Ngoại ngữ Write a paragraph

Phương Trang

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
27 Tháng hai 2017
Ninh Bình
Bạn có thể dựa vào outline sau để làm bài ( tự làm vẫn tốt hơn phải không nào :D)
  1. open : Nowadays, more and more people choose to live in the city. In this essay, I will discuss about the disadvantages of living in the city. (giới thiệu về việc muốn thảo luận )
  2. body :
  • environmental pollution : The increase of factories based on industrialization and modernization ( Smoke from factories' chimneys not only pollutes the air but also makes people get many serious cancers ; Sewage is bumped into rivers without being purged; ....)
  • society's vices : drug addiction ; robbers or murders ; ......
  • heartlessness : people are too busy to care for any others
3. close : However, I strongly believed that If people know how to live and enjoy their life, living in the city is one of the most interesting things that people want to experience.


Chou Chou

Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
TV BQT được yêu thích nhất 2017
4 Tháng năm 2017
Phú Thọ
THPT Thanh Thủy
In about 100 word write a paragraph to state the disadvantage of living in a big city
1. More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


To avoid the tedious life and job shortage in the rural area, many people have left their home country to the metropolitan for a more decent life. However, these people are exposed to many problems which must be dealt with by the authorities to make their life more comfortable.
For me, the immigration of these rural folks into big cities is a natural phenomenon in this industrial era; therefore, the authorities must have some effective plans to enhance their living conditions.
On the one hand, there are lots of difficulties in the metropolitan which has been become overloaded with many city dwellers.
Firstly, there is a fact that the cost of food, transportation, schooling and accomodation in big cities are often very high in comparison with those in their rural area, putting a heavy burden on the newly-immigrated people. In fact, the living expenditure in some big cities have been twice as much as the one in their local areas, causing them to find hard to meet both ends'meet.
Secondly, the situation where many industrial parks and crowded residence exist in the cities at avery small area have made the pollution rate become more serious than ever. These factories and residents' area have emitted lots of toxic gas, harmful substance and tons of garbage into the canals, rivers, and natural habitats, causing many diseases like lung cancer, stress disorders to the inhabitants. mostly due to being exposed to the deteriorated quality of the air and water.
Thirdly, some big cities have been struggling with many crimes like drug addiction, robbery and cheating due to the lack of jobs' opportunities and the weak management of the authorities. This situation sometimes leads to the social unrests and the violent fighting in the ethnic communities and the homeless people. In some big cities like New York and Paris, the rate of crimes and the unemployment often higher than those in the countryside, causing some fierce and rebellious offences in the migrants' communities.
On the other hand, in some countries, the governments should devise some policies to help these new immigrants ease these tensions and stabilize their life as follows.
Firstly, the building of condominium and social houses in big cities for the poor workers can lessen the shortage of shelters for the labourers is considered a good way to help them feel assured.
Secondly, the governments should devise a health insurance policy to help these new immigrant to get access to health facilities which can cure many diseases caused by the urban life.
Thirdly, the relocation of the industrial parks and highly-polluted area into the countryside can lessen the overloaded situation in the metropolitan and diminish the moving of the peasants into big cities.
In conclusion, based on these arguments, we can conclude that the new immigrants coming into large cities have been suffering from many problems like the overloaded conditions of the infrastructure, the high cost of living expenditure, the deteriorated evironment and widespread crimes. To make their life easier, the authorities should protect the life's qualities, eradicate social impartiality, strengthen the health insurance policies and relocate the industrial areas to the countryside to create more job opportunities for the local residents with an aim to lessen the number of new immigrants.


The type of environmental problem are very different because some of them are local, some of which are national and many of them are certainly global in nature such as greenhouse effect or warming. bridge. For best results, these gaps must be addressed at the most appropriate level, sometimes even at multiple levels.

First, some of the environmental problems are often caused by a group of people in a particular area and these problems are fueled by the rapid expansion of industrialization in the area. These issues often include noise pollution, air pollution, deforestation, hazardous waste disposal, etc., and generally within the country. It is better to tackle the kind of environmental problems at the national level and educate people as a viable solution in this scenario. International aid can sometimes help a poor country or developing country solve environmental problems but the government of the country should take the initiative to solve those national problems.

