English THCS Word formation


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20 Tháng mười hai 2020
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

The American painter George Wesley Bellows (1882 - 1925) was the only son of an elderly couple who (1. example) ______ the Midwestern values of honest business practice and strict morality.
From earliest childhood he seemed determined to become an artist. before graduating from Ohio State university, and in the face of stiff parental (2. oppose) ______ he moved to New York to study art. There he was strongly influenced by "The Eight", or American Ashcan School. For the (3. remain) ______ of his life, his work was characterised by realist subject matter (4. lie) ______, which was a traditional approach to composition. He was also fascinated by the various systems of color (5. relate) ______ that painters were using at the time, and studied them in detail. The truly outstanding work he produced in these early days (6. shadow) ______ and contributed to much of his later painting.
Despite his identification with common even low-life themes he was elected an associate of the (7. prestige) ______ National Academy at the exceptionally early age of 27. One of the reasons the Academy honoured Bellows, while (8. hold) ______ approval from many of the other members of "The Eight", was the fact that there were unmistakable references to the old masters in Bellow's work. He was one of the few artists who (9. instinct) ______ combined a modern verve and energy with an appreciation of (10. art) ______ tradition, and his almost universal appeal was therefore not surprising


Cựu TMod Anh
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7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
The American painter George Wesley Bellows (1882 - 1925) was the only son of an elderly couple who (1. example) EXEMPLIFIED (minh chứng tiêu biểu) the Midwestern values of honest business practice and strict morality.
From earliest childhood he seemed determined to become an artist. before graduating from Ohio State university, and in the face of stiff parental (2. oppose) OPPOSITION (parental opposition: sự ngăn cản của phụ huynh) he moved to New York to study art. There he was strongly influenced by "The Eight", or American Ashcan School. For the (3. remain) REMAINDER (for the remainder of sth: phần còn lại của cái gì đó) of his life, his work was characterised by realist subject matter (4. lie) UNDERLYING (nền tảng, cơ bản), which was a traditional approach to composition. He was also fascinated by the various systems of color (5. relate) RELATIONSHIPS (color relationships: sự pha trộn màu sắc) that painters were using at the time, and studied them in detail. The truly outstanding work he produced in these early days (6. shadow) FORESHADOWED (đã được đoán trước, đã được biết trước) and contributed to much of his later painting.
Despite his identification with common even low-life themes he was elected an associate of the (7. prestige) PRESTIGIOUS (uy tín) National Academy at the exceptionally early age of 27. One of the reasons the Academy honoured Bellows, while (8. hold) WITHHOLDING (từ chối, khước từ) approval from many of the other members of "The Eight", was the fact that there were unmistakable references to the old masters in Bellow's work. He was one of the few artists who (9. instinct) INSTINCTIVELY (bản năng, thiên bẩm) combined a modern verve and energy with an appreciation of (10. art) ARTISTIC (thuộc về mỹ thuật) tradition, and his almost universal appeal was therefore not surprising.

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