, rice fields and rivers, you can walk on the fields or along the rivers to enjoy the clean and fresh air there in the early morning.
- Second, living in the countryside is cheaper than in the city because people there have lower income and don’t have the habit of spending a lot of money. If you live in the country, you can save a lot of money.
- Finally, people in the country are more friendly and opener than people in the city because they live near each other. People live together in a small village so they can talk countryside can have festivals and you can join and fell very happy.
In conclusion, there are many benefits of living in the country
However, there are a lot of positive aspects of living in the country side, there are also some disadvantages.
Living in the country is slower. People don't need to hurry and have a lot of time. People in the country don't have to work so many hours as they do in the city. On the other hand, they don't earn so much money.
Moreover, there aren't such interesting things to do during free time.
The unemployment rate is also much higher than in the city.
The problem may be also the communication. If you don't have your own car, you may have problem how to commute to work. The same problem concerns the access to the hospitals, schools, police stations and shops, which are usually located far from the village.
Last of all, there are some dangers connected with country life such as heavy snowfall or rainfall.
1. Transportation
(Phương tiện giao thông)
There are so many means of transport that we can choose the ones we like best such as motorbikes, cars, or public transportations, buses.
The time to move will be shorter with means of transport. You can go to somewhere that is far from your house by your motorbike or bus quickly.
2. Infrastructure (Cơ sở hạ tầng)
Traffic and information system are very developed. Electric and water source are supplied for residents fully. Supermarkets, markets and shops are found everywhere and we can buy anything we need. It makes our material lives more comfortable.
3. Opportunities (Cơ hội)
Living in the city offers you lots of opportunities. There are many more jobs available, apartments are more plentiful, and you also have many options if you want to get an education. With a little effort, you can also meet a lot more people and communicate with them.
4. Entertainment (Giải trí)
Urban life provides us with all sorts of entertainments: television, radios, movies, theatres, concerts and famous recreation centers.
5. Education and Health (Giáo dục và sức khỏe)
Living in city we can improve our knowledge easily by attending any schools, universities or evening classes where experienced teachers and professors are ready to satisfy our thirst for knowledge. There are a lot of health centers with qualified doctors and modern equipment to attend to the ailing people in the city.
1. Pollution
(ô nhiễm môi trường)
Our health is in danger: pollution – air, noise and water pollution by factories and heavy traffic jam may cause serious diseases to all of us. We can not get a sound sleep at any time of the day with being disturbed by sirens of cars or by deafening noises from factories.
2. The Crime (tội phạm)
Crime rates are generally higher and some areas of cities can be dangerous
3. Stress
Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility or working long hours leads to have work stress.
4. Traffic (Giao thông)
Traffic can be a nightmare in the big city. Traffic jam and traffic accidents happen regularly in such a crowded city with all kinds of vehicles.

linh's chi''ss

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
15 Tháng ba 2018
Hà Tĩnh
THCS Đồng Lạng
I was born and grow up in a small village. There are some reasons which makes me love living here. It is a beautiful land. My village has many large fields with a lot of kinds of food crops and many long rivers. It is also near to the sea, so I can see and swim in the sea every time when I want. My village is also a peaceful land. Almost people here are farmers. They are really kind neighbours because they are always friendly and helpful. They can help us whenever we need their helps. There are not any factories in my village, so it is very clean. Although the land has some disadvantages such as storms due to being near to the sea, I still love it so much.

Phạm Dương

Cựu Cố vấn tiếng Anh
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
Đại học Thương Mại
I was born and grow up in a small village. There are some reasons which makes me love living here. It is a beautiful land. My village has many large fields with a lot of kinds of food crops and many long rivers. It is also near to the sea, so I can see and swim in the sea every time when I want. My village is also a peaceful land. Almost people here are farmers. They are really kind neighbours because they are always friendly and helpful. They can help us whenever we need their helps. There are not any factories in my village, so it is very clean. Although the land has some disadvantages such as storms due to being near to the sea, I still love it so much.
I was born and grew up in a small village. There are some reasons which make me love living here. It is a beautiful land. My village has many large fields with a lot of kinds of food crops and many long rivers. It is also near to the sea, so I can see and swim in the sea every time when I want. My village is also a peaceful land. Almost people here are farmers. They are really kind neighbours because they are always friendly and helpful. They can help us whenever we need their helps. There are not any factories in my village, so it is very clean. Although the land has some disadvantages such as storms due to being near to the sea, I still love it so much. (Very well ^^)
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