Second, it is said that some environmental issues, for example, pollution of rivers, oceans and seas, often involve many countries, and these issues should be resolved at the two parties' level. Similarly, if an environmental problem involves a large area like a continent, it needs to be discussed and fought by the nations on this continent. Some common examples of this type of environmental problem are desertification, soil erosion, aridity, and floods.

Finally, some environmental issues spread across national boundaries and call for multinational or global co-operation. For example, industrial radioactivity in the oceans, ozone depletion, global warming is a global problem and these kinds of problems need to be addressed by each country in the world. To be more successful and effective, I believe that the commitment of countries, especially rich countries, is very important.

In conclusion, the environmental issues should have seen as a common problem for mankind and global issues that need to be endorsed and shared globally by all nations. Likewise, wealthy nations will help developing countries fight regional and national environmental problems for the best results.


Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who decide to leave their hometowns and settle down in metropolitan areas. While looking for a change in living conditions, they might face a variety of challenges there.
The first difficulty that most migrants to cities might confront is the living cost. Most of goods and services in cities are more expensive than those in rural or mountainous areas where they used to live. They will, hence, have to pay more for basic needs and further services. Some can afford it with a high-paid job whereas others might fail to seek for a similar position and end up returning to where they left. Anyway, most of them are under loads of pressure that city living brings about. The second hardship might be the accommodation. People who decide to settle down in cities desire to own a flat or house for long-term living. However, there is a fact that property price here is always several times higher than that in rest of the country. For example, a house in Hanoi is double or threefold that of the same square in a provincial city. As a result, newcomers tend to struggle to have a stable accommodation of their own. Finally, the living conditions in urban areas are getting worse. Due to fast-pace economic development, environment in these areas are being severely destroyed. People living in cities will, therefore, have to suffer from polluted atmosphere or contaminated water source or even food. All of these will somehow deteriorate their physical health.
In order to provide a better life for all citizens including newcomers, I think, governments should take instant actions to deal with problems that people are facing. Initially, in terms of commodity pricing, measures have to be issued so as to maintain a steady level of price in basic goods and service. This is expected to ensure that residents, especially low-income newcomers do not have to struggle with inflation. Moreover, governments are responsible for building social houses that migrants and low and average incomers can afford. The policy have been implemented in many countries in the world, that produced huge changes to life of workers or labors living in cities. Last but not least, environment issues should also be addressed. This is not only for the sake of citizens at the current time but for next generations. Measures may be to commit to cut down carban emission into the air, encourage the production of eco-friendly products or usage of recycled materials.
All in all, living in big cities may appear promising to most migrants. Nevertheless, it can also bring about a series of problems. As the flow of people from other areas can be a potential labor force to cities, measures should be taken to help sustain their life.

Nguồn: TiếngAnh123
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Huỳnh Đức Nhật

27 Tháng hai 2017
Quảng Nam
THCS Phan Tây Hồ
owadays, large cities are becoming more and more inhabited. The majority of the population prefer living in a big town mainly because of the great advantages it has compared to living in the countryside. However, what are the benefits of this situation, and what are the drawbacks? In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of living in a large city and try to draw some conclusions.

Let’s start looking at the advantages. One of the main positives of a big town is the large amount of shops available in every corner of the city. What I mean by this is that whenever you live, there are some useful stores like supermarkets, banks, tobacconists and clothing stores where you can easily buy everything you need without going to the city center. Secondly, living in a big town is a big challenge for evening parties. In London, for example, there are so many things to do in the evenings like going to the cinema, to the pub or to the park during the summer period.

Turning to the other side of the argument, traffic could be one of the major disadvantages of living in a big city. Many people take the car everyday and it has also been proved that the majority of the families have at least two cars. This means that you have to deal with rush-hour traffic on your way to work and on your way back. In addition, in a big town there is consequently a lot of smog and this can really affect people’s health.

To sum up, living in a big city has great advantages but also some significant negatives.You have to weigh up to the pros of enjoying evenings’ nights outside and the availability of many shops and the cons of cope with smog and traffic issues. Personally, I believe that the benefits of enjoying the city-life and the comfort of having shops at every corner, eventually overweigh the negatives.
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