Bài tập Viết


Học sinh mới
Thành viên
6 Tháng mười 2017
Thừa Thiên Huế
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1. Where do you want to live, the city or the countryside? Why?
Write a 60-80 words paragraph to give your answer
2. Read the notes about how to make Vietnamese noodles. Then write full sentences to show a foreigner the ive step to making them.
- linguine-shaped rice noodles
- a few herbs, salads
- meat, primarily either beef or chicken
- prepare ingredients
- stew meat - 2 hours
- season
- put noodles in a bowl
- serve with salads

Chippy Linh

Học sinh mới
Thành viên
5 Tháng chín 2017
Thanh Hóa
Everybody usually ponder on living in city or countryside, but I'm certain that living in city is better. These are some important reasons which you want to live in city.
The first point, there're many things in city, you can search simple things or luxurious things. There're many kinds of telecom service, for example: internet stations, cell phone offices, telephone offices, post offices, and so forth; there're many kinds of transport service, ex: taxi, airplane, train, motorbike taxi, and so on; there're many different services, for example: beauty salons, good hospitals, good universities, foreign language schools, coffee bars, supermarkets, book stores, and they're always near your house. Now, all the factories aretransferring from city out to suburb, so the pollution will reduce.
The next point, there're much foods, all the good foods in the world have been occurred in city. Especially in VN, you can eat everything, anywhere, from roadsides to the luxurious restaurants.
Finally, if you aren't lazy, you can earn money easily in city where there are many jobs and many contacts waiting for you. You see, the millions people of countryside are migrating to city. Among of them, they have become the billionaires.
In short, there is anything in city which is best convenience. Why don't you test to live in city? You'll agree with me completely.


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
TV ấn tượng nhất 2017
13 Tháng mười một 2009
Everybody usually ponder on living in city (the) or countryside, but I'm certain that living in city is better. These are some important reasons which you want to live in city.
The first point, there're many things in city, you can search (experience) simple things or luxurious things. There're many kinds of telecom service, for example (s): internet stations, cell phone offices, telephone offices, post offices, and so forth; there're many kinds of transport service, ex: taxi, airplane, train, motorbike taxi, and so on; there're many different services, for example: beauty salons, good hospitals, good universities, foreign language schools, coffee bars, supermarkets, book stores, and they're always near your house. Now, all the factories aretransferring from city out to suburb (s), so the pollution will reduce (be reduced).
The next point, there're much foods, all the good foods in the world have been occurred in city. Especially in VN, you can eat everything, anywhere, from roadsides to the luxurious restaurants.
Finally, if you aren't lazy, you can earn money easily in city where there are many jobs and many contacts waiting for you. You see, the millions people of countryside are migrating to city. Among of them, they have become the billionaires.
In short, there is anything in city which is best convenience. Why don't you test to live in city? You'll agree with me completely.
Bài viết khá hay, mình góp ý vài chỗ

Quốc Trường

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
20 Tháng bảy 2017
Nghệ An
THPT Bắc Yên Thành
1. Where do you want to live, the city or the countryside? Why?
Write a 60-80 words paragraph to give your answer
2. Read the notes about how to make Vietnamese noodles. Then write full sentences to show a foreigner the ive step to making them.
- linguine-shaped rice noodles
- a few herbs, salads
- meat, primarily either beef or chicken
- prepare ingredients
- stew meat - 2 hours
- season
- put noodles in a bowl
- serve with salads
I want to live in the countryside because of some reasons

Firstly, it is a peaceful place. The air is fresh. The place is quiet. We can enjoy healthy natural conditions without worring much about environment pollutions.

Secondly, the countryside is a safer place than the city. While city security situation is always complicated with all kinds of crimes, countryside are much more secure because most of cuontrymen are friendly and ready to help one another.

Finally, countryside life is also easier than in cities. People in cities are easy to get stressed because of pollution, job pressures, competitions, etc. On the contrary, those bad things are very rare in the countryside.

Therefore, except income matters, the countryside is a better residence than cities


Học sinh tiêu biểu
Thành viên
17 Tháng mười một 2017
Quảng Nam
Trung Học Phổ Thông Chuyên Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm
Life in the countryside is quite different from that in the city. First, it is the atmosphere that differentiates the two living environments. In the countryside, the air and water are much fresher and safer, thus living there is totally comfortable and beneficial for our health. In contrast, people who live in big cities suffer from health problems and diseases related to poor air quality and sources of polluted water. Second, prices and costs of living are cheaper in the countryside than in big cities. Vegetables, fruits and meats are home-grown and home-produced. However, in cities, people have to go shopping for them. Third, the interpersional relationships are more harmonious and friendlier. Those who live in the same village, especially neighbours, for example, know each other very well. There is a close-knit cooperation between people in working and many other daily activities. On the contrary, negatively speaking, city people only live and know their own business. They hardly care about who their neighbours are and what they do. Sending a helping hand, as a result, is never seen among city people. In conclusion, although the city life holds many advantages that make life more convenient, I always prefer living in the countryside where the environment is nice, the costs of living is affordable, and the intimate relationships among people are really meaningful. Personally, If I had a choice between a villa in the city and a small house with garden surrounding, the latter would seem better to me.
NGuồn: yahoo
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