English THCS Word form

Tú Uyn

Học sinh
Thành viên
31 Tháng bảy 2021
Hà Nam
Trần Phú
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Word form
Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night and try (1.DESPAIR)……………………….hard to get back
to sleep, but instead we spend a really (2. COMFORT)……………………..night tossing and turning until
morning. This situation could be (3. INTERRUPT)…………………….. of a stressful week, but it could also
be because of a sleep pattern we have inherited. Research shows that our ancestors, rather than enjoying an (4. SYMPTOM)……………………..period of sleep at night, had two sleeps broken up by some time awake. The
eight-hours-a-night pattern that has become almost (5. ESSENCE)……………………..to modern humans has
only been (6. CUSTOM)…………………….. in industrialised countries since the 19th century. Then
(7.AFFORD)…………………….. electricity was introduced, which resulted in a division between night and
day that became (8. PROGRESS) ………………….blurred. What had until then been daytime activities could
now be enjoyed after darkness, and as a result, we went to bed later. We were therefore more tired, and this
(8.ABLE)…………………….... us to sleep through the night. However, scientists believe that, subconsciously, some people may still follow the old patterns and have a lengthy period of wakefulness during the night.
HELP ME!!!! Mik đang cần gấp!!!


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night and try (1.DESPAIR)……desperately tuyệt vọng………………….hard to get back
to sleep, but instead, we spend a really (2. unCOMFORTable)…………không thoải mái…………..night tossing and turning until
morning. This situation could be (3. INTERRUPT)…………………….. of a stressful week, but it could also
be because of a sleep pattern we have inherited. Research shows that our ancestors, rather than enjoying an (4. SYMPTOM)……………………..period of sleep at night, had two sleeps broken up by some time awake. The

eight-hours-a-night pattern that has become almost (5. ESSENCE)…………essential (quan trọng)…………..to modern humans has
only been (6. CUSTOM)……customary (phong tục)…………….. in industrialised countries since the 19th century. Then
(7.AFFORD)……affordable (có thể mua đc)……………….. electricity was introduced, which resulted in a division between night and
day that became (8. PROGRESS) ……progressively (dần dần)…………….blurred. What had until then been daytime activities could
now be enjoyed after darkness, and as a result, we went to bed later. We were, therefore, more tired, and this
(8.ABLE)…………enabled (Khiến ai có thể làm gì)………….... us to sleep through the night. However, scientists believe that, subconsciously, some people may still follow the old patterns and have a lengthy period of wakefulness during the night.

đoạn đỏ bị kỳ lạ nha
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Tú Uyn

Học sinh
Thành viên
31 Tháng bảy 2021
Hà Nam
Trần Phú
Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night and try (1.DESPAIR)……desperately tuyệt vọng………………….hard to get back
to sleep, but instead, we spend a really (2. unCOMFORTable)…………không thoải mái…………..night tossing and turning until
morning. This situation could be (3. INTERRUPT)…………………….. of a stressful week, but it could also
be because of a sleep pattern we have inherited. Research shows that our ancestors, rather than enjoying an (4. SYMPTOM)……………………..period of sleep at night, had two sleeps broken up by some time awake. The

eight-hours-a-night pattern that has become almost (5. ESSENCE)…………essential (quan trọng)…………..to modern humans has
only been (6. CUSTOM)……customary (phong tục)…………….. in industrialised countries since the 19th century. Then
(7.AFFORD)……affordable (có thể mua đc)……………….. electricity was introduced, which resulted in a division between night and
day that became (8. PROGRESS) ……progressively (dần dần)…………….blurred. What had until then been daytime activities could
now be enjoyed after darkness, and as a result, we went to bed later. We were, therefore, more tired, and this
(8.ABLE)…………enabled (Khiến ai có thể làm gì)………….... us to sleep through the night. However, scientists believe that, subconsciously, some people may still follow the old patterns and have a lengthy period of wakefulness during the night.

đoạn đỏ bị kỳ lạ nha
kì lạ là như nào thế?


Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
kì lạ là như nào thế?
vì nghĩa của từ symptom là triệu chứng kết hợp vs đoạn sau là period of sleep at night nghe nó buồn cười, mình nghĩ từ interrupt kia ở dưới này mới phải. Bạn xem thử xem có sai đề không.
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